(Long post warning, but there's no way around it, if i'm going to explain everything :_ .)
Zenimax really needs to give us tools to improve our control of guild banks (or give us any control, beyond an on/off button :_ ), or stuff like this going keep happening.
People have suggested limiting the amount of items players can take in a day or making it so that guildmasters and officers are given the power to lock high value items in such a way that they can only be requested for withdrawal until the transaction has been cleared by an officer.
Personally i'd like if we could set all items placed in the bank a gold value or weighting against similar items (and different levels) so that you can't take things out without building up enough "credit" with deposits of your own - for example, i might set that you can freely swap stacks of wood for metal of the same level, but if you want to "trade your stack up" a level, you've to deposit the stack plus 500 gold worth of other items, while trading up two levels costs your stack and 1000 worth of deposits.
Or if you want 10 blue tempers, you've to deposit 40 green, 25-40 blue for 10 purple etc :_ .
On this theft, which now happened over two days ago, i initially only had a quick look at the guild history yesterday, only seeing that the player had left the guild, they only been in for a day, after taking a bunch of rings and didn't take the matter too seriously.
To protect the guild and the fairness of the guild bank system in general, i sent them a mail saying, could they please either return most of the items or replace them with items of a similar value or power or i'd have no choice but to report them to Zenimax - they the nerve to say that i was blackmailing them!
It was only this morning i'd a deeper look at the withdrawal history screen to find that their withdrawals went on for 22 pages and that they'd completely cleaned out the bank! - That was 172 transactions!
I've since reported the player and the theft to Zenimax, to which i only received an automated response.
I've seen people on the forums reporting that the company didn't fix bank thefts for them before, but if they don't do something about this level of theft, i'd find it maddening/insane! :_ .
I've basically become the de facto guildmaster of the two guilds shown in this video, as i'm the highest and longest serving player in both guilds below their guildmasters.
The actual guildmasters of each guild haven't logged in in over two weeks and they haven't done a tap to promote either guild in months, if not over a year.
Until recently i hadn't taken that much notice of what was happening in the guilds, as i was i one or two other larger guilds where i was making regular guild store sales, it was only about a week ago, when i'd built up my items to the point that even eventually getting into three other large guilds, all of them usually having guild traders, even making 10-20 sales a day, i'd gotten to the point i had to start making regular sales in the two guilds in question, or reluctantly abandon them.
While the smallest guild had hovered around the 50 member mark, often not having a guild store, the larger one once had over 200 members and i made pretty regular sales in it.
It was only when i continued to make sales in other guilds and had been relisting unselling items to the larger guild for a while that i realised that its' membership had slipped to about 110 players, but crucially that i hadn't made a sale in the guild in two or three months and decided it was either time to try to save these guilds or leave them and let them fade into nothing.
On guild banks in general, early on playing the game, i'd been invited to some guilds which gave me permission to deposit things in their bank, without giving me permission to withdraw, even things i'd put in the bank back out.
For example, initially upon finding you can put things in a bank, you automatically assume that you can take them back out.
I put several things into a bank intending to exchange them for other things, before finding that i couldn't withdraw items.
Also it's easy to accidentally put things in the guild bank, thinking you've clicked on your personal bank or that your were clicking on the guild store.
Straight away when i discovered i could put things into such banks, but not take them back out, i instantly decided that they were trying to scam me into putting things in, which i couldn't get back and left the guilds.
And that is still a way guilds can scam new players (which some likely do).
But as i know now, it's mostly probably used as a (pretty unfair) way limit bank access, while letting players put in some of their own investment in the bank, while building up trust, but i still think, guild should give players full access or none at all, to stop them feeling robbed/scammed.
On the two guilds in question, i have the power to do basically anything but edit ranks and rank permissions.
While in the larger one, i can edit the message of the day, but i can't in the smaller guild.
I updated the "message of the day" in the larger guild, in particular informing players how to fairly use the bank.
Skipping forward a bit here, messaging the player in question here, they said, you're not the guildmaster and their are no rules, besides we're not subscribing to the game (which people still voluntarily do and that has nothing to do with anything).
The player had been a member of the other guild and would have seen the "motd", at least when they joined.
They also said i'd been spamming them with guild invites (i had also invited them to two of the larger guilds i'm in) and they'd free joined my guilds and at least one of the bigger guilds, so they knew i was the reason they were in the guilds, they also surely knew i'd been the one who'd promoted them - this was all before i realised the level of their theft.
Back to rebuilding these guilds.
I decided that it was the fairest thing to just give everybody in both guilds full bank access, which i was also giving to all new members, to help encourage players to deposit and swap good items, make sales and in general just help improve the guilds and help them grow.
I'd about twenty players (about forty now, of which about 15 have stayed) join the larger guild before one of them was a little greedy (but it was nothing on the level of this), taking about eight stacks of resources without depositing anything in return, i sent them a brief message reminding them of the guild rules and saying that i hoped they'd either return most of the items or replace them with similar value/power items soon.
They returned about a quarter of the stuff, while throwing in about three tempers of their own, which while i was still disappointed by, but i said it was good enough and that their lip service deposit would have to do and the imbalance they'd left in the bank wasn't bad enough to escalate to the company.
Upon their seeing actions, while i didn't demote the players i'd already given bank access to, i did take the decision to restrict bank assess for any newer members 'til such players have stayed in the guild long enough that we can hopefully trust them or 'til Zenimax hopefully/magically gives us proper guild bank controls.
(Though it still meant that i was having punish new members before they'd done anything wrong :_ .)
But on the smaller guild, since most of the items in its' bank were lower level/cheaper items (though i did put several, sure white level, but still 160 cp level Rubedite items), i thought that players wouldn't be too greedy with it or in particular, want to steal everything in it and still gave new players full bank access - boy was i wrong!
Now if Zenimax don't return the items this player took, i'm going to have to start this bank from scratch and probably have to also restrict bank access to new members, which itself restricts the growth of the guild :_ .
Lastly on a related topic, it should be possible for guild officers to demote guildmasters and appoint a new one, if their actual guildmasters have been awol/doing nothing for too long :_ .
[Edit to remove link for Naming and Shaming]