Most powerful mortal in Tamriels History

  • Tryxus
    Zurin Arctus < Tiber Septim's Imperial Battlemage
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Does Zurin Arctus count as a mortal? Technically, he's more of a lich. (maybe Miraak too? not sure about that tbh)

    I voted for him: a great Battlemage who revived Numidium with his own heart, then destroyed the Brass Tower twice.

    If playable characters would count, it would be a close call between the Agent and the Nerevarine. But since the Nerevarine has accomplished more (and has a happier ending), I'd say he's the strongest of the main Heroes
    I didn't include the protagonists as they have the potential to be immortal (Nerevarine has Corprus, CoC is an aspect of Sheogorath and the Dragonborn can be a Vampire Lord) and what they can do is really up to the player, my Dragonborn for example is more powerful then my CoC and Nerevarine combined.

    Also Zurin Acrtus does count as a mortal, this is him as Tiber Septim's Battlemage.

    That is true. It's why I was deciding between those 2, since I felt the most powerful with them. Especially on the Agent, due to a custom Disintegrate AoE around caster spell with 100% chance :p
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • Magic_Longsword
    Other < Do explain
    mb10 wrote: »


    Also, come on. When you meet him again as he is chained and tortured in Coldharbour, he speaks to you in purple prose.

    As in, he makes overly complicated and eloquent sentences about life being a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and all that Macbeth dramatic bs after having been tortured by Daedras and perhaps Molag Bal himself while you were busy running around Tamriel organizing a leader summit, then running around Coldharbour gathering allies, and then bringing the fight to daedric lord (which for me took 2 months of gaming).
    Then again, time runs differently in Oblivion, so perhaps it has been even longer.

    Just imagine being tortured and flayed and broken to your very soul for what seems like eternity. Once it stops, you'd be a quivering mess able to just say "aaargh" or some other gargling nonsense to the sworn enemy that was passing by. Not entire paragraphs about candles being snuffed out and tears in the rain like he did.
    Edited by Magic_Longsword on March 1, 2017 10:17PM
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Does Zurin Arctus count as a mortal? Technically, he's more of a lich. (maybe Miraak too? not sure about that tbh)

    I voted for him: a great Battlemage who revived Numidium with his own heart, then destroyed the Brass Tower twice.

    If playable characters would count, it would be a close call between the Agent and the Nerevarine. But since the Nerevarine has accomplished more (and has a happier ending), I'd say he's the strongest of the main Heroes
    I didn't include the protagonists as they have the potential to be immortal (Nerevarine has Corprus, CoC is an aspect of Sheogorath and the Dragonborn can be a Vampire Lord) and what they can do is really up to the player, my Dragonborn for example is more powerful then my CoC and Nerevarine combined.

    Also Zurin Acrtus does count as a mortal, this is him as Tiber Septim's Battlemage.

    That is true. It's why I was deciding between those 2, since I felt the most powerful with them. Especially on the Agent, due to a custom Disintegrate AoE around caster spell with 100% chance :p
    Well one variation of my Dragonborn is a Lich with the soul of 100 Dragons within him, he also indirectly siphoned power from the Eye of Magnus during the fight with Ancano therefor becoming immune to all magic and more powerful then a Daedric Prince so best we don't add protagonists.

  • ArrerBoy
    Other < Do explain
    Oh I didn't realize they were mortal as only mortals are allowed on this list.

    They are. Both were capable of dying.
    that and I am somewhat of a CHIM-athiest, like so many other things related to MK it sounds like utter garbage to me so if I were you I wouldn't bother mentioning in a conversation with me as I will just ignore it.

    That sounds...really dumb. That's basically "It doesn't count because I said so."
  • Ahzek
    Uncle Sweetshare < Some crazy Lunatic from Solstheim
    I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  • Koensol
    Other < Do explain
    Koensol wrote: »
    Koensol wrote: »
    Koensol wrote: »
    Cyrus the Restless as the "Hoon Ding". Does that count?
    Is the Hoon-Ding a Deity? If so then he doesn't count.
    Well, Cyrus himself is mortal. He is just inbued with the "spirit of perseverence over infidels", called the Hoonding. Which makes him more powerful than anyone else on the list. If this doesn't count, then you should remove Zuran Arctus as well from your list. He became part of an immortal entity called the Underking, and later indirectly even became part of the being/god called Talos.
    What makes the spirit of perservenence over infidels powerful?
    When it chooses to materialize in a person, or thing, it is a force that has so far proven to be unstoppable. The Hoonding materializes when the redguards are in dire need and need to 'make way' for their people. This has happened three times in the history of Tamriel. Quote from "twice in the First Era during the Ra Gada invasion in the form of Hunding and Diagna, and once more during the Tiber Wars".
    The last time when it manifested was within Cyrus the Restless. So technically, it is not Cyrus himself that has the power, but he becomes an unstoppable champion imbued by the spirit of the Hoonding. In this regard he can sort of be compared to Zurin Arctus, Wulfharth and Tiber Septim. They also merged with a different being into something more powerful. The difference being that the Hoonding comes and leaves as it wishes and isn't a consistent force.

    No one has any control over when it happens. But when it does, it simply makes way and nothing has been able to stop it. As far as I know, it has been widely considered to be the second most powerful being in ES universe, after Talos.
    I was with you the whole time until you mentioned the last part where you said he was the second most powerful being in ES, then I realized that your basing that off of Kirkbrides FAN-FICTION, I highly doubt this Hoon-Ding is more powerful then Akatosh or Jyggalag or Lorkhan or any of the Daedric Princes for that matter, His fan-fiction is made up and is NOT canon no matter how much he wishes it were.
    I did say "widely considered". I didn't say it was fact and also don't want to start a yes/no discussion regarding MK, haha. Anyway, the rest of my post still stands and is backed up by documented lore. The last part was just an addition.

  • ssewallb14_ESO
    Other < Do explain
    Depends on what powers you consider to "belong" to an individual.

    Examples that may not be clear cut:

    -Weapons/objects that are innately powerful (The Numidium, Daedric Objects, Staff of Magnus, Kagrenac's tools, etc)
    -Immortal being bound/manipulated into doing your will (The "Stormcrown," Bound Daedra, Dragons, Morihaus, etc)
    -Political/Military Power

    If the above are considered power I would argue for Tiber Septim as a mortal. You could make a strong argument for Alessia as well.
    Edited by ssewallb14_ESO on March 1, 2017 11:43PM
  • qsnoopyjr
    Other < Do explain
    pelinal whitestrake

    I excluded him as he is an immortal.

    That guy in picture, looks very similiar to Gaenor.
    Heck it must be Gaenor, that SOB takes an army and a lot of running away to kill.
  • Phica_Lovic
    Divayth Fyr < Ancient Dunmeri Wizard
    OhAmex wrote: »

    Became an immortal. -1 for not listening. -1 for not voting.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Phica -Max CP - Lvl 50 Argonian Sorc Healer since launch

  • raidentenshu_ESO
    Other < Do explain
    I choose other.


    The Vestige is the strongest mortal to ever face with a living god, and was successful in defeating him. This defeat severely weaken the Daedric prince to the point of being force to release thousands of stolen souls back to Nirn (One which belong to the Vestige).

    I don't recall anyone listed ever faced up with a living god, and successfully defeated them.
  • Tryxus
    Zurin Arctus < Tiber Septim's Imperial Battlemage
    I choose other.


    The Vestige is the strongest mortal to ever face with a living god, and was successful in defeating him. This defeat severely weaken the Daedric prince to the point of being force to release thousands of stolen souls back to Nirn (One which belong to the Vestige).

    I don't recall anyone listed ever faced up with a living god, and successfully defeated them.

    I seem to recall a Mad God who was not so mad anymore...
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    I choose other.


    The Vestige is the strongest mortal to ever face with a living god, and was successful in defeating him. This defeat severely weaken the Daedric prince to the point of being force to release thousands of stolen souls back to Nirn (One which belong to the Vestige).

    I don't recall anyone listed ever faced up with a living god, and successfully defeated them.
    You do realazie the Vestige isn't a mortal right? they are made of chaotic creatia and will reform everytime they are killed.

    Also that looks like a vampire who are all Immortals.

    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 2, 2017 5:07AM
  • imredneckson
    Other < Do explain
    Kagrenac! Name one other mortal that made an entire race vanish with one swing of his arm.
    Legions of Mordor Guild Officer
    Member of the GvG Community

    Dunmer NB - Merser Frey (DC)
    Dunmer DK - Akaviri Battlereeve (DC)-***_kill_by_eso_picture-d9nrz0q.png
    Imperial Templar - Knight of the Blood Oath (DC)-
    High Elf Templar - Aurí-El (AD)
    High Elf Templar - Teutonic Honor Guard (EP)
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    OhAmex wrote: »
    He is a God made up of 3 people, therefor not mortal.

    Curious about your statement here.
    What 3 people is Talos made from?
    He was born mortal, in Atmora or Anticlere. Changed his name twice, then achieved God-hood. Not sure where 3 people play in this?
    Reference "Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition: Cyrodiil Holidays of the IIiac Bay~
    2E 827
    Talos (or Hjalti Early-Beard), later is known as Tiber Septim, the first Emperor of Septim dynasty, is born. His birthplace is unclear, being listed to us as both Atmora and Anticlere.

    Also curious as to you stating that MK is "Fan Fiction" and not "Canon", considering he worked for Bethesda from "Arena" thru "Morrowind" as a designer, writing most of the lore of the early games, wrote many of the in-game books, and was asked by Bethesda to return and do work on "Oblivion" and "Knights of the Nine". I would say that is "Canon"...
    Just my 2 Septims... :smile:
    Edited by wenchmore420b14_ESO on March 2, 2017 5:34AM
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • mesmerizedish
    Divayth Fyr < Ancient Dunmeri Wizard
    I object to your exclusion of "mortal gods" like the Tribunal. The most powerful mortal in Tamriel's history is unambiguously Talos. That having been said, the most powerful mortal on your list is unambiguously Divayth Fyr.
  • FluffyReachWitch
    Vanus Galerion < Founder of the Mage's Guild
    Vanus Galerion. Would walk into Coldharbour flinging spells and yelling at Molag Bal. Pursues Mannimarco all over the continent despite the dangers. Capable of facing tons of daedra. Already a few hundred years old by ESO. Implied to have died late in the Third Era, depending on how you interpret the timing of the lorebooks.

    He also established the Mages Guild, which changed the lives of tons of magic users who would have otherwise had nowhere to go, whether they were stuck in fearful magic-distrusting (usually also elf-hating) countries like High Rock or Skyrim, or locked out of education by classism. That kind of effort might take a different sort of power, but it made a great difference in Tamriel.

    (Aside, I love his characterization. We need more goofball mages with no indoor voice and all the freely expressed empathy and emotions.)
    Edited by FluffyReachWitch on March 2, 2017 6:53AM
  • raidentenshu_ESO
    Other < Do explain
    I choose other.


    The Vestige is the strongest mortal to ever face with a living god, and was successful in defeating him. This defeat severely weaken the Daedric prince to the point of being force to release thousands of stolen souls back to Nirn (One which belong to the Vestige).

    I don't recall anyone listed ever faced up with a living god, and successfully defeated them.
    You do realazie the Vestige isn't a mortal right? they are made of chaotic creatia and will reform everytime they are killed.

    Also that looks like a vampire who are all Immortals.

    Molag bal keeps calling me a mortal during his final Dark anchor dialogue :)
  • Enslaved
    Other < Do explain
    Radinyn wrote: »

    So this is how they communicate inside hivemind... Interesting.
  • Seraphayel
    Vanus Galerion < Founder of the Mage's Guild
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    Molydeus wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    I always thought it's Vanus Galerion. But how he is depicted in ESO... he seems to be a fool.

    Yea... the way he is portrayed is quite shocking, he seems like a bafooning drama queen. Nothing like the literature would lead you to expect. Then again Mannimarco was also portrayed as a pathetic fool in this game, so I guess there are probably several historical Elder Scrolls figures that don't live up to their portrayal in TES lore. Shalidor was nothing like I expected either--Sheogorath played him for a total scrub and he acted nothing like an all-powerful archmage.

    That's one of the many things I love about the ES lore. People are fallible. Dirty, weak, and ugly on the inside. There are no true heroes. Except Bumnog.

    But all of them seem to be dumb and idiotic. That shouldn't be the case, should it? I mean in ESO many many many characters are just infredibly foolish and naive. I blame that on the pretty bland writing of most characters / skills in ESO.

    Sooo you're saying that these historical figures in person do not live up to the ideal as they're portrayed in historic lore and literature? Well I've got a newsflash for you Walter Cronkite. That is probably the most realistic aspect of this whole scenario. In real life, we raise our past figures up to be godlike and almost saintly (Shakespear, Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander of Macedon, etc). In reality, these were all deeply flawed men who had major issues in certain respects.

    It's not that they don't live up to the ideal. Their utter foolishness is what bothers me. A kind of foolishness some (maybe) many man and woman have, but not all. In ESO it seems like every “hero“ has got it to an extended amount. That's bad writing, nothing more or less. I have no issues with them being deeply flawed but that's different to what we see in ESO.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    OhAmex wrote: »
    He is a God made up of 3 people, therefor not mortal.

    Curious about your statement here.
    What 3 people is Talos made from?
    He was born mortal, in Atmora or Anticlere. Changed his name twice, then achieved God-hood. Not sure where 3 people play in this?
    Reference "Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition: Cyrodiil Holidays of the IIiac Bay~
    2E 827
    Talos (or Hjalti Early-Beard), later is known as Tiber Septim, the first Emperor of Septim dynasty, is born. His birthplace is unclear, being listed to us as both Atmora and Anticlere.

    Also curious as to you stating that MK is "Fan Fiction" and not "Canon", considering he worked for Bethesda from "Arena" thru "Morrowind" as a designer, writing most of the lore of the early games, wrote many of the in-game books, and was asked by Bethesda to return and do work on "Oblivion" and "Knights of the Nine". I would say that is "Canon"...
    Just my 2 Septims... :smile:
    Talos is not 1 person, he is 3 people and Tiber Septim is only 1/3rd of him, the other 2 parts of Talos are Wulfharth of Atmora and and the Tiber Septim's imperial Battlemage Zurin Arctus, although he is a strange case and now that I think about it he should be excluded from the list.

    Also I only regard things he wrote after he was fired as fan-fiction.
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 2, 2017 7:21AM
  • mesmerizedish
    Divayth Fyr < Ancient Dunmeri Wizard
    OhAmex wrote: »
    He is a God made up of 3 people, therefor not mortal.

    Curious about your statement here.
    What 3 people is Talos made from?
    He was born mortal, in Atmora or Anticlere. Changed his name twice, then achieved God-hood. Not sure where 3 people play in this?
    Reference "Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition: Cyrodiil Holidays of the IIiac Bay~
    2E 827
    Talos (or Hjalti Early-Beard), later is known as Tiber Septim, the first Emperor of Septim dynasty, is born. His birthplace is unclear, being listed to us as both Atmora and Anticlere.

    Also curious as to you stating that MK is "Fan Fiction" and not "Canon", considering he worked for Bethesda from "Arena" thru "Morrowind" as a designer, writing most of the lore of the early games, wrote many of the in-game books, and was asked by Bethesda to return and do work on "Oblivion" and "Knights of the Nine". I would say that is "Canon"...
    Just my 2 Septims... :smile:
    Talos is not 1 person, he is 3 people and Tiber Septim is only 1/3rd of him, the other 2 parts of Talos are Wulfharth of Atmora and and the Tiber Septim's imperial Battlemage Zurin Arctus, although he is a strange case and now that I think about it he should be excluded from the list.

    Also I only regard things he wrote after he was fired as fan-fiction.

    The nature of Talos is very up for debate. My personal belief is that you're on the right track, but your certainty is antithetical to what Elder Scrolls is all about.

    Kirkbride wasn't fired, and he's done contract design work on every TES game from BGS since he left. He continues to play an official role in developing the setting.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    OhAmex wrote: »
    He is a God made up of 3 people, therefor not mortal.

    Curious about your statement here.
    What 3 people is Talos made from?
    He was born mortal, in Atmora or Anticlere. Changed his name twice, then achieved God-hood. Not sure where 3 people play in this?
    Reference "Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition: Cyrodiil Holidays of the IIiac Bay~
    2E 827
    Talos (or Hjalti Early-Beard), later is known as Tiber Septim, the first Emperor of Septim dynasty, is born. His birthplace is unclear, being listed to us as both Atmora and Anticlere.

    Also curious as to you stating that MK is "Fan Fiction" and not "Canon", considering he worked for Bethesda from "Arena" thru "Morrowind" as a designer, writing most of the lore of the early games, wrote many of the in-game books, and was asked by Bethesda to return and do work on "Oblivion" and "Knights of the Nine". I would say that is "Canon"...
    Just my 2 Septims... :smile:
    Talos is not 1 person, he is 3 people and Tiber Septim is only 1/3rd of him, the other 2 parts of Talos are Wulfharth of Atmora and and the Tiber Septim's imperial Battlemage Zurin Arctus, although he is a strange case and now that I think about it he should be excluded from the list.

    Also I only regard things he wrote after he was fired as fan-fiction.

    The nature of Talos is very up for debate. My personal belief is that you're on the right track, but your certainty is antithetical to what Elder Scrolls is all about.

    Kirkbride wasn't fired, and he's done contract design work on every TES game from BGS since he left. He continues to play an official role in developing the setting.
    Regardless I still don't and will never accept his latest writings as canon especially the one he calles CODA, it also doesn't change the fact that I personally do not like him either, I spoke with him once on TESLore reddit and he was being an absolute smartass to me when I asked him a very simple question regarding a plothole in Morrowind.

    He is also responsible for more plotholes in the series then any other lore writer current and former.

    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 2, 2017 8:41AM
  • Necrelios
    Other < Do explain
    The Guards.
    Terms & Conditions ["We revoke permission to fictional legal constructs or private/public persons for selling of any private data, censorship, surveillance, personage or conversion as a trespass of law. We prohibit the practice of "procedural law" or corporate statues in place of divine law."]
  • imredneckson
    Other < Do explain
    Necrelios wrote: »
    The Guards.

    Legions of Mordor Guild Officer
    Member of the GvG Community

    Dunmer NB - Merser Frey (DC)
    Dunmer DK - Akaviri Battlereeve (DC)-***_kill_by_eso_picture-d9nrz0q.png
    Imperial Templar - Knight of the Blood Oath (DC)-
    High Elf Templar - Aurí-El (AD)
    High Elf Templar - Teutonic Honor Guard (EP)
  • Strider_Roshin
    Other < Do explain
    Umbra, a lone Orc warrior searching for someone to give him a warrior's death. I don't care if there is another that is more powerful; he deserved to be mentioned.
  • AnoVando
    Divayth Fyr < Ancient Dunmeri Wizard
    Although I voted for Fyr, because let's face it, he was a badass, I think Umbra deserves recognition as well.
  • Lizzrdd
    Other < Do explain
    Knight-Paladin Gelebor. I mean, there is no way to know how long he had to fend off all those Falmer, AND maintain the reverence that he has for Auri-El.
    But he does it like a boss.
    Play how you want to, not how others tell you to! Live and let Play!
  • Countcalorie
    Cloudless wrote: »

  • Shogunami
    I don't know his name, but how about that Redguard sword-singer guy who destroyed the Orichalc Tower when trying perform Pankratosword with perfect form?

    Oh, he didn't just destroy the Orichalc Tower, he sank the entirety of Yokuda to the bottom of the sea.

    He was one bad ass mofo for sure.
    Edited by Shogunami on March 3, 2017 7:26AM
    "I think Orcs first turned a bear head into food because it looks amazing." -Orzorga.
  • lappas
    Other < Do explain
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