I could go for a sub sandwich right now.
Agreed, I voted the same.
Well looks like we can look forward to another "I am angry about the game and want to see how many people agree with my rant to reinforce my views" poll soon.
Agreed, I voted the same.
Well looks like we can look forward to another "I am angry about the game and want to see how many people agree with my rant to reinforce my views" poll soon.
StackonClown wrote: »
lolmaybe i need a subway too..
I love the game.. i just want to keep Zenny on their toes
@StackonClown you need clear well structured polite criticism with showing of your workings. Rage polls won't do anything but put them on the defensive.
Check this thread I posted a few years ago: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/98564/how-to-make-a-developer-listen-to-you
It was written by an EVE Online Dev and is a great insight into how developers feel and engage threads on forums.
*edit spelling
StackonClown wrote: »
Yes - I agree.. And there was more text to the poll than 'to be deleted'.. but I didn't realise that polls are uneditable (makes sense), and it got saved half way through typing it up - noobsville mistake
In many of my posts I try to put forward my case with examples or comparisons... Zenny is just a money making machine.. I think I've been polite, but maybe a bit 'serious' at times... Many things go unaddressed for weeks, months, or indefinitely...
StackonClown wrote: »
I knew this 'fail' broken poll would bring in the comments anyway... hehe
Done on Mondays during a time most of the population isn't playing. It's work hours in the EU and sleeping hours in the US. Yes AU players get shafted with this but they have to choose a time and the one they chose interupts the fewest players.StackonClown wrote: »Lol - one of the top issues I was going to list in the poll was:
poorly handled maintenance timing and communication
servers just went down and the 'maintenance info' was updated 5 minutes before - couldn't think of a more timely example.
Start times are planned, and they're in banners on the forums generally, again most people by now already know these are on Monday's at 09:00 GMT.StackonClown wrote: »And do we know when it will be back - noooooo of course not ... ever heard of a 'planned maintenance window'?
>>> i.e. Planned & Communicated Start *AND* End times. <<<
Because this is how almost every MMO handles it, those who are used to the genre understand this how it works.StackonClown wrote: »But it seems Zenny has conditioned the player base to simply accept that 'it will be back when its back' !
I guess I am a fanboy because I fail to understand how someone can't follow Twitter* and just do something else until they see the tweet saying servers are online.StackonClown wrote: »We even end up with the usual 'ZeniFanboi's' telling people to go for a walk or get a life etc.. That's not the point.
If Zenny wants 17 hours for maintenance - fine.. Just TELL us how long you going to take so we can PLAN around it!!
Done on Mondays during a time most of the population isn't playing. It's work hours in the EU and sleeping hours in the US. Yes AU players get shafted with this but they have to choose a time and the one they chose interupts the fewest players.
Most who have played a while know it's every Monday for either patches or general maintaince and work around it.
Start times are planned, and they're in banners on the forums generally, again most people by now already know these are on Monday's at 09:00 GMT.
Generally companies don't announce up times because it's just asking for abuse. Patches go wrong (a lot) and when they do get delays people kick off because they were "promised" the game would be back up again at X time.
Because this is how almost every MMO handles it, those who are used to the genre understand this how it works.
I guess I am a fanboy because I fail to understand how someone can't follow Twitter* and just do something else until they see the tweet saying servers are online.
* You can sign up, set your twitter to send free (at least with UK networks) text messages to your phone every time a specific account tweets. You can literally have an SMS sent to your phone telling you when the servers are online this way.
StackonClown wrote: »I thought the USA was famed for amazing customer service, and I agree with this especially in the retail sector..
This has to be sarcasm...
Delta airlines, AT&T, American Airlines & United Airlines just to name a few.
This reply isn't aimed towards ZOS, it's just to reply to Stackon's statement
You can't compare a bank to an MMO game though, they're doing different things with their services whilst offline.
Gaming patches can and do go wrong (I am sure bank databases do as well sometimes), when an issue happens they need to figure that out and continue to work on it until it's fixed.
If they tell you when their servers are going to be online, you'll plan around that. You will get back to play the game for that time and expect the service to be running, then when it isn't you'll be super angry and post on the forums about how it's bad service and they lied to you, ruined your evening because you planned around a time they couldn't adhere to.
It's better for them to say "We're taking it down at this time, it'll be up when the works complete" again this isn't unusual within the MMO industry or genre. If there are issues and it's taking longer than expect they will update us via the forums and social media however.
<snip> If they tell you when their servers are going to be online, you'll plan around that. You will get back to play the game for that time and expect the service to be running, <sinp>.
In a perfect world yes, everything would be up and running bang on the second, but generally anything to do with computers isn't perfect and things will go wrong, often.StackonClown wrote: »
Abso-dang-lutely! Isn;t this completely reasonable?
Buddy - we pay for this service - it's not about 'being lied to' - it's about reliability and trustworthiness
ZeniMax may patch, update, or modify a Service at any time with or without notice to You. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ZeniMax has no obligation to make available any patches, updates or modifications or correct any errors or defects in the Services. ZeniMax makes no guarantees about the persistence or availability of any user names or other personas at any time and assumes no liability for lost or deleted Account data. Except as prohibited by applicable law and subject to the Statutory Obligations (as defined in Section 1), You agree that ZeniMax will not be liable for any interruption of the Services, delay or failure to perform, any loss of Content (including, but not limited to, UGC, Game Mods and Downloadable Content), and/or Account data (including, but not limited to, Character data) resulting from any causes whatsoever. ZeniMax reserves the right to offer new Services, change and/or discontinue certain Services at any time in its sole discretion.
So they have an 7 hour downtime to update an web site and app, yest including the back-end naturally.StackonClown wrote: »Example!
" We’re upgrading mickeyBank & mouseBank app (incl. Cardless Cash) tonight.
We’ll be unavailable from 11.50pm–>>>>>>>>7.30am<<<<<<<< AEDT
h-tee-tee-p:///www.whichbank.com.au/update "
I guess you can look up 'which bank' ?
Says it all!
So they have an 7 hour downtime to update an web site and app, yest including the back-end naturally.
ZoS could just post an 6 hour window and people would be happy then done earlier.
However if maintenance tend to take 3 hours and posted time is 6 people expect 3 anyway.