RABIDxWOLVERINE wrote: »I'm a stam DK DPS who is also an Imperial and it comes down to what you want to do... Do you want to conform to a way of play that could be better or would you rather play how you want. Its easy for me I'm not trying to make a better character than everyone else. I'm making a character that I like and that I want. Id say don't conform play how you want to play and screw everyone else. Sure magicka got a boost but what happens next time they get nerfed are you going to want to change again? If that's the case you should just start making alts that's why you have 8-12 slots to use. Me personally I have one character and I play how I want.
Good luck either way!
GreenhaloX wrote: »Well, as a DK, I prefer stam, because knowing the skillset of a DK, I like the stam skills/armors/weapons over majicka's. However, why not try it out. Do a majicka DK and see the difference for yourself and see if you would like it more. Me, personally, I don't understand why someone would use Kragh for a stam DK. Validreth, Skoria and Selene are better sets for damage proc. I don't care much for NMG. With Spriggan, and having Noxious Breath, I'm just going through adds and bosses like a hot knife on butter. Plus, you're only purple. You have to go all gold. Jewelries too, if you can, but gold jewelries are nice to have, but not need to have. However, all gold armors and weapons are a must. Each gold piece boosts weapon damage and your attributes significantly.
cpuScientist wrote: »I can tell you this much, on the dummies I am getting just about the same DPS on both my stam and mag DK, around 36k, however where my magDK is fully kitted in gold BIS, minus a VMA Flame staff (hundreds upon hundreds of runs and nothing ofcourse) my stam is not so he has room to get higher (he does have vma weapons double dagger but nirn bow). They are both GREAT, it just depends on a few things.
Which do you find funner? Honestly I switch around alot it's why I have a mag and stam of each class.
Are you willing to put up with the weakness of the kits? MagDK is hard to sustain on for new players and no execute makes it get boring for some as the rotation never changes. StamDK is a touch more squishy (use bloodthirst though it's a very small insignificant DPS loss for major survivability boost) and doesn't have quite the AOE potential (breath standard and deadly cloak help this)
I would suggest first staying imperial if the sustain is not too hard for you. DPS on both races is the same if you can sustain. And second leveling up a magDK to try out. You can do so during the jester event or just slowly or get a pal to grind you up in Skyreach, or do what I do for mag and that's just go get skyshards and more books by the time you're done you are close or already 50...
Next patch or the patch after that stam might be boosted and then you're on a slippery silly slope, of dang should I race change again.
Remember it takes time to get good with a class and just because this time around something else gets a little more shiny doesn't mean you should cancel your progress with your current setup.
Basically I've been trying to gear up a Stam DK since One Tamriel. At best I'm pulling 22k dps on my robust target dummy with subpar gear (all purple, 5NMG, 2Kra'gh, 3agility, 2 Hundings). I'm planning on race changing from an imperial to a Redguard but since Magicka is better this patch should I cut my losses and just go High elf/dunmer instead and respec?
Why not play both?
Keep your Imperial sDK and roll one Dunmer mDK. Its a win-win situation
Basically I've been trying to gear up a Stam DK since One Tamriel. At best I'm pulling 22k dps on my robust target dummy with subpar gear (all purple, 5NMG, 2Kra'gh, 3agility, 2 Hundings). I'm planning on race changing from an imperial to a Redguard but since Magicka is better this patch should I cut my losses and just go High elf/dunmer instead and respec?
Stam dk dps is fine, but vma bow and 2 daggers helps a lot. For better gear you can try 5 spriggian 5 hundings/nmg and velidret/selene monstet set sharpend weapons of corse. Also search for alcasts youtube chanel or website, he has nice builds with rota explain for stambuilds.
Why not play both?
Keep your Imperial sDK and roll one Dunmer mDK. Its a win-win situation
Haha I've played both before ( used to have 5 toons) but deleted all but my DK to keep me from boarding the meta train from week to week, swapping my gear, wasting my money. Really wanted to focus on one toon but I've had the urge to recreate a mag Sorc because that was my favorite class.
cpuScientist wrote: »Why not play both?
Keep your Imperial sDK and roll one Dunmer mDK. Its a win-win situation
Haha I've played both before ( used to have 5 toons) but deleted all but my DK to keep me from boarding the meta train from week to week, swapping my gear, wasting my money. Really wanted to focus on one toon but I've had the urge to recreate a mag Sorc because that was my favorite class.
Yeah if you don't have VMA gear, get some spriggans and mix it with hundings or vicious if you got the weapons of either set in SHARPENED with kraghs if you have if not veli if not Selene. That works fine until.you get sharpened VMA dual wield.
Cheers man have fun with it. And good on you for not barding the meta trains lol. Also if you like magsorc why not go magSorc stamDK. Switch between em when you get bored lol.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Stamdk is still king in pvp. Absolute turds to try and kill. Oh look major mending and vigor. Plus onslaught gank. Much fun to be had still. My stam dk is enjoying non vet pvp at his lowly level 39 atm.
But make another magdk. You'll have to remorph and level up all the skills etc again anyway. It'll take the same amount of time almost.
Why not play both?
Keep your Imperial sDK and roll one Dunmer mDK. Its a win-win situation