Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Faction Change?

  • TheShadowScout
    Delete the character. At best it takes 2 days to get fully leveled. don't do much crafting or riding, do ya? :p;)
  • Desmuu
    Delete the character. At best it takes 2 days to get fully leveled. don't do much crafting or riding, do ya? :p;)

    I did on my main, but I really don't feel like all that work again. I've been doing nothing but grinding dolmen groups to level the alt and it's decently fast? But I just hate starting over, I put so much time into the character.
    Should've been Roscrea
  • wsmith97ub17_ESO
    I'll pay big for this and i dont vare how its implemented.

    I did the betas by playing 1 char for each race. I fell in love with ep, zones, story, all of it.

    Unfortunately, my guild opted for dc and so i went with them. Now they are gone and im stuck. I am not leveling more than the 12 chars i have now. I will not create chars for another alliance as its all or none for me.
    It is the mind, that is the mind, confusing the mind. Do not leave the mind, oh mind, to the mind.
  • kargen27
    I wouldn't mind seeing a quest line that allows a character to switch alliances. Should not be repeatable on that character and should include a significant loss of rank and maybe even a loss of PvP skills. Former emperors should probably lose that title as well.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • PlagueSD
    Desmuu wrote: »
    I'm on in the Aldmeri dominion and I really regret it, but I don't want to spend all of that time re-leveling a new character all over again. I would much rather be on the Ebonheart pact. I would seriously pay money for a faction change if that ever became an option in the future. I was curious if anyone knows if that'll ever be an option or not, and I'd love to hear some opinions on it. To my knowledge it wouldn't be all that hard for them to make this an option, and they would probably make some money off of it too.

    Lemme guess. EP is winning in Cyrodiil and AD is getting their butts kicked, right?

    Delete the character. At best it takes 2 days to get fully leveled. don't do much crafting or riding, do ya? :p;)

    Make an Orc Stam Warden. Once you get your "wings" you'll never use a mount again. As for crafting, I have 1 character that's my main crafter. He has all traits learned and gets all the motifs first. Duplicates either get sold on the Guild Store, or learned by another character.
    Edited by PlagueSD on January 19, 2018 1:59AM
  • Desmuu
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    Desmuu wrote: »
    I'm on in the Aldmeri dominion and I really regret it, but I don't want to spend all of that time re-leveling a new character all over again. I would much rather be on the Ebonheart pact. I would seriously pay money for a faction change if that ever became an option in the future. I was curious if anyone knows if that'll ever be an option or not, and I'd love to hear some opinions on it. To my knowledge it wouldn't be all that hard for them to make this an option, and they would probably make some money off of it too.

    Lemme guess. EP is winning in Cyrodiil and AD is getting their butts kicked, right?
    Delete the character. At best it takes 2 days to get fully leveled. don't do much crafting or riding, do ya? :p;)

    Make an Orc Stam Warden. Once you get your "wings" you'll never use a mount again. As for crafting, I have 1 character that's my main crafter. He has all traits learned and gets all the motifs first. Duplicates either get sold on the Guild Store, or learned by another character.

    No, I haven't really done PVP in over a year and don't feel like I'm ready to yet. I just dislike the faction. I prefer Nords, Skyrim, and the gritty aesthetic and lore rather than the Elves. I thought I already made it clear earlier in the thread, I guess you didn't read it.
    Should've been Roscrea
  • Desmuu
    And the zones/questing and stuff is way better in my opinion. And I hate the color yellow, lol.
    Should've been Roscrea
  • elfantasmo
    Do one event per year where people can make 1 alliance change per character. Make a big storyline over it, whatever, I want to play mageblade on EP xD and no I'm not collecting 5 million lore books for the 12th time.

    Thanks ZOS we love you.
  • Desmuu
    elfantasmo wrote: »
    Do one event per year where people can make 1 alliance change per character. Make a big storyline over it, whatever, I want to play mageblade on EP xD and no I'm not collecting 5 million lore books for the 12th time.

    Thanks ZOS we love you.

    I think they could just make it a microtransaction in the crown store, just do the same thing WoW does. I don't see any downside to it, ZOS makes money, players are happy. I really would love to hear what ZOS has to say about this.
    Should've been Roscrea
  • kargen27
    Desmuu wrote: »
    elfantasmo wrote: »
    Do one event per year where people can make 1 alliance change per character. Make a big storyline over it, whatever, I want to play mageblade on EP xD and no I'm not collecting 5 million lore books for the 12th time.

    Thanks ZOS we love you.

    I think they could just make it a microtransaction in the crown store, just do the same thing WoW does. I don't see any downside to it, ZOS makes money, players are happy. I really would love to hear what ZOS has to say about this.

    Some players are happy. A good number of players hate everything about the crown store and would see an alliance change offered in crown store as pay to win. I doubt we will see this coming any time soon but if we do it needs to be in game and not something that can simply be purchased. It also needs to be done in a way so that people are not hopping around from alliance to alliance on a whim.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • duendology
    I've got at least one character representing each alliance (total characters 8). Problem solved. I really don't understand this favouring one alliance over another. At first I thought people were just joking... but apparently it's a zeriously zerious thing if you're not DC? it's ridiculous.
    Apparently, if you're a leaderboard and winning obsessed it is a big deal to be on the winning side (and why is that, because for some reason it's cool to be on DC, so now everybody - regardless race- joins DC upon creating a character?) If you're an exceptionally good pvper you'll get recognised regardless of your alliance, hmm?
    Besides, according to Lore, these factions are a little bit "forced" for the sake of MMO and Pvping. Many of the races have no reason to be in alliance with one another....
    Edited by duendology on January 19, 2018 10:04PM
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • Stickbow
    I'd pay crowns to transfer.

    I, like most people I've talked to about this, want to play with their friends. Their friends come and go, they make new friends, join different guilds because that guild fits the reasons they are playing. Sometimes you find your own tribe and want to be part of it.

    I don't want to pay the in game gold and 180 day daily login to feed a new horse, level crafting skills, buying motifs, getting achievements, even leveling PVP rank to be able to play with my friends. I'll pay 2-3K crowns to do so.

    I'm ok if there are tight rules about it - can't do it more often than every 60 days, can't switch if you're in a campaign, have to follow the same rules about race/faction (though I have the Imperial edition/collector's edition, so can be "any race, any alliance"). I'm okay with that - my group of friends doesn't change *that* often.

    After nearly 4 years playing, I want to be in Cyrodil -- or wherever -- with my friends, not killing them (or getting killed by them) because my 200+ days/played toon is in a different alliance.

    Didn't all that go away with "One Tamriel"???? Why can I quest with someone of another faction but not PVP with them? Which breaks your immersion more - killing the person you've been running dungeons with for three months or changing alliance?
  • Stickbow
    BTW, not switching to DC, so it's not an "it's cool to be DC" thing. My current group of friends are an EP guild.

  • vellectra
    Soul Shriven
    yes, please implement faction change tokens. i'd even pay for one if it was like 10k crowns. leveling alts is all fine and well but for those of us that want to faction change our mains, all our achievements, exploration, skyshards, riding, etc would basically be wasted. i too, have my main as AD but all my friends play EP and i want the opportunity to do cyrodiil together with them
  • Desmuu
    We did it comrades
    Should've been Roscrea
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