This post is only addressed to conservative people who are considering whether they are going to buy ESO or not. ESO is not like Tolkien. The game has its share of liberal propaganda. So please be aware of that.
All the liberals and libertines in this game will of course laugh now, especially all those who are "tribal liberals", i.e. those who get angry and feel offended by individuals who are not liberal. They will predictably fill this thread with LOLs, snide remarks and liberal cliches, right? And conservatives may respond in a similar nasty way. And then the mods will close the thread perhaps. So I'm not going to participate in any political discussion here.
Personally I have a mainly "Zen" attitude toward both liberals and conservatives, since I have many friends in both camps. Arguing with either side is usually pointless, because the majority of both liberals and conservatives have already made up their minds, and relatively few of them are genuine free thinkers. Consequently, this post is only meant to give conservatives a little warning before they spend time, money and energy on this game.
You can still enjoy it if you are occasionally willing to temporarily ignore your conservative emotions while gaming. Because it's a really good game.
That is all I have to say about this topic in this thread.