I started this character as a "change of pace" adventurer and decided on these restrictions:
Find all skyshards. Exceptions would be group dungeons which would depend on how many other players are there.
No quests. The exceptions are where accessing a skyshard requires starting a quest. After I locate the skyshard I abandon the quest.
I will do dolmens and keep the experience points and chest rewards.
Thieving or Combat as I desire or is necessary. NO PVP or Dueling. My main weapon is bow (great for sneak attacks from a distance).
At the start (from my bank) I gave my character 5,000 gold, 100 lock picks and 25 Soul Gems. All else (resources, food, plants, runes, etc) I harvest or purchase from vendors or find in chests (normal and troves) .
I do not interact with the bank except to withdraw/add treasure maps and motifs.
Before any comments on how BORING this is, I am aware of that

But it sure is relaxing.
I will update as I finish areas. I am starting with the Ebonheart pact.