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  • Jitterbug
    Solariken wrote: »
    I'm sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Don't give up on it, just try some different build types and see if there are other playstyles you like. Nightblades aren't as relatively OP now as they used to be so you have to build for more balance if you want to survive.

    It's true that building for huge burst and relying on Cloak means you are going to get owned often, especially when outnumbered. The assassin playstyle can be fun but is really difficult to pull off consistently, especially with the ridiculous instant heals that everyone has. Drop vampirism - with the amount of fire damage and Dawnbreakers out there you aren't doing yourself any favors with vampirism. Use Cloak for utility if you want but forget about it for escape.

    You could also try moving to Azura's Star - I personally feel that PvP is vastly more balanced without CP.

    So dont use mist and dont use cloak... so just tank it?
  • DHale
    Or you could play another class. If you or anyone fails to adapt to this game as it changes or evolves then it is time to say good bye. I like running dual wield and hate 2 hander. Why do I use a two hander.... one word... rally. I am not going to get mad I am just going to use the tools available to me. Sometime we must do things we don't like.
    Edited by DHale on March 9, 2017 5:04PM
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • Feedinginsanity
    @Sandman929 No they do not. My stamdk is hitting for 13k dizzying swings on my tooltip, and my dawnbreaker says it hits for 14k instant damage on my tool tip as well. My surprise attack is only for like 10k, and my incappacitating strikes is almost the same amount as my dawnbreaker is. My execute is hitting as hard as my killers blade, and my gap closer isn't garbage because I don't play on PC. Sorry PC user, but the game sucks on your platform.

    My heals are like Jesus of Nazareth, my sustain is outrageous, and my tankiness is strong as hell.
  • Sureshawt
    Jitterbug wrote: »

    So dont use mist and dont use cloak... so just tank it?

    You can use cloak for escape but for me to ensure it works(vast majority of time) I found I have to combine it with two other things.

    -Rapid Manuevers
    -Immovable Pots

    Given the cost of combing these things it is strictly an escape and reset fight method but it provides speed and immunity to all movement/control impairment.

    Also I should note that I have 'Concealed Weapon' on my cloak bar for additional speed when cloaked/stealth. I know it is a high price to pay but my survivability/success went way up with it on the bar.

    Normal use of cloak for positioning and dropping targeting is still effective with good judgement especially with 'Concealed Weapon' and speed buff (Dodge roll with bow or Rapids)

    Edited by Sureshawt on March 9, 2017 5:12PM
  • Arkangeloski
  • CyrusArya

    Balance is a subjective concept, and people will have varying opinions and benchmarks. But based on the sheer amount that you QQ and complain about stuff, Im gonna venture to say your standards of balance will probably never be met- nor should they be. Just cus something is powerful doesn't mean its unbalanced. Since we are speaking specifically about class balance, the crux of my argument here is that every class can be extremely powerful in the right hands right now in their own ways. No one class stands out as too underpowered or too overpowered...hence balanced.

    Your idea of balance seems to be a watered down game where everything is neutered, and I disagree with that position. My idea of balance is more about a rock/paper/scissor distribution of checks and counters. Where no one thing is too good or too bad. And I do believe we have something quite close to that.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Moglijuana
    Lol. Idk what to tell you man. L2P? There are plenty of good stamblades in the game. Despotic is also in my guild, and his stamDK is his main char with fully leveled passives/gear etc. Of course a stam DK is going to be tankier than a NB. It's the way the class was designed. NB's are not designed to sit there and take damage, it just doesn't work like that. Play another class if you want to be a frontline fighter. OR better yet, change your build a bit to adapt to the current meta. All builds don't work ALL the time. Switch it up.

    Cloak most definitely works better this patch than last. Combined with shadow image, it's never been easier to reset a fight as a stamblade.
    Edited by Moglijuana on March 9, 2017 5:49PM
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • Xeniph
    @NBrookus I hope you know that Malubeth practically heals for 11k non crit and all troll king does is give you 1400 health recovery. Stuff recovers every 2 seconds. "It's the new malubeth", Nothing will ever be stronger than malubeth with or without crits.

    That 1400 recovery can be increased by quite a lot, coupled with most folk's already 300ish. But I am sure I don't need to explain to you how percentage increases work...right?

    You may need to think out of the box on this one :)

    To the OP-

    I don't think you are having issue with the NB class in this meta, per se. I do however think your playstyle/gearing prefrences are suffering.
    As others have suggested, try some new specs and playstyles and see if it gets better. You can literally build the same specs for all classes with clever usage of gear and abilities.
    I find, the biggest issue with players these days is their refusal to adapt. And once you have exhausted your options on one class and still are unhappy, it's time to reroll or leave. This is why many of us have multiples of all 4 classes.

    It does not take more than a few days to get enough skill points and the mages skill line. The hardest part of a new toon is the undaunted, the rest is easy peasy. No quests and only Alchemy required.
    Here since Beta.

    Characters: All of them, both Stamina and Magicka.
  • Dreyloch
    @Aedaryl You are trolling. Get out of here seriously. Troll king is garbage, 1st piece bonus is only 2%, and 2nd piece bonus is only applied to other players.

    @stephbay123 I understand you. I am getting ready to use heavy armor, I'm getting very tired of wearing medium armor. I die very easily, my heals are too slow even though I have a lot of points into increased healing with a lot of weapon damage and maximum stamina. At the moment I am running 5 hundings rage, 5 viper, and 2 velidreth. These are my stats when I buff up.

    Stamina nightblade is not viable by any means without using the meta. Yes, you can play it "skillfully", and by skillfully I mean have a blast at dying so often and not being able to burst tanky characters, or even scratch their health bar. I die very easily and I despise anyone who has the nerve to say that nightblade is the easiest class to play in the game because of cloak. Even though they are fully aware that this is the most unreliable skill in the game, they will refuse to admit that nightblades are difficult to play, despite that they literally just contradicted themselves. My health bar drops in about 2 seconds, and I get kind of tired of this animation canceling. Chase after one player, keep spamming ambush and he still keeps running away, cannot lay a single hit on him, until he gets behind a corner and bursts me down in a 2 seconds.

    @Moglijuana You must be trolling. Cloak has been the most useless ability in this game since it came out, I cannot believe how people think that this ability has ever got any better. This is still unbalanced, I don't know if you realize this but proc sets are still broken, poisons are still broken, tanky builds with endless sustain, instant heals, and too much burst still exist. I honestly don't understand what the point is of being a nightblade. Stamdk hits just as hard as a nightblade with more sustain, more tankiness, more heals. I don't understand how anyone has any right to say that this patch is balanced. Dizzying swings is hitting for 13k in 5 heavy, dawnbreaker says it hits for 14k which by the way hits just as much as the nightblade ultimate does except it cannot be dodged, and my finisher is just as good as a nightblade. I'm sorry but you don't seem very aware of what's going on right now.

    Your really not making me want to sympathize here. You have pretty good stats for a NB or any stam DPS build for that matter. Alomst 1700 regen, 37K stam pool, hell, you even have 14k magicka, and 4k weapon damage? Yeeahhh I'm sorry. With those stats I should be able to sneeze in your general direction and kill you.Because you've built for pure damage. Not surviving.

    I don't know what kind of play you do. Is it 1vX? Small group? Large raid? If your running medium armor on a CP campaign...I have to tell you it's not survivable. Light armor is worse. Change to heavy armor, Stop thinking like a PvE'r with your damage procs and crits, and you'll do much better. You keep complaining about DK's and Temps etc. too. Instead of raging in red letters (very VERY annoying btw) why not change your toon over to magicka? Become a bomb blade.
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • Arthg
    I believe non-CP campaigns allow for a greater variety of builds, and I would say they're overall more balanced - maybe you could give them a try?
    On Azu PC/EU, there are a bunch of seriously hard-hitting stam NBs - not all of them with cheesy proc sets.

    PC/EU. NoCP PvP. sDK Orc IRL. Flawless tamperor. Pro scrub.
  • xboxone1Q
    Nightblades can't gank like they used to lol. I main a Templar and been using him since day 1. You nightblades have no idea of what pain feels like when we have been nerfed the most on here. :/
  • Grebcol
    NB is utterly UP. Nothing to say anymore
    Former Mod Dev. of the Edain Mod for The Battle for Middle Earth 2
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    CyrusArya wrote: »

    Balance is a subjective concept, and people will have varying opinions and benchmarks. But based on the sheer amount that you QQ and complain about stuff, Im gonna venture to say your standards of balance will probably never be met- nor should they be. Just cus something is powerful doesn't mean its unbalanced. Since we are speaking specifically about class balance, the crux of my argument here is that every class can be extremely powerful in the right hands right now in their own ways. No one class stands out as too underpowered or too overpowered...hence balanced.

    Your idea of balance seems to be a watered down game where everything is neutered, and I disagree with that position. My idea of balance is more about a rock/paper/scissor distribution of checks and counters. Where no one thing is too good or too bad. And I do believe we have something quite close to that.

    I don't QQ bout nothing. I'm just stating how things currently are. It's not just powerful....there are certain setups that you can not kill 1v1 that can deal absurd amounts of damage. xsinthesis posted a video show casing it before he quit ESO. It's just one of many combinations.

    I don't think many realize the large open zergy nature of Cyrodiil masks many of these issues from people that don't really understand the class and weapon synergies of some of these setups.

    I'm not saying you don't. I'm saying your underselling the issue. If we're just talking about Cyrodiil then I would tend to agree, but it's not even close to being balanced when talking about 4v4 Battlegrounds.

    The OP aspects of classes in Cyrodiil is countered by zergs and numbers that won't be the case in Battlegrounds.

    Folks are just going to have to see for themselves..sometimes ya just gotta see it for yourself and you probably will if they leave things as is

    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • Malamar1229
    @Aedaryl You are trolling. Get out of here seriously. Troll king is garbage, 1st piece bonus is only 2%, and 2nd piece bonus is only applied to other players.

    Troll King is arguably the best defensive set in the game for stam.
    Edited by Malamar1229 on March 10, 2017 2:05AM
  • kevlarto_ESO
    Folks need to stop saying the game is balanced because it isn't. its not even close.

    A Stam Sorc can run around with 700 regen and have infinite resources due to Dark Deal
    Mag Sorcs just wear Amberplasm + Stam Regen Mundas Stone and spam Dark Conversion for infinite resources

    Every Mag Sorc can infinite resources for that matter, im like 100 stam recovery away(will tweak build tonight) to have enough stam to always break free perpetually, no need to block or roll with 12-13k wards. Add in Pirate Skeelton, its broken.

    Templars in 5 Reactive 5 Lich 2 Malabeth with a friend, especially using the Allaince War skill guard simply can not be kiled by anything outside of Negate spam and root won't kill them, even shooting them with 3 siege weapons at the same time don't make a dent....good luck with that in Battlegrounds if left as is.

    there are Nightblade builds that can insta-kill you. You literally have no reaction time...they press the button your dead...they can hit for 35k or more instant damage, no one outside a tank survives....which is why there is so many tanks in PVP.

    Root spam is broken, just rooting people repeadlty without cooldown

    Look the game is fun, lots of great people in this game, but its not even close to balanced.

    I agree^^^^ the game is no where near balanced there should never be any class with infinite resources, with a tank like build dealing out massive damage, what kind of balance is that LOL the dev's have no clue on how mmo combat works here it seems.
    Edited by kevlarto_ESO on March 10, 2017 3:10AM
  • JDC1985
    The main fact is some players are just better than others it don't matter what the nerf or change the good players will still win and the potato's will still die over and over.
  • Torbschka

    Please try and understand the point -and by the way I do not use any procs

    I understand that as a nightblade I can be easily killed however no way should a player be able to take on 10 players and be a tank, healer and damage dealer in one and constantly kill, heal to full health constantly and tank constantly. Also should not be an ultimate to pop and then just run through players to kill them without even hitting them.
    1v20 (20 potatoes? Rabbits? Trees? Never will find out)

    Just for the lols :smile:
  • mtwiggz
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    The game is the closest to balanced that I've seen any time since I started playing in 1.6, in regards to the classes. If players that complain about balance spent half the time improving their play that they do complaining, well, they wouldn't have as much to complain about.

    All I know is, I play with nightblades on the daily who are killin it, both stamina and magicka. So with that being the case, I can safely chock up all the nightblade tears as l2p issues.

    Great bait mate!
  • NBrookus

    Troll King is arguably the best defensive set in the game for stam.

    Shhhh! Troll King is garbage and no one should use it!
  • Wrubius_Coronaria
    I don't understand this thread, nightblades are still very funny to play in my opinion. And I play without proc sets and I'm not a ganker, I must be crazy. :D

    My build and stats if someone is interested:


    The things that drive me crazy in cyrodiil are more related to sets and monsters sets instead of classes and skills itself. Like triple proc gankers (these super skilled combos like eternal hunt + viper and velidreth or widow maker + viper and velidreth), or heavy armor builds who hit like a truck with tremorscale and viper. The problem is coming from builds and sets. But also champion points.
    Fun fact : I've often stopped many fights on cp campaigns because no one was able to kill each other; wich is never happening in non cp campaign. Pvp without cp is more balanced, it's not possible to do everything with one character.

    I have been playing pvp for a few years as a nightblade and I am now ready for quitting PVP.

    The difference in classes now is just too much and unless you are the right class you really don't have a hope in PVP unless you want to gank and if 1v1.

    Dragonknights and Templars who have constant shield, constant high damage, being able to heal to full health in an instant constantly is too much and is no longer fun to play. Stam nightblades have not got great survive-ability but good burst damage. Our only advantage was sneak and now that is useless with almost any skill pulling you out of it. Others should be great at one thing but then disadvantaged at another, if they want to tank great but then they should not be able to continue the fight and kill countless players over and over, if they want high damage great but again they shouldn't be able to constantly heal to full health over and over again in the same fight . A nightblades ultimate is avoidable however eye of whatever is not as all a player needs to do is pop it on and run to a couple of players fighting. Radiant destruction can pop easily for 12k and a few clicks of a button and biting jabs and blazing shield and your gone without even having a chance.

    I know I can change class but there is no way I am going to go through all the quests and farming books to level a new character so unless there is more of a balance again Im out of PVP

    Maybe adapt your playstyle? I don't know how you play with your nightblade, but if you stay in front of your enemies and you're hoping tanking damages in medium armor, then you're doing something wrong. Nightblade had a lot of mobility and they're more designed for kitting and avoiding damages much as possible. That's why they don't have major mending ofr example. And to be honest you don't that because with shadowy diguise rally crit and heal you almost to full health. use their tools effectively, like shadow image or relentless focus ect. Use their strongs debuffs, keep your opponent under pressure. And play with environnment, use it for your advantage.
  • Lord-Otto
    Folks need to stop saying the game is balanced because it isn't. its not even close.

    A Stam Sorc can run around with 700 regen and have infinite resources due to Dark Deal
    Mag Sorcs just wear Amberplasm + Stam Regen Mundas Stone and spam Dark Conversion for infinite resources

    Every Mag Sorc can infinite resources for that matter, im like 100 stam recovery away(will tweak build tonight) to have enough stam to always break free perpetually, no need to block or roll with 12-13k wards. Add in Pirate Skeelton, its broken.

    Templars in 5 Reactive 5 Lich 2 Malabeth with a friend, especially using the Allaince War skill guard simply can not be kiled by anything outside of Negate spam and root won't kill them, even shooting them with 3 siege weapons at the same time don't make a dent....good luck with that in Battlegrounds if left as is.

    there are Nightblade builds that can insta-kill you. You literally have no reaction time...they press the button your dead...they can hit for 35k or more instant damage, no one outside a tank survives....which is why there is so many tanks in PVP.

    Root spam is broken, just rooting people repeadlty without cooldown

    Look the game is fun, lots of great people in this game, but its not even close to balanced.

    Amberplasm... It's nowhere close to Dark Deal if you have to use Amberplasm for Dark Conversion. Lich is much better, IMO, since you can back-bar it. Stam Sorcs give absolutely nothing up for Dark Deal, that's the problem.
    Perhaps the base cost of Dark Exchange should be drastically increased. This would carry over to Dark Deal, but Dark Conversion would remain the current cost, that is the morph, after all.
    Anyway, Amberplasm builds aren't even close to Dark Deal Stamsorcs.

    Oh, and OP, get help from actual good stamblades. My friends are still kicking. NB just isn't easy mode for every situation now.
    Tanks are annoying, I agree with that. They only become a problem when you can't avoid them, though.
  • CyrusArya
    I'm not saying you don't. I'm saying your underselling the issue.

    And I'm saying you oversell the issue. Just using the example you cited, there are no builds that are unkillable 1v1 but deal 'absurd' amounts of damage, unless your threshold for absurd is kinda low. I duel a lot and haven't come across a single build that was unkillable and put out anywhere near lethal pressure, nor seen one open world. I've just observed that most of the people who cry about balance don't understand the game nearly as well as they think they do, and are bad sources of feedback. In general I don't think balance should be dictated by people who struggle, which is what people who complain about balance usually are.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • technohic
    A agree that everything is about the most balanced I have seen non CP campaign. As CP limits rise though; I can see how you are going to have builds the OP is describing.
  • Anti_Virus
    @Sandman929 No they do not. My stamdk is hitting for 13k dizzying swings on my tooltip, and my dawnbreaker says it hits for 14k instant damage on my tool tip as well. My surprise attack is only for like 10k, and my incappacitating strikes is almost the same amount as my dawnbreaker is. My execute is hitting as hard as my killers blade, and my gap closer isn't garbage because I don't play on PC. Sorry PC user, but the game sucks on your platform.

    My heals are like Jesus of Nazareth, my sustain is outrageous, and my tankiness is strong as hell.

    How are you typing in red text?
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • Jitterbug
    Shazah wrote: »
    I don't understand this thread, nightblades are still very funny to play in my opinion. And I play without proc sets and I'm not a ganker, I must be crazy. :D

    My build and stats if someone is interested:


    The things that drive me crazy in cyrodiil are more related to sets and monsters sets instead of classes and skills itself. Like triple proc gankers (these super skilled combos like eternal hunt + viper and velidreth or widow maker + viper and velidreth), or heavy armor builds who hit like a truck with tremorscale and viper. The problem is coming from builds and sets. But also champion points.
    Fun fact : I've often stopped many fights on cp campaigns because no one was able to kill each other; wich is never happening in non cp campaign. Pvp without cp is more balanced, it's not possible to do everything with one character.

    Maybe adapt your playstyle? I don't know how you play with your nightblade, but if you stay in front of your enemies and you're hoping tanking damages in medium armor, then you're doing something wrong. Nightblade had a lot of mobility and they're more designed for kitting and avoiding damages much as possible. That's why they don't have major mending ofr example. And to be honest you don't that because with shadowy diguise rally crit and heal you almost to full health. use their tools effectively, like shadow image or relentless focus ect. Use their strongs debuffs, keep your opponent under pressure. And play with environnment, use it for your advantage.

    I don't get that build.
    You have 5 Marksman on the 2H bar? Isn't Marksman a bow damage set? What am I missing here?
  • technohic
    Jitterbug wrote: »

    I don't get that build.
    You have 5 Marksman on the 2H bar? Isn't Marksman a bow damage set? What am I missing here?

    Marksman reduces all ability cost as well.
  • Joy_Division
    I don't know what all of a sudden has gotten into some stamina NBs convinced their class sucks, but this is absolutely a L2P issue. Players like Durthy and Miat have excellent builds that do far more than just gank and play them very effectively.

    That the OP is complaining about dragonknisght and templars who have constant shield and constant high damage is very suspect.
  • Wrubius_Coronaria
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    I don't get that build.
    You have 5 Marksman on the 2H bar? Isn't Marksman a bow damage set? What am I missing here?

    Because it reduce the cost of stamina abilities by 5%. It's usefull with only 26k max stamina. But also because I don't have any good vma weapon actually.
    Edited by Wrubius_Coronaria on March 10, 2017 2:47PM
  • runningtings
    Can I have your stuff?

    I don't agee at all with this thread, I play stamblade and I do just fine: DW and Bow.

    Veli, Hunding's, Agility, NM

    Stay out of the red circles, rotate your skills properly.
    // DC / EU PC// Garión<< The Black >>
  • stephbay123
    CyrusArya wrote: »

    And I'm saying you oversell the issue. Just using the example you cited, there are no builds that are unkillable 1v1 but deal 'absurd' amounts of damage, unless your threshold for absurd is kinda low. I duel a lot and haven't come across a single build that was unkillable and put out anywhere near lethal pressure, nor seen one open world. I've just observed that most of the people who cry about balance don't understand the game nearly as well as they think they do, and are bad sources of feedback. In general I don't think balance should be dictated by people who struggle, which is what people who complain about balance usually are.

    I am not talking about duels- i am talking about PVP and where it can take more than 5 folks to try and bring down one player, with that player still killing over and over with the fight lasting until folk decide to walk away. They are not all bad players- its just they are trying to kill someone with- i repeat- almost unlimited heal, unlimited tanking and unlimited damage. It should be 2 of these options not all three
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