So after much testing on PTS and live, this is what I have come up with for the best possible setup.
For All Setups Run 5/1/1, I simply do not have a med or heavy Illambris shoulder.
Potions: Essence of Spellpower(Increase spellpower, increase spell critical, restore magicka)
Boss Fights
Boss Fights Where You Cannot Use Pets(Specifically Zhaj’hassa and the Twins)
Aoe Fights of 3+ Targets(Gauntlets)
If you do not want to switch gear between fights
Rotation Single Target: Heavy attack - Destro Ult - Blockade - Liquid Lightning - Bar Swap - Curse - Volatile Familiar - Force Pulse until Frag proc - Frag Proc...
Once Blockade runs out bar swap, Blockade - Liquid lightning - Bar Swap
Every ult after first use Meteor.
Keep your dots up and treat the familiar as a dot. Let both curse and familiar run all the way out before recasting. Cast familiar on the front bar, always.
Light attack weave If you struggle with weaving do not use Burning Spellweave, use setup #3.
AOE Fights: Curse - Bar Swap - Blockade - Liquid Lightning - Volatile Familiar - Heavy Attack
Destro Ults when ult is up. Keep the four aforementioned dots up just like in the single target rotation, light weaving when applicable.
We don't use BSW because we are doing virtually no fire damage, so the uptime on BSW would be pretty much 0.
My parse completely self buffed other than Ele Drain and Worm:
Trial Parses Coming Soon.
I tested double barring inferno and in purely single target situations it worked out better on the PTS but worse on Live. Not quite sure what to think about that.
Instead of Moondancer you can use Infallible Aether.
Helpful Addons:
For Keeping Up Your Dots(At least until Srendarr is fixed): Action Duration Reminder
For Quickly Swapping Setups: AlphaGear Lives
For ideas:
@Oreyn_Bearclaw @Yirmeyahu @Lanranax
For using the familiar again Yolo Wizard and his build found here:
For ele drain/worm and such:
@Zomnomnombie @Jaylee @Sazza_s
Edited by Miss_Morphine on February 21, 2017 3:30AM Fear is Failure NA PC
Main - mSC - Somatic Fury EP
mNB - A Sussurrus EP mTP - Wicked Light DC mDK - Flagellant AD
sNB - Wicked Haze EP sDK - Do'Ashara EP
TP healer - The Morphine EP
DK tank - Unyielding Fury EP
vMA Flawless - vMoL HM - vHRC HM - vAA HM - vSO HM - vDSA