Most powerful mortal in Tamriels History

  • Magic_Longsword
    Other < Do explain
    Does Mannimarco count? Or are you looking at the very narrow definition of "mortal"? I mean he did have a hand in the Daggerfall confict, the Soulburst, and in Oblivion. Not to mention the whole "first Lich and most powerful necromancer in Tamriel's history" shindig.
  • Dark_Aether
    Other < Do explain
    M'aiq will have a great one liner about you next game for not putting him as an option, that's how powerful he is.
  • MarkusLiberty
    Other < Do explain
    pelinal whitestrake

    *Special Snowflake*

  • RebornV3x
    Vanus Galerion < Founder of the Mage's Guild
    I Wanna say Vanus only because he's knows the Psijic Order knows Mannimarco so i would assume hes quite powerful but ESO makes him look like a straight up b

    but I would say whomever leads the Psijic Order at any given time as we see in Skyrim they can freeze time and create a pocket of normal time just to talk to the Dragonborn effortlessly so yeah how do you fight people that can just freeze time. Either them The Last Dragonborn from Skyrim or Tiber Sptium
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
    Other < Do explain
    Enslaved wrote: »
    As a Nord, I cant judge too much about other races, but I feel that Ysgramor and his deeds do speak for themselves. I dont say he was most powerful mortal being in existance, but for Nords, he is an ideal we all strive for.

    I'm going with Talos as the strongest human. I have no idea about non-humans.
  • maboleth
    Nerevar < The First Counciler who was betrayed at Red Mountain
    Molydeus wrote: »
    Mannimarco was also portrayed as a pathetic fool in this game, so I guess there are probably several historical Elder Scrolls figures that don't live up to their portrayal in TES lore. Shalidor was nothing like I expected either--Sheogorath played him for a total scrub and he acted nothing like an all-powerful archmage.

    Shalidor wasn't and couldn't be as powerful because he was only a projection. I saw him as a frustrated and "caged" spirit with severely limited powers that Sheogorath toyed with.

    Mannimarco was the most powerful necromancer but he WAS a fool nonetheless. It was only a matter of time before his short-sightedness and double playing with the Molag Bal would come to the surface.
  • zaria
    MAEK wrote: »
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    Guards in cities. :D

    But they aren't mortal, so they don't count.
    Think you can kill them, they have 10M health however so they would be nice to train your rotation on.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • qsnoopyjr
    Other < Do explain
    None of you will know,

    But there is a guy in Elder Scrolls 3, Morrowind, expansion pack Tribunal.

    His name is Gaenor

    Enough said
  • Radinyn
    Other < Do explain
  • zaria
    Skyrim's protagonist belongs on that list since she potentially defeats Miraak.
    Yes lots of the people in the list could be killed by players automatically de-qualifying them.
    The Skyrim protagonist was an wimp however.

    Made an mage in Morrowind who went full out substance abuse on potions.
    Note that fortify intelligence potion stacking was known before release of Morrowind so not an exploit.
    However doing 800 dps in Morrowind was kind of overkill even at highest difficultly with mods who added far tougher enemies.
    If you could use the weakness to magic stacking from Oblivion in Morrowind your could reach solo vMoL levels.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Magic_Longsword
    Other < Do explain
    maboleth wrote: »
    Molydeus wrote: »
    Mannimarco was also portrayed as a pathetic fool in this game, so I guess there are probably several historical Elder Scrolls figures that don't live up to their portrayal in TES lore. Shalidor was nothing like I expected either--Sheogorath played him for a total scrub and he acted nothing like an all-powerful archmage.

    Shalidor wasn't and couldn't be as powerful because he was only a projection. I saw him as a frustrated and "caged" spirit with severely limited powers that Sheogorath toyed with.

    Mannimarco was the most powerful necromancer but he WAS a fool nonetheless. It was only a matter of time before his short-sightedness and double playing with the Molag Bal would come to the surface.

    Yes, but bad decisions aside, if we're talking in terms of raw power, Mannimarco is way up here. It took the sacrifice of the freaking Arch-Mage of the Arcane University in Oblivion to finally defeat him.
    In ESO... Well given what he looked like in the trailers, he does make a pansy man impression, but taking your personal interactions with him aside, he still managed to make the Soulburst happen in the first place and wields enough political, social, and raw power to hold the Empire in his grasp and strike terror and fear in the hearts of random plebs out there.

    I mean he made Clivia Tharn, the Empress, his b*tch. As he did with Varen before that (seriously, if you see a shady elf with crazy eyes and apparent delusions of grandeur asking you to trust him with soul-altering rituals, it's okay to have second doubts). Not to mention that Head Worm Cultist in the Rift, Malik w/e. And Angof the Gravesinger to a lesser extent since their goals align.
    When you have awesome minions like this under your thumb, you deserve some respect.

    EDIT: Also, if I recall correctly from the lorebooks, he was supposed to be Vanus Galerion's rival, with equal if not better magical talent and skill, but a penchant for evil.
    Edited by Magic_Longsword on March 1, 2017 9:19PM
  • zaria
    Divayth Fyr is rumored to be 4,000 years old. He made female clones of himself and hangs out with the last living Dwemer. He has several Daedric artfacts in his possession, including the Savior's Hide, Volendrung, and the Daedric Crescent. He also has a nearly complete set of Daedric armor, which is extremely rare in Morrowind.

    Even better than all of that, he's a Telvanni. I think the answer was fairly obvious.
    And your character could single hit to kill him :)

    Yes with some boost you could single hit to kill any characters in morrowind, including two in the tribunal.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Waffennacht
    It's confusing to me because it would appear that the Mundus (Nirn) and the realms of the Aedra and Daedra not only mix, but also contain the same dramas/struggles.

    Example: Pelinal, (Here is where I'm a bit confused) Pelinal is a human (could be immortal - definitely the definition of "mortality" is fluid in ES) which came and messed up some elves. Well if Man was created by Lorkhan, then the timeline doesn't really add up as Lorkhan was dismembered prior to Pelinal. But if Man was created by Sithis, then Pelinal is of Sithis. There are quotes from Pelinal after his dismemberment... or did he come from Talos (I guess he did ascend after death to change Cyrodiil, but why did that happen? Why would he rise upon death without the Heart of Lorkhan or Ascending a Tower?)

    I know the basic layouts but there's a lot of inner-workings that are a bit hazy.

    What about Magnus? Was he mortal when Lorkhan orginally created the world and became a spirit once again when he peaced out leaving a hole in the sky? Or do we just consider the Nirn with all the Spirits to be immortal?

    Did Dagon really lose a section of Oblivion to Lorkhan or did Lorkhan's body create Nirn? (Also if Nirn is of Lorkhan's body and the reason why his heart can't be destroyed... how did he have a body to have a heart in to be removed?)
    Edited by Waffennacht on March 1, 2017 9:20PM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • KimoBitz
    Other < Do explain
    The protagonist of skyrim...The last dragonborn
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    Koensol wrote: »
    Koensol wrote: »
    Koensol wrote: »
    Cyrus the Restless as the "Hoon Ding". Does that count?
    Is the Hoon-Ding a Deity? If so then he doesn't count.
    Well, Cyrus himself is mortal. He is just inbued with the "spirit of perseverence over infidels", called the Hoonding. Which makes him more powerful than anyone else on the list. If this doesn't count, then you should remove Zuran Arctus as well from your list. He became part of an immortal entity called the Underking, and later indirectly even became part of the being/god called Talos.
    What makes the spirit of perservenence over infidels powerful?
    When it chooses to materialize in a person, or thing, it is a force that has so far proven to be unstoppable. The Hoonding materializes when the redguards are in dire need and need to 'make way' for their people. This has happened three times in the history of Tamriel. Quote from "twice in the First Era during the Ra Gada invasion in the form of Hunding and Diagna, and once more during the Tiber Wars".
    The last time when it manifested was within Cyrus the Restless. So technically, it is not Cyrus himself that has the power, but he becomes an unstoppable champion imbued by the spirit of the Hoonding. In this regard he can sort of be compared to Zurin Arctus, Wulfharth and Tiber Septim. They also merged with a different being into something more powerful. The difference being that the Hoonding comes and leaves as it wishes and isn't a consistent force.

    No one has any control over when it happens. But when it does, it simply makes way and nothing has been able to stop it. As far as I know, it has been widely considered to be the second most powerful being in ES universe, after Talos.
    I was with you the whole time until you mentioned the last part where you said he was the second most powerful being in ES, then I realized that your basing that off of Kirkbrides FAN-FICTION, I highly doubt this Hoon-Ding is more powerful then Akatosh or Jyggalag or Lorkhan or any of the Daedric Princes for that matter, His fan-fiction is made up and is NOT canon no matter how much he wishes it were.

    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 1, 2017 9:43PM
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    Erm... Tiber Septim ? The first dragonborn and founder of the empire ?
    Also known as Talos (that was worshipped as god), Ysmir.
    Miraak was the First Dragonborn and Tiber Septim was weaker then him, even Neloth states Miraak as being the most powerful Dragonborn in history when he compares the player as being the second, of course the player becomes the mos powerful Dragonborn after absorbing Miraak.
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 1, 2017 9:44PM
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    JarlUlfric wrote: »
    According to Michael Kirkbride this is his list;

    The HoonDing.









    That's my list, and pretty much in that order. Though Vivec did kill Tiber Septim once...but I mentioned Talos, not the Emperor.
    MKs opinion nowadays might as well be considered meaningless and that list is so laughably wrong, why isn't Almalexia or Sotha Sil on that list? im pretty sure the clockwork god is more powerful then Reman Cyrodiil, also that list includes gods so where are the Daedric Princes, Where is Jyggalag, Where is Molag Bal? Where is the Aedra Akatosh?

    Also you clearly didn't read the title, it is most powerful MORTAL, how many on that list even qualify as being mortal?

    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 1, 2017 9:45PM
  • AlMcFly
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    Molydeus wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    I always thought it's Vanus Galerion. But how he is depicted in ESO... he seems to be a fool.

    Yea... the way he is portrayed is quite shocking, he seems like a bafooning drama queen. Nothing like the literature would lead you to expect. Then again Mannimarco was also portrayed as a pathetic fool in this game, so I guess there are probably several historical Elder Scrolls figures that don't live up to their portrayal in TES lore. Shalidor was nothing like I expected either--Sheogorath played him for a total scrub and he acted nothing like an all-powerful archmage.

    That's one of the many things I love about the ES lore. People are fallible. Dirty, weak, and ugly on the inside. There are no true heroes. Except Bumnog.

    But all of them seem to be dumb and idiotic. That shouldn't be the case, should it? I mean in ESO many many many characters are just infredibly foolish and naive. I blame that on the pretty bland writing of most characters / skills in ESO.

    Sooo you're saying that these historical figures in person do not live up to the ideal as they're portrayed in historic lore and literature? Well I've got a newsflash for you Walter Cronkite. That is probably the most realistic aspect of this whole scenario. In real life, we raise our past figures up to be godlike and almost saintly (Shakespear, Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander of Macedon, etc). In reality, these were all deeply flawed men who had major issues in certain respects.
    Edited by AlMcFly on March 1, 2017 9:37PM
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    OhAmex wrote: »
    He is a God made up of 3 people, therefor not mortal.

  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    pelinal whitestrake

    I excluded him as he is an immortal.

  • Magic_Longsword
    Other < Do explain
    I'm actually surprised Kagrenac hasn't been mentioned yet. The Dwemer artificer that created the tools to work on the heart of Lorkhan, which led to the whole war with the Chimer, death of Nerevar, rise of the "false" Tribunal, and disappearance of the entire Dwemer civilization.

    Let me reiterate: he created a tool capable of altering the very heart of a God.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    Molydeus wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    I always thought it's Vanus Galerion. But how he is depicted in ESO... he seems to be a fool.

    Yea... the way he is portrayed is quite shocking, he seems like a bafooning drama queen. Nothing like the literature would lead you to expect. Then again Mannimarco was also portrayed as a pathetic fool in this game, so I guess there are probably several historical Elder Scrolls figures that don't live up to their portrayal in TES lore. Shalidor was nothing like I expected either--Sheogorath played him for a total scrub and he acted nothing like an all-powerful archmage.

    That's one of the many things I love about the ES lore. People are fallible. Dirty, weak, and ugly on the inside. There are no true heroes. Except Bumnog.

    But all of them seem to be dumb and idiotic. That shouldn't be the case, should it? I mean in ESO many many many characters are just infredibly foolish and naive. I blame that on the pretty bland writing of most characters / skills in ESO.

    Sooo you're saying that these historical figures in person do not live up to the ideal as they're portrayed in historic lore and literature? Well I've got a newsflash for you Walter Cronkite. That is probably the most realistic aspect of this whole scenario. In real life, we raise our past figures up to be godlike and almost saintly (Shakespear, Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander of Macedon, etc). In reality, these were all deeply flawed men who had major issues in certain respects.
    That's something that seems to slip a few peoples minds, only the positive qualities of historic figures are recorded so no one is going to mention that this famous hero from long ago also had irritable bowel syndrome and gum disease, many of them likely had personal problems, those from ancient times likely didn't bathe either.

    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 1, 2017 9:54PM
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Zenzuki wrote: »
    The Vestige! :wink:
    Sorry to tell you but the vestige is pitifully weak compared to the protagonists of the single player games, I even made a comparsion, If the vestige is a member of that 12 man group then the Dragonborn is the boss at the end of the "Trial"

    The vestige stomped molag bal
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
  • Tryxus
    Zurin Arctus < Tiber Septim's Imperial Battlemage
    Does Zurin Arctus count as a mortal? Technically, he's more of a lich. (maybe Miraak too? not sure about that tbh)

    I voted for him: a great Battlemage who revived Numidium with his own heart, then destroyed the Brass Tower twice.

    If playable characters would count, it would be a close call between the Agent and the Nerevarine. But since the Nerevarine has accomplished more (and has a happier ending), I'd say he's the strongest of the main Heroes
    Edited by Tryxus on March 1, 2017 9:54PM
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Does Zurin Arctus count as a mortal? Technically, he's more of a lich. (maybe Miraak too? not sure about that tbh)

    I voted for him: a great Battlemage who revived Numidium with his own heart, then destroyed the Brass Tower twice.

    If playable characters would count, it would be a close call between the Agent and the Nerevarine. But since the Nerevarine has accomplished more (and has a happier ending), I'd say he's the strongest of the main Heroes
    I didn't include the protagonists as they have the potential to be immortal (Nerevarine has Corprus, CoC is an aspect of Sheogorath and the Dragonborn can be a Vampire Lord) and what they can do is really up to the player, my Dragonborn for example is more powerful then my CoC and Nerevarine combined.

    Also Zurin Acrtus does count as a mortal, this is him as Tiber Septim's Battlemage.

    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 1, 2017 10:03PM
  • ArrerBoy
    Other < Do explain
    Tie between Talos and Vehk. Both achieved CHIM, and are therefore superior.

    Though whether it was Talos Stormcrown that achieved CHIM or Talos the God that achieved it leaves it kind of open
  • mb10
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    ArrerBoy wrote: »
    Tie between Talos and Vehk. Both achieved CHIM, and are therefore superior.

    Though whether it was Talos Stormcrown that achieved CHIM or Talos the God that achieved it leaves it kind of open
    Oh I didn't realize they were mortal as only mortals are allowed on this list.. that and I am somewhat of a CHIM-athiest, like so many other things related to MK it sounds like utter garbage to me so if I were you I wouldn't bother mentioning in a conversation with me as I will just ignore it.

    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 1, 2017 10:14PM
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    Zenzuki wrote: »
    The Vestige! :wink:
    Sorry to tell you but the vestige is pitifully weak compared to the protagonists of the single player games, I even made a comparsion, If the vestige is a member of that 12 man group then the Dragonborn is the boss at the end of the "Trial"

    The vestige stomped molag bal
    With someone else's power.

  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Miraak < The First Dragonborn
    mb10 wrote: »
    Lich > therefor not mortal.

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