Very close to a bulletproof trials roster that can work over any vet trial...if you have trials ready characters and would like to be plugged into an amazing end game guild and trials roster please message eman484!
@Hamiltonmath ... We are probably running normal maw tonight to try and get some gear for our players...we are running vet AA you want to run with us or not...I'm going to take players committed to our success within our own guild first! The invite was sent...don't miss an opportunity to run with the funniest end game guild on ESO!
We have put together a solid core group...breezed through two vet trials this week...we are moving on to Sanctum and Maw this week coming up...then we will cycle back through and hit hard mode on all four...we are always looking for quality team players...right now we are having to leave people out because of a great show rate, so your selection will be solely based on your skill level and build!