Crafting Station Update: 21 April 2017: Blacksmithing (new) -Hunding's Rage, Alchemy Station, Clothing - Hunding's Rage, Dye Station, Enchanting Station, and Cooking Station
New Video Update with Link: 20 April 2017:
NEWS: Pier 1 Imports store being built on wharf. Come check it out!
In game (Xbox NA), I've started a guild called IVIike's Craft and Brew. This guild is a social group for finding fun players to do all aspects of the game - PvE and PvP. The Craft and Brew is based at Daggerfall Outlook which is under construction; however, there already are all three assistants, arenas for dueling, crafting stations, and other hidden fun things.
On Xbox One, there is also a club called Craft and Brew.
If you're interested in fun, then check out the Craft and Brew.
GT: iviikeonxbox
Edited by iviikeonxbox on April 21, 2017 11:34AM Xbox One | Daggerfall Covenant