stephbay123 wrote: »I would start another character but with normal life and other games I'm not going to spend a year completing quests, searching for shards and books and stuff.
Its just annoying that when your 626cp with high damage and penetration an enemy doesn't even flinch when firing arrow after arrow at them then all they do is run to you, keep you out of cloak and then bomb you lol
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »
Only takes me 2 to 3 days max from level 3 to CP on my alts. Some people can do it, with 15 to 20 hours of gameplay time. So if the time investment is a reason you can't make new characters. Then it seem that it's the lack of playtime or lack of experience that's getting you killed. More so then balance issues. So people can do it, with 15 to 20 hours of gameplay time.
Feedinginsanity wrote: »@Aedaryl You are trolling. Get out of here seriously. Troll king is garbage, 1st piece bonus is only 2%, and 2nd piece bonus is only applied to other players.
@stephbay123 I understand you. I am getting ready to use heavy armor, I'm getting very tired of wearing medium armor. I die very easily, my heals are too slow even though I have a lot of points into increased healing with a lot of weapon damage and maximum stamina. At the moment I am running 5 hundings rage, 5 viper, and 2 velidreth. These are my stats when I buff up.
Stamina nightblade is not viable by any means without using the meta. Yes, you can play it "skillfully", and by skillfully I mean have a blast at dying so often and not being able to burst tanky characters, or even scratch their health bar. I die very easily and I despise anyone who has the nerve to say that nightblade is the easiest class to play in the game because of cloak. Even though they are fully aware that this is the most unreliable skill in the game, they will refuse to admit that nightblades are difficult to play, despite that they literally just contradicted themselves. My health bar drops in about 2 seconds, and I get kind of tired of this animation canceling. Chase after one player, keep spamming ambush and he still keeps running away, cannot lay a single hit on him, until he gets behind a corner and bursts me down in a 2 seconds.
@Moglijuana You must be trolling. Cloak has been the most useless ability in this game since it came out, I cannot believe how people think that this ability has ever got any better. This is still unbalanced, I don't know if you realize this but proc sets are still broken, poisons are still broken, tanky builds with endless sustain, instant heals, and too much burst still exist. I honestly don't understand what the point is of being a nightblade. Stamdk hits just as hard as a nightblade with more sustain, more tankiness, more heals. I don't understand how anyone has any right to say that this patch is balanced. Dizzying swings is hitting for 13k in 5 heavy, dawnbreaker says it hits for 14k which by the way hits just as much as the nightblade ultimate does except it cannot be dodged, and my finisher is just as good as a nightblade. I'm sorry but you don't seem very aware of what's going on right now.
Simple fact is power creep has outpaced medium/light armor for viability. Rearrangements or removal of the CP system would be the best fix.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »
Nah all ZOS needs to do is remove the passive that made heavy armor the be all and end all. After that PvP would be fine. Heavy armor itself just hands out so much damage in the same package of survivalbility ofc medium and light armor are going to be worst off. When nothing was done to increase their survival.
Almost all of the successful PvPers are wearing at least 5 piece heavy. All of the rest are simply for too good so they can afford to gimp their selves in light or medium. Or they just die million deaths to the players in heavy armor. Or they just gank from stealth.
The CP system can use a bit of a nerf. But the classes them selves are pretty balance outside of some are able to synergize with heavy armor easier. Key issues is the fact that heavy armor is just soo OP AF it just outclasses all of the other armors in PvP when not ganking.
Stam nightblades have not got great survive-ability but good burst damage. Our only advantage was sneak and now that is useless with almost any skill pulling you out of it.
Stamina NB has never been a bad class since 1.7 in fact they have one of the best single target ultimate in the game. Yes, I don't deny EOS has really strong and almost OP AOE damage for an ulti but you need to remember Eye of the storm cost 240 ULTIMATE POINTS compare to the 70 from incap strike. On the other hand incap strike gives you a damage boost (20% or 30%?) and on top of that it CC your opponent & gives them major defile. That's 3 effect from 1 ulti. And btw use shadow image! you can make those EOS junkies feel like an idiot.stephbay123 wrote: »A nightblades ultimate is avoidable however eye of whatever is not as all a player needs to do is pop it on and run to a couple of players fighting.
This is just excuses. Magicka templar is not even close to Stam NB if u compare them offensively. Watch my gameplay video and see what I do against beamers & tryhard templars. They don't even stand a chance against a half decent stamNBRadiant destruction can pop easily for 12k and a few clicks of a button and biting jabs and blazing shield and your gone without even having a chance.
Shadow Image. Learn to use it. It is arguably the best repositioning skill in the game
Stamina NB has never been a bad class since 1.7 in fact they have one of the best single target ultimate in the game. Yes, I don't deny EOS has really strong and almost OP AOE damage for an ulti but you need to remember Eye of the storm cost 240 ULTIMATE POINTS compare to the 70 from incap strike. On the other hand incap strike gives you a damage boost (20% or 30%?) and on top of that it CC your opponent & gives them major defile. That's 3 effect from 1 ulti. And btw use shadow image! you can make those EOS junkies feel like an idiot.
This is just excuses. Magicka templar is not even close to Stam NB if u compare them offensively. Watch my gameplay video and see what I do against beamers & tryhard templars. They don't even stand a chance against a half decent stamNB
100% non-cut pvp action - Homestead Patch
The game is the closest to balanced that I've seen any time since I started playing in 1.6, in regards to the classes. If players that complain about balance spent half the time improving their play that they do complaining, well, they wouldn't have as much to complain about.
All I know is, I play with nightblades on the daily who are killin it, both stamina and magicka. So with that being the case, I can safely chock up all the nightblade tears as l2p issues.
Shadow Image. Learn to use it. It is arguably the best repositioning skill in the game
Stamina NB has never been a bad class since 1.7 in fact they have one of the best single target ultimate in the game. Yes, I don't deny EOS has really strong and almost OP AOE damage for an ulti but you need to remember Eye of the storm cost 240 ULTIMATE POINTS compare to the 70 from incap strike. On the other hand incap strike gives you a damage boost (20% or 30%?) and on top of that it CC your opponent & gives them major defile. That's 3 effect from 1 ulti. And btw use shadow image! you can make those EOS junkies feel like an idiot.
This is just excuses. Magicka templar is not even close to Stam NB if u compare them offensively. Watch my gameplay video and see what I do against beamers & tryhard templars. They don't even stand a chance against a half decent stamNB
100% non-cut pvp action - Homestead Patch
This statement tells me everything I need to know about you. if you think this patch is even remotely balanced then you are simply another person blowing up the forums with their own agenda. Probably sorc or mDK I would guess. You saying " I know this nightblade and he does fine" is hilarious. So what. I know this pet sorc and he is god uncontested in duels. Nerf sorcs. How's that?
Sorc damage is off the charts right now, mDK damage is off the charts right now, Stamplar damage is off the charts right now. Ultis have completely spun out of control. I love my nightblade but I'm here to tell you my mDK is light years better.
Aside from ganking (which about any class can do) Nightblades are outclassed in damage and aren't even on the same planet in heals and survivability. Cloak is a freaking joke. Since it's obvious you don't play a nighblade I'll just take it for granted you pretty much have no idea what you are talking about.
And before you spout more of your l2p nonsense I've played a nighblade since launch. He is a legate and all I have done
with him is duel and small scale. Pretty much everyone I know who duels has dropped the class like a bad habit. I know people say you can't use duels as a litmus test for a class. I say what better way do we have? Especially with battlegrounds right around the corner. I'm going to laugh when sorcs occupy leaderboard spots at a 10 to 1 ratio over nighblades and it's there for everyone to see. L2p... whatever dude.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »I understand the feeling . I'm just too stubborn to quit .
thankyourat wrote: »I think all the nightblade actually did quit. It took me 2 days to do my kill enemy nightblades quest. I even do the DK one faster now. I haven't been ganked in a couple days either
Feedinginsanity wrote: »@Aedaryl You are trolling. Get out of here seriously. Troll king is garbage, 1st piece bonus is only 2%, and 2nd piece bonus is only applied to other players.
stephbay123 wrote: »I would start another character but with normal life and other games I'm not going to spend a year completing quests, searching for shards and books and stuff.
Its just annoying that when your 626cp with high damage and penetration an enemy doesn't even flinch when firing arrow after arrow at them then all they do is run to you, keep you out of cloak and then bomb you lol
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »
Only takes me 2 to 3 days max from level 3 to CP on my alts. Some people can do it, with 15 to 20 hours of gameplay time. So if the time investment is a reason you can't make new characters. Then it seem that it's the lack of playtime or lack of experience that's getting you killed. More so then balance issues. So people can do it, with 15 to 20 hours of gameplay time.
@Joy_Division So seeing a clip of a successful cloak is all that is required for you to think it's not broken lol? I feel like Templars expect their Breath of Life to work when they press the button. I bet Sorcs expect their shields to work when they press the button.
Imagine everything in the game that prevents a nightblade from cloaking now also prevented Hardened ward, Healing ward, Annulment, Breath of Life and any form of Major Mending. Welcome to the Nightblade class. Cloak is our only way to escape the insane amount of damage in PvP. And it's only for 3 seconds at a time. Now we can't even Vigor in cloak because it breaks stealth.
@Joy_Division So seeing a clip of a successful cloak is all that is required for you to think it's not broken lol? I feel like Templars expect their Breath of Life to work when they press the button. I bet Sorcs expect their shields to work when they press the button.
Imagine everything in the game that prevents a nightblade from cloaking now also prevented Hardened ward, Healing ward, Annulment, Breath of Life and any form of Major Mending. Welcome to the Nightblade class. Cloak is our only way to escape the insane amount of damage in PvP. And it's only for 3 seconds at a time. Now we can't even Vigor in cloak because it breaks stealth.
Valera Progib wrote: »
Wow, you should get nominated for worst player of the year.
On the subject - you kill = balance, you die = inbalance?
All stam nb do is just stack damage, well some news for you - pvp is not about damage.