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no CP "test" actually fun, im very suprised

  • kevlarto_ESO
    Rickter wrote: »
    Is the event fun because of no CP?

    or is it fun because:

    1) AP gains are so substantial that the excitement and addiction to success and victory are more prevalent due to that increased incentive

    2) Due to hype and above incentive, more pvp players are entering servers and pop locking campaigns creating dynamic, fast paced, adrenaline packed pvp experiences that weve arguably have always craved.

    at this point, Im tempted to say that double AP should stay

    I am sure the AP gain has something to do with it, but it is fun to me because the playing field feels a little more balanced, not everyone you see is a damage dealing tank with infinite resources, I have only encounter two players that still were running like nothing changed, I videoed them and reported them let zos look into it, you cannot have never ending resources legit with no cp, I guess they think no one will notice LOL, the action feels more mmo not cod, I played a long time died once my fault. I always figure when I see the players that think their poop don't stink complaining about something I know zos is doing something right for the larger portion of the player base. We will see this is only a week and back to crap next week, hopefully something good comes out of this in the long run.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Rickter wrote: »
    Is the event fun because of no CP?

    or is it fun because:

    1) AP gains are so substantial that the excitement and addiction to success and victory are more prevalent due to that increased incentive

    2) Due to hype and above incentive, more pvp players are entering servers and pop locking campaigns creating dynamic, fast paced, adrenaline packed pvp experiences that weve arguably have always craved.

    at this point, Im tempted to say that double AP should stay

    It's fun mainly because there are more people in Cyrodiil, at all hours. Also, everybody dies pretty quickly without CP, so the battles have a faster pace.
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    I was skeptical going into it but I honestly don't think I've had this much fun in PvP since 2014

    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on March 1, 2017 6:48PM
  • Drakkdjinn
    I'm having a ball as well -- great to see somewhat more consistent populations in each campaign across factions!
  • EskimoBrother
    Agreed, no CP has got me interested again

    -Clayton Bigsby


  • forzajuve212
    I'm sure no-cp is really fun in a small group/group play but coming from the few times I've played solo mag dk on TF/Azuras, it really hasn't been enjoyable. For some reason, there just seems to be more zerg trains everywhere where I roam to find fights and I'll usually end up facing 6-12 at most times. Sometimes i''ll get smaller decent fights where I stand a chance but without a group, you're pretty much gonna get run over much easier than you would with CP and much more frequently.

    Like I said, I'm sure if I was with a decent 4 man I'd find it more enjoyable but so far I'm really not having fun solo playing with no-cp on mag dk. Maybe it's a balancing issue with mag dk sustain problems as well. Running 5 seducers 5 BSW 2 bloodspawn and added a regen glyph to help sustain but the cost of abilities is just so high without CP (Deep breath costs 4.2k magicka in 5 heavy w/out seducers)
  • Gilvoth
    i hope and ask that this no cp be made global on all servers to balance the pvp and will also stop many exploits.
    it brings pvp balance and does lower the lagg. so it only makes sence to keep all pvp servers a no cp.
  • Derra
    i hope and ask that this no cp be made global on all servers to balance the pvp and will also stop many exploits.
    it brings pvp balance and does lower the lagg. so it only makes sence to keep all pvp servers a no cp.

    That´s entirely subjective is it not?

    I find it to be less balanced than with CP. Care to explain why you feel that way? Also from my perspective lag did not change (it changed a little - but given how drastic of a change noCP is and how dramatically it alters playerbehavior i don´t think it´s worth it).
    Edited by Derra on March 2, 2017 4:17PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Rickter
    not gonna lie, seems like participation has dropped down on haderus as of day 3. maybe it was raid night for everyone. there was one big DC blob and at least two EP and two AD.

    Im not sure what the deal was with the large 12+ EP group farming DC home keeps for 2 hours. back and forth between rayles and warden when yellow had the entire map, emperorship, and EP only had 3 home keeps.

    seriously what was Red doing out there when yellow had the whole map.

    why was AD ignoring aleswell completely? they capped glademist, and chalman, and completely left Ales. is there some kind of back end politics going on?
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • vamp_emily
    Definitely a lot of lag, and even outside of PvP. My friend quit playing the game earlier because she kept dropping and lagging in PvE.

    I really hope they do fix the lag. Last night in TF was fun. Poplocked all 3 factions at Ales and AD ending the fight with crowning a new Emp.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Boozdog
    I'm sure no-cp is really fun in a small group/group play but coming from the few times I've played solo mag dk on TF/Azuras, it really hasn't been enjoyable. For some reason, there just seems to be more zerg trains everywhere where I roam to find fights and I'll usually end up facing 6-12 at most times. Sometimes i''ll get smaller decent fights where I stand a chance but without a group, you're pretty much gonna get run over much easier than you would with CP and much more frequently.

    Like I said, I'm sure if I was with a decent 4 man I'd find it more enjoyable but so far I'm really not having fun solo playing with no-cp on mag dk. Maybe it's a balancing issue with mag dk sustain problems as well. Running 5 seducers 5 BSW 2 bloodspawn and added a regen glyph to help sustain but the cost of abilities is just so high without CP (Deep breath costs 4.2k magicka in 5 heavy w/out seducers)

    Playing solo shouldnt be as easy as it is with CP. Spamming skills, heals, break frees should come at a cost. Id say you are not used to managing your resources or rather pick the wrong fights.
    No cp is a re-learning process.
    I am for no cp
  • Gilvoth
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Definitely a lot of lag, and even outside of PvP. My friend quit playing the game earlier because she kept dropping and lagging in PvE.

    I really hope they do fix the lag. Last night in TF was fun. Poplocked all 3 factions at Ales and AD ending the fight with crowning a new Emp.

    i was under the impression that this week only the devs were purposely increasing server stress causing more lagg just for testing purposes.
  • Drakkdjinn
    I'm sure no-cp is really fun in a small group/group play but coming from the few times I've played solo mag dk on TF/Azuras, it really hasn't been enjoyable. For some reason, there just seems to be more zerg trains everywhere where I roam to find fights and I'll usually end up facing 6-12 at most times. Sometimes i''ll get smaller decent fights where I stand a chance but without a group, you're pretty much gonna get run over much easier than you would with CP and much more frequently.

    Like I said, I'm sure if I was with a decent 4 man I'd find it more enjoyable but so far I'm really not having fun solo playing with no-cp on mag dk. Maybe it's a balancing issue with mag dk sustain problems as well. Running 5 seducers 5 BSW 2 bloodspawn and added a regen glyph to help sustain but the cost of abilities is just so high without CP (Deep breath costs 4.2k magicka in 5 heavy w/out seducers)

    This has less to do with the presence of CP and more to do with the high populations in every campaign due to double AP.

    Before this week I had never had to sit in a queue for Azura's save weekends on DC. Now even on weeknights at primetime AD has a queue -- that's pretty unheard of.
  • apostate9
    Barbaran wrote: »
    so i only got about 2 hrs in to try and i was pleasently suprised for multiple reasons.

    first and foremost, the lag was noticeably decreased. i got into a couple of large group on group fights where both us and blue were zerging, it was easily a 30+ vs 30+ fight, and i could still bar swap and use abilitys, it was a bit delayed in such a large fight but nowhere near as bad as normal considering all 3 alliances had full bars.
    the next point is, MOST of the BS is gone.. a few examples:

    Templars- with no cp they cannot stand there and infinitly breath of life (gear dependant), and when they do, blessed and quick recovery isnt a thing so no more zero health to full bars with one wave, it takes a few.. and that eats magic fast.

    nightblades- i had more then a few attempt at gank (magelight and all) and not once did i get a 2 second death burst. if i died he has to out play me.

    sorcs- my main has been a sorc lately, but for those of you that complain about shield stacking, we dont have bastion anymore, and if we sheild stack that eats alot of magic every 6 secs. i did just fine with 1 shield mainly and only stacking in a tight spot.

    thats all i noticed from my 2 hrs, my opinion may change the more i play, i might start to hate it, or i might find that theres even less BS and like it more, so far tho i am a fan

    Agreed, it is surprisingly fun. People with broken builds actually die.

  • NBrookus
    Rickter wrote: »
    Im not sure what the deal was with the large 12+ EP group farming DC home keeps for 2 hours. back and forth between rayles and warden when yellow had the entire map, emperorship, and EP only had 3 home keeps.

    seriously what was Red doing out there when yellow had the whole map.

    They went there when AD was stacking 60+, because pvdooring a faction that hadn't logged on yet was easier and rewards more AP. And they stayed there after AD logged off and DC faction stacked and zerged the emp ring ignoring the dorks at their trikeeps.

  • forzajuve212
    Boozdog wrote: »
    I'm sure no-cp is really fun in a small group/group play but coming from the few times I've played solo mag dk on TF/Azuras, it really hasn't been enjoyable. For some reason, there just seems to be more zerg trains everywhere where I roam to find fights and I'll usually end up facing 6-12 at most times. Sometimes i''ll get smaller decent fights where I stand a chance but without a group, you're pretty much gonna get run over much easier than you would with CP and much more frequently.

    Like I said, I'm sure if I was with a decent 4 man I'd find it more enjoyable but so far I'm really not having fun solo playing with no-cp on mag dk. Maybe it's a balancing issue with mag dk sustain problems as well. Running 5 seducers 5 BSW 2 bloodspawn and added a regen glyph to help sustain but the cost of abilities is just so high without CP (Deep breath costs 4.2k magicka in 5 heavy w/out seducers)

    Playing solo shouldnt be as easy as it is with CP. Spamming skills, heals, break frees should come at a cost. Id say you are not used to managing your resources or rather pick the wrong fights.
    No cp is a re-learning process.
    I am for no cp

    I mean you are probably right, like I said I haven't had much time to play no-CP so Im still adjusting to it. I didn't expect solo to be as easy as before, but I have adjusted my build quite a bit for more sustain but it seems everywhere i go there are just groups roaming everywhere. Feels like everyone is grouping up to maximize the AP gains regardless of fun fights or not.

    I don't think the game is balanced correctly for no-cp tho, I think some adjustment needs to be made elsewhere that ideally prevents the current CP situation where you can invest into everything without risk/reward but also balances the game correctly (maybe readjust battle spirit or adjust CP %'s/passives)
    Edited by forzajuve212 on March 2, 2017 4:58PM
  • zyk
    I played CP enabled PVP with my magicka nightblade for the first time in about 2 months. It confirmed to me that I *much* prefer no CP on Trueflame.

    I did pretty ok with a poor build, but I did not enjoy endless fights, unlimited dodging and troll tanks.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler You should consider removing all sustain constellations and passives from PVP -- along with the max resource bonuses. The offense and defense constellations can largely cancel each other out, I think. Don't let wrobel cheese it up more than it already is.

    Edited by zyk on March 12, 2017 8:57AM
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