Ep1kMalware wrote: »healers are the most useless person in the group. Just slot lingering ritual/vigor and que as healer. Don't believe me? Just stand there, pop ritual/vigor. Wow.. it really is that easy to keep everyone alive.. how lame.
there are dps who fail to kill adds, stand in stupid, make the healer run OoM to keep them alive in red, the blame the healer for dying.
Ep1kMalware wrote: »
healers are the most useless person in the group. Just slot lingering ritual/vigor and que as healer. Don't believe me? Just stand there, pop ritual/vigor. Wow.. it really is that easy to keep everyone alive.. how lame.
That wasn't me because my healer isn't a Magplar but I had a similar situation from the other side. Party wiped and out Templar DPS unleashed a torrent of abuse at me. I tried to calmly suggest that next time we should try to take down the adds rather than letting them build up the whole battle until there were so many they were countless. I also tried to suggest that it would help if the DPS didn't stand in AOEs. We wiped again, again the entire blame went to the healer (me) not the DPS who refused to take down the adds who were doing a ton of damage. After that the DPS said healing is easy and you are a ****, I'll heal this time and you DPS. Naturally we wiped again but at least that time it was quick.
Final abuse, "**** you ****, you can't **** heal (not true) and can't **** DPS (true)," followed by a rage quit.
PS: If the tank is reading this, you were heroic and very skilful. I wish you talked.
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »
Many reasons to not GTFO a healer. One of them is after this /even if you runt in forums/ he and not only he may put you on ignore... Know this that he can play without 1 dps, but dps cant play without healer. No matter do they suck or not - respect them. They are there to heal YOU not to show their duck is bigger than others by pushing mindlesly dps....
Question : if adds are dead and not agroing the healer, HOW he die? M ?
I wont even coment this ....
And TBH dont know why forum GM dont lock this yet?
And maybe ban the GTFO user for a week, to help him chill.... ?!?
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »The DPS died because the Healer died and the Healer died because the TANK DIDNT DO THEIR JOB.
Um, no, that's not how it works. Healers die all the time to things that are outside the control of either the DPS or the tank.
Well, not all the time, but you know what I mean. If the healer decides to stand in a lava pit, for example, there's usually fuckall that anyone else can do about it. I don't care how good the tank is or how much control the DPS have over adds. And FYI, there are in fact several bosses that the tank flat out can not prevent from attacking other members of the team. It's coded as part of the mechanics of the fight.
If the Healer was dying from the Boss, then the Tank wasnt doing their job. You cant Heal the group if youre forced to Heal yourself while running away from death.
Ep1kMalware wrote: »
Why? What's the tank susposed to do? Tank the ground? Pull the healer back to the group with chains? Why do you people think healers are some super force? 99.999% of every healer in this vanilla ass game is an idiot that only rolls a healer so they can get onto groups. They fall into the narcissistic delusion that it's okay to wander off, and ignore mechanics. But it's okay to suck because they got heals, and their attitude reflects it.
All you need to do to win eso is pack a couple self heals for sustain and avoid 1 shot mechanics. Healers only help the people that absolutely struggle with the most simple concept of vanilla pve.
There are ofc vet trials but that's a different ball park.
kcrayner_ESO wrote: »...and.. not to mention your healer stole all your punctuation marks!!!!!!!
Ep1kMalware wrote: »
Why? What's the tank susposed to do? Tank the ground? Pull the healer back to the group with chains? Why do you people think healers are some super force? 99.999% of every healer in this vanilla ass game is an idiot that only rolls a healer so they can get onto groups. They fall into the narcissistic delusion that it's okay to wander off, and ignore mechanics. But it's okay to suck because they got heals, and their attitude reflects it.
All you need to do to win eso is pack a couple self heals for sustain and avoid 1 shot mechanics. Healers only help the people that absolutely struggle with the most simple concept of vanilla pve.
There are ofc vet trials but that's a different ball park.
notimetocare wrote: »
So you heal que pug dungeons when you aren't a healer and complain about pugs and people dying. Logic
If the player is a bad Healer, that usually means theyre generally a bad player. You want them to queue as something else and then suck at being a DPS or, God forbid suck at being a Tank? Healers specifically are not bad players, it just gives bad players the wrong idea. "Ooh if im the Healer then i dont habe to do any of the work". Fortunately players like me who routinely play Healer know better. We understand a good Dungeon group has a balance.
Tanks keep all the attention on them so the DPS and Healer arent overwhelmed.
DPS lay on the damage so the Tank isnt eventually overwhelmed.
And the Healer makes sure the DPS and the Tank dont have to worry about their own Healing so they can focus on their jobs.
Yeah the Healer should do their job, but its incredibly difficult to do their job if the others dont do theirs. But i dont like your gtfo mentality, we should be teaching players, not crapping on them, and i dont care if you say everything can be dont without Healers, All roles are necessary for smooth runs. If you want to argue that Healers arent needed, take it up with the Devs.