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Advice Please: Not Making Much Headway in ESO

Soul Shriven
My character has been plodding along since I started ESO last Nov. and is still at only Level - 7 with very few items to his credit. Oh, and I have 6 or 7 Skill Points.
Gold wealth is at 86, and I'm seeing that missions I undertake have to be repeated umpteen times, or abandoned because my fellow keeps on getting killed, over and over.

I really think I'm doing something wrong or I just don't have the hang of the game?

Is Level 7 poor on the average after 4-1/2 months (approx), or am I expecting too much?

If my lack of ESO Game skill is showing, can you please give advice as what I can do to improve?

Thank You,


Best Answers

  • Remag_Div
    chungi wrote: »
    Is Level 7 poor on the average after 4-1/2 months (approx), or am I expecting too much?

    Yeah, something is very wrong. lol

    How often do you play? What's your current class? Read up this guide for beginner tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/3upqv9/guide_welcome_new_players_here_are_some_tips_from/?st=izltf2jk&sh=440b8865

    Just start out playing the main storyline first. As you go along you will run across side quests, as well. Watch YouTube videos showcasing your class skills. Eventually you'll start getting better and getting the hang of it.
    Answer ✓
  • Kaymorolis
    chungi wrote: »
    My character has been plodding along since I started ESO last Nov. and is still at only Level - 7 with very few items to his credit. Oh, and I have 6 or 7 Skill Points.
    I'm sorry to hear you're having such trouble. If I were in your shoes I'd probably have quit by now, so props for sticking to it.

    Jitterbug's questions above are a really good start, but I'm just going to throw out a few really basic tips derived from my own experience (I've only been playing a few weeks).

    1. Make sure you spend all your attribute points (Health, Magicka, Stamina) as soon as you get them when you level up, and try not to spread them evenly across all three (I did that with a few points and regret it). To use myself as an example, I did some online research after getting a few levels under my belt and decided that I wanted my first character to be a Stamina based Nightblade, so every attribute point I get I put into Stamina.

    2. Spend your skill points. Having 6 or 7 points at level 7 makes me think you haven't done that. A good place to start is to spend one skill point in every skill line. So again using me as an example, the Nightblade has an Assassination, Shadow, and Siphoning skill line. I spent one point in each of the first abilities there and made sure the skill was on my skill bar (so they get experience and level up). I think it's ok to hold onto a couple of unspent skill points, but that is really up to you. But at the very least you should have five skills on your skill bar. If you don't then spend skill points until you do.

    When looking at skills, if they cost Magicka, then having more attribute points spend in Magicka makes them do more damage. It works the same for Stamina costing skills (i.e. more Stamina makes them do more damange).

    I found a web site, esoacademy.com, which listed every skill in the game. It helped me in figuring out what I wanted to play (my Stamina Nightblade).

    My last tip on skills: I can't speak for every class, but many NB skills start as Magicka skills, but they have a morph that makes them into Stamina skills. So don't think that you have to spend your attributes based on what your starter skills do. That can and probably will be able to change.

    If you happen to be on the PC NA server I'd be happy to run with you for a bit. I don't get as much playtime as I'd like but the offer is there. Look me up in game if you want. My name there is @Corpboy

    PC | NA
    CP: 240+
    Tai'Zar - 50 Bosmer Stamblade
    Annatar the Fair - 50 Altmer MagSorc
    Rules Through Fear - 50 Argonian Templar
    Answer ✓
  • uzbachchi
    The early ranks were really hard for me solo, it gets better at 15 when you unlock the second weapon skill bar, for swapping (between bow and sword/shield for instance). I found it easier to hang out with a friendly higher level person and a couple other noobs until I'd gotten the hang of the game. And I joined a couple guilds so I can call for help on some of the more difficult bosses. Some of the quests are solo but most aren't, so you can always get someone to come help you kick some jerky NPC's behind if he's too tough. You can also just leave a quest in your log (you can have up to 25 active at a time) and go back to it when you have leveled up/got better skills/got better equipment. Try eating food, it helps with your stats. The difference between living and dying sometimes comes down to whether your character ate before going into the delve or not. Early days can be rough without someone to roll with but it does get better.
  • RavenSworn
    My advice would be to run with someone else, be it a high leveller or not. Having a questing buddy really helps. The thing about this mmo is that the combat system does require a little bit of thought and knowing how to block / dodge at the right time helps as well.

    It might seem basic but the tutorial can go abit 'whoosh' over the head if you don't really pay attention to it.

    Do also note that the main story, fighters and mages guild quest are solo only. The rest can be done in a group.

    If you are on pc / NA, my guild focuses on helping out peeps like you, beginners and new players. It's called <Of Wolf and Raven> so called out to me, @RavenSworn, or anyone from that guild to get an invite. I'll be more then willing to help out in any way I can :smiley:
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Jitterbug
    Is that 4 months of solid play to get to level 7? If so, I salute you for hanging in there.
    Now, you need to change some things - you could have a max level of every class and 1 milllion gold within the same time frame.

    You need to tell us some things for us to help you effectively:

    1. Race and class
    2. Weapons and skills
    3. Preferered playstyle
    4. Platform (so someone can craft you some stuff)
    5. MMO experience / gaming experience in general.

    Furthermore, gold will come slow in the beginning. It's probably fine to have 100 gold at level 7. What's not fine is that you are still level 7 (if you want to level up further that is).
  • BlackSparrow
    I recommend that if you have time to watch some videos, you look up @MissBizz 's beginner guides, particularly the Build Guide here (definitely worth the 20 minutes if you've spent 4 months struggling!).

    Level 7 after 4 months of regular play is very slow, so it sounds like you've really had a hard time. Stick with it... it gets much easier as you learn how the game works. And don't be afraid to ask specific questions! Everyone was new once. :)
    Living vicariously through my characters.

    My Girls:
    "If you were trapped in your house for, say, a year, how would you pass the time?"

    Nephikah the Houseless, dunmer assassin: "I suppose I could use the break. I have a lot of business holdings now that need management."
    Swum-Many-Waters, elderly argonian healer: "I think that I would enjoy writing a memoir."
    Silh'ki, khajiit warrior-chef: "Would this one be able to go outside, to the nearby river? It's hard to fish without water!"
    Peregrine Huntress, bosmer hunter: "Who is forcing me to stay inside, and where can I find them?"
    Lorenyawe, altmer mechanist: "And why would I want to go outside in the first place? Too much to be done in the workshop."
    Lorelai Magpie, breton master thief: "I'd go nuts. Lucky for me, I have a little experience sneaking out!"
    Rasheda the Burning Heart, redguard knight: "I would continue my training to keep my skills sharp."
    Hex-Eye Azabi, khajiit daedric priestess: "I suppose it would be lucky, then, that I built a shrine to Mephala in my backyard."
    Yngva Stormhammer, nord bandit (reformed...ish): "I hate being inside even when I'm not forced to be. GET. ME. OUT."
    Madam Argentia, vampire dunmer aristocrat: "I suppose it would be more of the same. I have a rather... contentious relationship with the sun."
    Mazie gra-Bolga, orc scout: "Uh... I'd have to house train my bear..."
    Felicia the Wanderer, imperial witch-for-hire: "What Lorelai said."
    Calico Jaka-dra, retired khajiit pirate: "This one would like a rest from her grand adventures. Her jewel shop runs out of stock!"
    Shimmerbeam, blind altmer psijic: "Provided that I am confined to Artaeum, I do not think I will want for things to occupy my time."
    Shauna Blackfire, redguard necromancer: "Sounds like paradise. I hate people."
    Kirniel the Undying, cursed bosmer warrior: "I would feel useless, not being able to fight."
    Echoes-from-Dragons, argonian who thinks she's a dragon: "All the better to count my hoard!"

    (Signature idea shamelessly stolen from Abeille.)
  • BTHRZeroX
    Well if you are on the PS4 and run on the EU Server I will be Happy to help and do some quests with you
    EU AD PS4 Dragonknight - Werewolf
    EU AD PS4 Nightblade
    EU DC PS4 Sorcerer - Vampire
    EU EH PS4 Nightblade
    EU EH PS4 Templar - Vampire
  • jlboozer
    If on ps4 NA add me(jlboozer), I can craft you some training gear....and maybe help you figure out what your doing wrong.
  • ookami007
    Can you describe what you are doing? Or post a screenshot of your character screen (C) and your Skill screen (K).

    As people pointed out, it sounds like you aren't investing skill points or attribute points. That's the only reason I could think you would be dying at low levels unless you just stand in front of bad guys naked and not moving.

    I've leveled multiple characters with 0 CPs to level 20+ using JUST light and heavy attacks so I could level up very skill lines on my bar.

  • chungi
    Soul Shriven
    WOW! I'm really blown away (seriously) with everyone's help, thank you ALL!

    I've got lots to think on, and do now....going over all your replies with a fine comb, some queries I need to think about as they appear kind of deep? Example: Attribute Points- I'm not really sure what they are? And no it has not been a solid 4-1/2 months,
    believe me if it were and I was where I am, I'd wear a toilet bowl.
    Remag_div (thank you) You make a very good point, its in regards to staying with the main story. I tried that for a (few weeks),
    trouble was level 4 (I think it was) I was getting chopped over and over into little bits. There is 2 situations in the main story that appear too wickedly powerful for my guys puny fighting skills. So after getting mashed so many times I swear I heard
    my computer laughing. I gave up on the main story.....but back later, lets see 2020 or so!
    Do they purposely make those boss villains so that to get past them you have to get help?

    But for now just some answers:
    From 'Jitterbug' (thank you) - 1. Race and class, forgive if my answers sound dumb..... my character is a High Elf, and a Templar
    2. Weapons and skills ............................2 handed sword and 6 or 7 skill points
    3. Preferered playstyle..................................This I don't know? I thought you just banged away at all those dastards at what ever your skill or level was?
    4. Platform (so someone can craft you some stuff)...............................pc I guess
    5. MMO experience / gaming experience in general.............................. OK! Now you guys you"ve got me and my face is red! What is an MMO, need I go on? I guess I'm showing my age, O" boy!

    ookami007 I like that...................".unless you just stand in front of bad guys naked and not moving".
    "How did you know that's what I've been doing, no wonder I'm getting no-where!"
    So lets leave it there, please?

    Until next time.

    Thank You ALL
  • Jitterbug
    To maximize

    High elf is a magicka race. Two handed is a stamina weapon. Its either/or. If you want 2H its all points in stam, use weapon abilities and the templar skills that morph into stamina use. Otherwise use a destruction or a restoration staff and use the skills that use magicka. Put all points into magicka.

    Attribute points are when you click C.

    By playstyle I mean what you would like to play like: ninja, mage, warrior or something.

    Is that PC EU or NA?

    This is an MMO. Massive Multiplayer Online. Skyrim is single player.

    Please tag me using @Jitterbug to be sure I'll see it if you want more help :)
  • MethTheMadman
    Do you want to be a caster or a melee in your face fighter? High Elves are better at the "caster" role because of their magicka bonuses.

    If you want to be a caster, but all attribute points (press 'c') into magicka. If you want to be a melee fighter, put all points in stamina. Stamina classes use a lot of weapon skills, magicka classes use more class abilities (although both types use a little of both).

    Sword and Shield, 2 hand, Dual Wield and Bow are mostly stamina weapons (though a magicka templar can use dual wield)

    Restoration Staff and Destruction Staff are mostly used for magicka classes.

    Basically every class has "two versions".

    Stam Dragonknight
    Magicka DK
    Stam Nightblade
    Magicka Nightblade
    Stam Templar
    Magicka Templar
    Stam Sorceror
    Magicka Sorcerer

    And you can choose one of three roles: tank, damage or heals. But you won't need to worry about that until later.

    For races, your best bets:


    Redguard, Orc, Bosmer, Khajiit, Nord and I guess I'd put Argonian here as well.


    Breton, High Elf, Dunmer

    For now, I'd pick a race and class combination that you like and focus on that. Some of the races are even better suited for specific roles than I mentioned above, but I don't want to over complicate this for you.


    1)Pick if you want to play in your face melee (stamina) or caster (magicka)
    2) Pick a race that fits that role
    3) Pick a class that you like
    4) Use weapons that fit your play style choice (stamina or magicka)
    5) Put all attribute points in your play style choice (stamina or magicka) - remember, damage scales off of that!!
    6) Use your skill points.
    7) Wear at least one piece of each type of armor while you level.
    8) Put one skill from each class skill line on your bar while you level so you also level that skill line. If there are other weapons you like you can put an ability from those lines on the bar as well... You can't use the skill if you don't have the weapon equipped, but you will level it. The weapon you're using will level even without a skill, although it's wise to use one if magicka and a few if stamina.
  • MissBizz
    As well, if you find any food, eat it. If you find food that increases your max health it will be much better than no food.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • onemoredragon
    This post reminded me of my very first game and all the confusion that came with it. Things might get really tricky if you don’t have any MMO experience, or maybe any gaming experience at all.

    When I just started playing games, it was confusing as hell. In the very first one, I spent two days roaming the dungeon, when my little brother came and showed me that pressing ‘’M’’ opens a map and I could find an exit. Quite awkward, eh? And that the quest markers were actually showing your destination. And that there was an in-game interface which I could use to find info about my character and not just mindlessly swing the sword at anything that looked hostile (or just simply moving towards me..) So to say, a lot of gaming concepts might seem really alien to an inexperienced person.

    But at the same time, you get the opportunity to discover a lot of things, either on your own or with someone’s help, which will probably make you enjoy the game much more (I feel that even if you didn't get much character progress for a long time, you might still like it since you’re hanging in there and asking questions :)

    As suggested above, try to find a buddy or a few who would show you how it all works. I encourage you not to give up, and may your ESO experience be full of exciting adventures.

    If you are playing on EU server, feel free to add me or whisper for help @OneMoreDragon ;)
    PC EU @OneMoreDragon

    Rakshasi Raijina, khajiit sorceror, adventurer and crafter
    Keel-Neesha, argonian dragonknight tank
    Asharlys, orc templar tank
    Wanheda Praimfaya, nord necromancer tank
    Alessia Whitegold, redguard templar 2h/bow DD
    Mitsuro Naztharune, khajiit dragonknight dw/bow DD
    Viannereth, bosmer warden bow/bow DD
    Moraelyn of Ra'athim, dunmer necromancer magicka DD

    So long as the dragonfires shall burn, to you, and to all generations, I swear that my Hearts blood shall hold fast the Gates of Oblivion.
  • Kozai
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    To maximize
    High elf is a magicka race. Two handed is a stamina weapon. Its either/or. If you want 2H its all points in stam, use weapon abilities and the templar skills that morph into stamina use. Otherwise use a destruction or a restoration staff and use the skills that use magicka. Put all points into magicka.

    One caveat I would make here; all of your class skills, the ones tied to being a Templar, will start off using magicka. You have to get them ranked up some to Rank IV, and have a spare skill point, to "morph" them into stamina ones. Thus it is not a bad idea to start off putting your attribute points into magicka so you can use those skills. In addition, a High Elf will get more bonuses with magicka skills than stamina ones.

    A couple of the really class defining, helpful skills Templars get are magicka based. Puncturing Strikes under your Aedric Spear skill line morphs into Puncturing Sweep, which heals you while it does damage. That really does let you just stand there and hit most things and survive. Rushed Ceremony under Restoring Light is a really good heal, and morphs into a better one (either one if you are soloing), and is magicka based. In short, magicka is sort of "easy mode" for a Templar. Plus, it is easy at higher levels to make a build that can shift from being a healer to doing damage in group content, which will make you popular for groups so you can start seeing dungeons.

    So the tldr version, I suggest a magicka build to start the game on a Templar. It is pretty cheap to "respec", or change how you spent attribute points, when you don't have many of them so you are not locked in.

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