Why does it surprise people when I tell them I have not done the main quest line?

  • Everstorm
    Lot of ppl can't imagine that individual tastes can and will differ.
  • Rawst
    I completed the main quest on multiple characters because I'd never miss an opportunity to ritually sacrifice Lyris.
    Beasts in amber! Wake and remember!
  • Jemcrystal
    Sometimes I lock myself away in Cyrodiil and never leave. I wonder if those who are quest orientated are pve only.
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Argawarga wrote: »
    It might surprise people because ESO has one of the best solo questing experiences in MMOs currently. It explores a lot of the lore and locations that Elder Scrolls geeks like myself have only read about until now. Questing is definitely what drew me and my friends to the game initially. That said, if you're not really into questing then there's still plenty to keep you entertained.

    Also, aside from leveling the Soul Magic skill line there isn't much benefit in completing the main story line.

    Lots of skill points
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Eh outside of the Soul skill line and the Free Skill points if the main quest doesn't interest you then do as you want lol.

    For the soul skill line only two passives really pop out at me as Great. 1st is the hourly free revive (you get a metric ton of already filled soulgems so this is nice but negligible.) 2nd is the auto fill of soulgem when you kill something. Everything else in the skill line is relatively useless imho.

    Other than that the free skill points are nice but truthfully you get so many skill points via Skyshards, Dlc Quests, and just random side quests as well as levels that you really don't "omg gotta have these or I'ma be super duper weak!!!"

    more than 3/4ths of the sky shard skill points are going to be used for things that are for outside of questing anyways (the crafting skills the pickpocket skills and whatnot) so unless you absolutely have to have every passive in the game and then some along with your build no matter how noncontributing the passive is then you don't "need" those skill points.
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • Amadis001
    It's just the easy skill points and leveling, really. The main quest line is the _first_ think I do on any alt because it's so efficient in that regard. This is true, at least, for someone like me who doesn't want to just XP-grind to level, and then go skyshard farming. But if you're cool with that approach, then don't listen to the naysayers.
    // Amadis of Gaul -- DK Nord (Lvl 50 CP 1000)
  • Argawarga
    Rawst wrote: »
    I completed the main quest on multiple characters because I'd never miss an opportunity to ritually sacrifice Lyris.

    Wait, why Lyris? She's likeable enough. The Prophet though? I gleefully destroy that guy every single time, like...


    Edited by Argawarga on March 14, 2017 9:15PM
  • CMFan1966
    Jemcrystal wrote: »
    I'm here for the open world map not to be some npc's beech.

    I would think if you want to open the soul magic ability, all you would need to do is go to the harborage for the first time and follow The Prophet around for 10 minutes. Once you get out of his mind, you get a skill point and the soul magic ability. Then you should be able to abandon the quest and go on with your life as if nothing ever happened. ;) Of course that's only a theory..... I haven't tried it.
  • BadLuckCharm
    CMFan1966 wrote: »
    Jemcrystal wrote: »
    I'm here for the open world map not to be some npc's beech.

    I would think if you want to open the soul magic ability, all you would need to do is go to the harborage for the first time and follow The Prophet around for 10 minutes. Once you get out of his mind, you get a skill point and the soul magic ability. Then you should be able to abandon the quest and go on with your life as if nothing ever happened. ;) Of course that's only a theory..... I haven't tried it.

    You get Soul Magic open before that - it comes from "Soul-Shriven in Coldharbor" the orientation quest that you can skip when you've done it once. You won't progress that line after opening it, but you do get the soul-capturing ability. I usually put off going into the Harborage until around level 10, i put the soul-capture thing on my bar until other skills fill it up.
    Edited by BadLuckCharm on March 14, 2017 10:08PM
  • CMFan1966
    CMFan1966 wrote: »
    Jemcrystal wrote: »
    I'm here for the open world map not to be some npc's beech.

    I would think if you want to open the soul magic ability, all you would need to do is go to the harborage for the first time and follow The Prophet around for 10 minutes. Once you get out of his mind, you get a skill point and the soul magic ability. Then you should be able to abandon the quest and go on with your life as if nothing ever happened. ;) Of course that's only a theory..... I haven't tried it.

    You get Soul Magic open before that - it comes from "Soul-Shriven in Coldharbor" the orientation quest that you can skip when you've done it once. You won't progress that line after opening it, but you do get the soul-capturing ability. I usually put off going into the Harborage until around level 10, i put the soul-capture thing on my bar until other skills fill it up.

    Well, that's even better then! :) I don't play through that part of it much anymore.

  • BRogueNZ
    Argawarga wrote: »
    Rawst wrote: »
    I completed the main quest on multiple characters because I'd never miss an opportunity to ritually sacrifice Lyris.

    Wait, why Lyris? She's likeable enough. The Prophet though? I gleefully destroy that guy every single time, like...


    This was my second time through it and as much as Lyris really annoyed me, and the fact it was the old mans fault anyway I said cya Varan. I would've felt a little bad for Sai Sahan, sacrificing his snow pettle or whatever he referred to her as.
    All I could see in his future was xbred babies and he was a happy man.
    Enjoyed Abnur's banter and thought he was really well written and voiced. The other two I have not time for.
  • acw37162
    Surprising, yes very.

    Unexpected, no not so much.

    Will say if you enjoy the game you should play through it at least once if for no other reason then the skill points.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Why are you surprised that people are surprised ?

    You miss an awesome, well written story, an epic feeling, deep characters and great events. And skill points.
    Of course it's your choice to skip all this and as such it's OK, but I think people being surprised doesn't mean people disapproving.

    I'll always wonder why people who hate questing and don't care about lore and stories play MMORPG and not MOBAs instead, but to each his own, I guess.

  • Jemcrystal
    When did I say I did not care about lore? Questing and lore are different. Lore is history.

    Questing is, "I can't reach that apple right behind my head can you pick it off the tree for me. On account of you being the chosen one and all. HURRY IT UP THE WORLD WILL END IF YOU DON'T!" Yeah yeah going to go pick your stupid apple. Not that I wanted to be chosen. Not that I would side with the daedra instead if given the choice. Nice to know no one notices I'm a dark elf. Not that I wouldn't sacrifice all of you npc's to the god of *** if he offered me a nice shoe dye. Yeah yeah I'm going.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    I've done the main quest line 6 times and Cadwells Gold twice . It does nor surprise me you skipped it . Only a select few are worthy of wearing a pot on their head .
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Jemcrystal wrote: »
    When did I say I did not care about lore? Questing and lore are different. Lore is history.

    ... but questing is the way to access lore information in a narrative, storytelling way. Unless you prefer to read books and stories on websites such as uesp.
    If you like lore, then you miss even more by not doing the quests.

    But it's your choice. OK. Now your question is "why are people surprised", I'm merely answering that question.

    As to your argument "Stupid NPC's ask me to do trivial things that they could do themselves", well, at least the main story is very detailed and deeply thought as to why the Vestige and noone else can do it. But you can't know that... you haven't played it :D

    Admittedly side and zone quests can sometimes be somewhat strange (why doesn't an Orc chief find out by himself what's happening in his clan ?). But that's the way of the story telling. If you want a story where NPCs do their stuff because they can, you might just as well... read a book or watch a movie.

    And as to choices being limited and having no real consequences, that's MMO law. You can't at the same time have a world that's identical for everyone (so that you can play with other people) and that also transforms depending on your individual choices. IF you want real choices, play a single player game like The Witcher.

  • Dragonking06
    I'll admit I only did the story on a couple of my characters, does get a bit boring if you have to do the same quests 5~8 times, I'll do them occasionally for the skill points on new characters, but not to listen to the NPC's. I did listen to EVERY single piece of dialog the very first time I did it, and I loved the story a lot. Really drew me in and was very immersive.

    But I just can't understand why people buy a game only to say "I wanna be end game and have the best gear and *** the story." Which you can do, but... That's like buying a single player, story driven game and expecting to get to the end content without going through the story line, like The Witcher or Skyrim. Basically, kind of pointless... But each to their own I guess...
    PC - NA Server
    Nora Wolf-bane - Nord - Knight of Alkosh, Tank
    "We both looked into the Abyss. But when it looked back... You blinked."
  • Ballzy321
    The last quest is an awsome. People aren't surprised they just feel bad for you. Didn't u have to do story line back in the day to get to Caldwell's silver?
  • Tabbycat
    I thought you had to complete the Main Story Quest before you could start earning Champion points/levels.

    Did that change with One Tamriel? O.o
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Jemcrystal
    Jemcrystal wrote: »
    When did I say I did not care about lore? Questing and lore are different. Lore is history.

    -snip- ............. IF you want real choices, play a single player game like The Witcher.

    So I can be a straight male constantly beating the echantress'es off me? But I don't get to date the token cross dressing elf. I'm gonna go sulk in a corner and count my gwent cards now tyvm.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Jemcrystal wrote: »
    Jemcrystal wrote: »
    When did I say I did not care about lore? Questing and lore are different. Lore is history.

    -snip- ............. IF you want real choices, play a single player game like The Witcher.

    So I can be a straight male constantly beating the echantress'es off me? But I don't get to date the token cross dressing elf. I'm gonna go sulk in a corner and count my gwent cards now tyvm.

    Yup. Witcher lets you choose what you do - not who you are. ESO lets you choose who you are - not what you do. The two opposite versions of RPG.
    If you know of a game that lets you both be who yu want and choose what you do, with consequences, please share it, I'd be very happy to give it a try.
  • ku5h
    OP just wanted to tell us he is to cool to take orders( quests) from NPCs. "No one is going to tell me what to do!"-in baby voice.
    Edited by ku5h on March 15, 2017 12:49PM
  • Jemcrystal
    Maybe if Razum-dar would pull out an electric guitar and sing, "I want to f*u like an animal," as a Closer, by Nine Inch Nails easter egg I might perk up a bit. Say, does ESO even have any easter eggs?
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Jemcrystal wrote: »
    Maybe if Razum-dar would pull out an electric guitar and sing, "I want to f*u like an animal," as a Closer, by Nine Inch Nails easter egg I might perk up a bit. Say, does ESO even have any easter eggs?

    Well, one of the most famous, talking about WItcher, is a book you find in the Gold Coast called "The butcher of Bravil".

    Else, a pretty good list here : http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Easter_Eggs_(Online)
    and another one here : http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Easter_Eggs

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on March 15, 2017 1:19PM
  • BRogueNZ
    you have no soul, you are the only one who can save us Neo, if you don't do the main story this game dies for all of us.. though I get the impression you'd be ok with that lol
  • Jaeysa
    Because when you complete it you get:
    * Dyes
    * An awesome quest where you punch molag bal in the face.
    * Oodles and oodles of skill points.
    * If you care about housing, achievement furnishings.
    PC/NA: Primarily Daggerfall Covenant.

    Lennie: Breton Sorceror. 9-trait crafter on everything, purveyor of useless frippery.
  • Youarc
    The passives under soul magic are nice and the free skill points are great. For me, the one thing I look forward to the most every time I play through the main story (and yes, I have done it on every character so far) is the very last mission (won't go in to details for those who haven't played it/still want to play it).

    But I also love Abnur Tharn and Molag Bal. Both had amazing voice actors, scripts, etc. And Molag Bal is just so freaking cool looking in person. I played Skyrim again recently and I was SO disappointed remembering the voice they gave Molag in that game..... weak and pitiful :(
    A coward believes he will ever live
    if he keep him safe from strife:
    but old age leaves him not long in peace
    though spears may spare his life.
    -Havamal Stanza 16
  • Argawarga
    I've done the main quest line 6 times and Cadwells Gold twice . It does nor surprise me you skipped it . Only a select few are worthy of wearing a pot on their head .

    It's almost like the devs were making some kind of commentary about the type of person who'd be crazy enough to complete the achievement :wink:
  • Tasear
    3000 hours in... maybe I will do cadwell sliver this week...maybe....
    Edited by Tasear on March 15, 2017 9:17PM
  • MissBizz
    Skill points!!!
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
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