Would never happen, they banned people over the banker writ glitch for 3 days, same as people using CE. nobody will get banned because of the silly little vmol glitch.
Lol, saw 200CPs sporting it yesterday. "Any1 wanna run vMoL HM? I have skin! I'm hard now!"
I guess all the hardcore PvE elitists will have to go back to actually testing out players instead of segregating them into "Skin - Pro Runs B! No-Skin? Progression!!" smdh.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »Even if someone at CP200 did have it, doesn't mean they cheated. After all, there are many people out there who have been carried through these things. I'm assuming before 1T it was also possible to get most of these skins by using the old levelling group trick
Yes, on the other hand its just an achievement you get easy using glitches in the game.Would never happen, they banned people over the banker writ glitch for 3 days, same as people using CE. nobody will get banned because of the silly little vmol glitch.
Silly little glitch? Hardest content in the game, beatable only by top players, giving skin for completion made easy mode is silly little glitch to you! I guess you wouldnt think that way if you spent hour and hours geting your skin the legit way.
Yes, on the other hand its just an achievement you get easy using glitches in the game.Would never happen, they banned people over the banker writ glitch for 3 days, same as people using CE. nobody will get banned because of the silly little vmol glitch.
Silly little glitch? Hardest content in the game, beatable only by top players, giving skin for completion made easy mode is silly little glitch to you! I guess you wouldnt think that way if you spent hour and hours geting your skin the legit way.
Its not as using cheat engine or bots nor does it hurt other players.
You cannot glitch the skin! As @DRXHarbinger already said you have to beat the first and second bosses to get the skin. And there is no reason to cheese Rakkhat if you went past the second boss. That's just a pretty lame excuse of people who were not able to get the skin on their own.
DurzoBlint13 wrote: »have they ever actually PERMAbanned anyone though??? Not even when people were blatantly exploiting the banker glitch did they PERMANTLY ban anyone- they just slapped a couple wrists and everyone kept what they exploited. I have no faith in any "action" ZOS takes against exploiters.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Lol, saw 200CPs sporting it yesterday. "Any1 wanna run vMoL HM? I have skin! I'm hard now!"
I guess all the hardcore PvE elitists will have to go back to actually testing out players instead of segregating them into "Skin - Pro Runs B! No-Skin? Progression!!" smdh.
Really though. Still never seen any proof of these low level skins. No shots or vids or anything.
andreasranasen wrote: »When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.
That's the thing! They didn't earn it! They paid for it, either by exploiting glitch or hiring 11 people to carry them through. People advertise in chat "Selling vMoL runs, 600k." That's cheap, it was up to 4 million.
Meaning anyone can get it now if they have some spare gold, doesn't matter what level.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Lol, saw 200CPs sporting it yesterday. "Any1 wanna run vMoL HM? I have skin! I'm hard now!"
I guess all the hardcore PvE elitists will have to go back to actually testing out players instead of segregating them into "Skin - Pro Runs B! No-Skin? Progression!!" smdh.
Really though. Still never seen any proof of these low level skins. No shots or vids or anything.
That's the thing! They didn't earn it! They paid for it, either by exploiting glitch or hiring 11 people to carry them through. People advertise in chat "Selling vMoL runs, 600k." That's cheap, it was up to 4 million.
Meaning anyone can get it now if they have some spare gold, doesn't matter what level.
Somebody said above that the glitch did not let you get the skin.DRXHarbinger wrote: »Lol, saw 200CPs sporting it yesterday. "Any1 wanna run vMoL HM? I have skin! I'm hard now!"
I guess all the hardcore PvE elitists will have to go back to actually testing out players instead of segregating them into "Skin - Pro Runs B! No-Skin? Progression!!" smdh.
Really though. Still never seen any proof of these low level skins. No shots or vids or anything.
That's the thing! They didn't earn it! They paid for it, either by exploiting glitch or hiring 11 people to carry them through. People advertise in chat "Selling vMoL runs, 600k." That's cheap, it was up to 4 million.
Meaning anyone can get it now if they have some spare gold, doesn't matter what level.