Mangeli200194 wrote: »Can someone do the maths???
Critical resistance is not needed in PvE since monsters do not do critical damage. An enemies’ critical modifier can be reduced by equipping gear with the Impenetrable trait or by spending points in the Resilient champion point sign. Every percent in Resilient decreases the enemies’ critical modifier by the same amount and every 250 points of critical resistance reduces an enemies’ critical modifier by 3.5%
If you are PvP’ing against an enemy with a critical modifier of 0.5 and you have 500 critical resistance (2 legendary equipment) and 48 points (15%) in Resilient, then
Now critical hit resistance did not work as I first thought. So I'm adding this special part specifically to explain how it works. Now first thing to note is that you cannot critically hit a damage shield, however the damage overflow from a depleted shield can critically hit. So if you do 10000 damage and you hit a 5000 damage shield the 5000 that are left over can critically hit and the base multiplier for that is 1.5 aka 50% so that would mean you would hit for 7500 after you deplete the targets shield. Now the resistance for this works like this. Stacking Critical hit damage increase is actually additive and not multiplicative and so for the reduction for it we are gonna subtract. So say you have 100p into Resistant and the enemy has only the base critical hit then it would function like this. you take the 1.5 and subtract 0.25 for the 25% resistance and you are then left with 1.25 and so their critical hit would only hit for 25% more than its base. Say that you have all types of critical hit resistance and the enemy has all types of increase in critical damage then it would look like this. 2.45-0.72=1.75 Which means that their multiplier for critical hits would be 75% more instead of 145%. Note that all of this is done before any of the above mentioned mitigation, in PvP if a player critically hits you this is the first part of the calculation for how much damage you will receive. Below is a list of all the possible ways of resisting critical hits. I moved the first 2 there from their previous spots above and added Impen.
20% Armor Set: Armor of the Construct (Critical Hits)
0-25% CP Passive: Resistant (Critical Hits)
0-27% Armor Trait: Impenetrable (Critical Hits)
~19% Armor Set: Transmutation (Critical Hits)* Resist depends on quality of set
Mangeli200194 wrote: »How much damage does wearing full inpen armor mitigate???
Cause it feels like non impen carriers are one hot wonders while full impen carriers are super tanks in PvP.
If a person had 26k physical resistance and 3.2k crit resistance how much physikal damage would that reduce ?+?
thankyourat wrote: »
If impen got nerfed everyone in PvP would be getting one-shotted. Lol we are still getting one-shotted with impen. I think it's fine as is
Impen trait should not even be in the game. A trait that has only an effect in PvP and is absolutely useless in the rest of the content forcing you to get a separate set.