Nothing really change in pve. On the mana side, TBS is not BIS anymore, BSW is still the absolute BIS, coupled with moondancer and grothdarr/ilambris it's still powerful. On the stamina side, twice fanged serpent + maelstrom + alkosh/VO + kragh (or sometime stormfist) still work well. You can sometime remove the undauted or maelstrom in order to have 5 alkosh.
Nothing really change in pve. On the mana side, TBS is not BIS anymore, BSW is still the absolute BIS, coupled with moondancer and grothdarr/ilambris it's still powerful. On the stamina side, twice fanged serpent + maelstrom + alkosh/VO + kragh (or sometime stormfist) still work well. You can sometime remove the undauted or maelstrom in order to have 5 alkosh.
Actually got better results with 5x TBS, 5x TFS and maelstrom weapons (all sharp) than 5x TBS or TFS then 3x VO / Alkosh and monster set. I do play a Khajiit stam DK with 7m and 2x daggers, so the crit synergy is still there. I didn't do the math for non-khajiit races, but the setup you mentioned (5x TFS, 3x VO / Alkosh & 2x Kra'gh) might be best in this case - of course to adapt depending on raid composition.
Dunno if it has changed, since I only (finally >.>) got a sharpened axe with Homestead, but the bleed (Twin blade & blunt) seems to only proc on light and heavy attacks - doesn't work with any DW ability, so in this regard, 2x daggers is my personal BiS right now.
I'm playing around non-vMA DW setups as well, and there's even one that can out-DPS vMA DW, but not quite there yet to remain competitive enough with magicka for trials top scores.
Setups in the work:
- Infused vMA DW front bar with sharp back bar (rest is standard armor / jewelry)
- Torug setup
- Heavy attack builds
- Storm master set (coming soon™ haven't farmed it yet)
Nothing really change in pve. On the mana side, TBS is not BIS anymore, BSW is still the absolute BIS, coupled with moondancer and grothdarr/ilambris it's still powerful. On the stamina side, twice fanged serpent + maelstrom + alkosh/VO + kragh (or sometime stormfist) still work well. You can sometime remove the undauted or maelstrom in order to have 5 alkosh.
Nothing really change in pve. On the mana side, TBS is not BIS anymore, BSW is still the absolute BIS, coupled with moondancer and grothdarr/ilambris it's still powerful. On the stamina side, twice fanged serpent + maelstrom + alkosh/VO + kragh (or sometime stormfist) still work well. You can sometime remove the undauted or maelstrom in order to have 5 alkosh.
Actually got better results with 5x TBS, 5x TFS and maelstrom weapons (all sharp) than 5x TBS or TFS then 3x VO / Alkosh and monster set. I do play a Khajiit stam DK with 7m and 2x daggers, so the crit synergy is still there. I didn't do the math for non-khajiit races, but the setup you mentioned (5x TFS, 3x VO / Alkosh & 2x Kra'gh) might be best in this case - of course to adapt depending on raid composition.
Dunno if it has changed, since I only (finally >.>) got a sharpened axe with Homestead, but the bleed (Twin blade & blunt) seems to only proc on light and heavy attacks - doesn't work with any DW ability, so in this regard, 2x daggers is my personal BiS right now.
I'm playing around non-vMA DW setups as well, and there's even one that can out-DPS vMA DW, but not quite there yet to remain competitive enough with magicka for trials top scores.
Setups in the work:
- Infused vMA DW front bar with sharp back bar (rest is standard armor / jewelry)
- Torug setup
- Heavy attack builds
- Storm master set (coming soon™ haven't farmed it yet)
I see you got curious of my Torug's / Storm Master build. Here's a little teaser of some insane DPS once you get Storm master charged up enough times during fight. I'm still working on a good rotation though, to keep DPS high while charging with heavy attacks. Currently I toss Liquid Lightning or Elemental blockade before heavy attacks. You lose bit of DPS by doing the heavy attacks, so I'm trying to figure out how to maximize DPS during charging.
Screenshot is from pre homestead patch, but still doing almost same damage charged enough. In this case. Charged weapons with a couple of Desto staff heavy on previous enemy. Next enemy this is the DPS.
Nothing really change in pve. On the mana side, TBS is not BIS anymore, BSW is still the absolute BIS, coupled with moondancer and grothdarr/ilambris it's still powerful. On the stamina side, twice fanged serpent + maelstrom + alkosh/VO + kragh (or sometime stormfist) still work well. You can sometime remove the undauted or maelstrom in order to have 5 alkosh.
Actually got better results with 5x TBS, 5x TFS and maelstrom weapons (all sharp) than 5x TBS or TFS then 3x VO / Alkosh and monster set. I do play a Khajiit stam DK with 7m and 2x daggers, so the crit synergy is still there. I didn't do the math for non-khajiit races, but the setup you mentioned (5x TFS, 3x VO / Alkosh & 2x Kra'gh) might be best in this case - of course to adapt depending on raid composition.
Dunno if it has changed, since I only (finally >.>) got a sharpened axe with Homestead, but the bleed (Twin blade & blunt) seems to only proc on light and heavy attacks - doesn't work with any DW ability, so in this regard, 2x daggers is my personal BiS right now.
I'm playing around non-vMA DW setups as well, and there's even one that can out-DPS vMA DW, but not quite there yet to remain competitive enough with magicka for trials top scores.
Setups in the work:
- Infused vMA DW front bar with sharp back bar (rest is standard armor / jewelry)
- Torug setup
- Heavy attack builds
- Storm master set (coming soon™ haven't farmed it yet)
I see you got curious of my Torug's / Storm Master build. Here's a little teaser of some insane DPS once you get Storm master charged up enough times during fight. I'm still working on a good rotation though, to keep DPS high while charging with heavy attacks. Currently I toss Liquid Lightning or Elemental blockade before heavy attacks. You lose bit of DPS by doing the heavy attacks, so I'm trying to figure out how to maximize DPS during charging.
Screenshot is from pre homestead patch, but still doing almost same damage charged enough. In this case. Charged weapons with a couple of Desto staff heavy on previous enemy. Next enemy this is the DPS.
Yeah, quite so, already started the testing and learnt a few things about weapon enchants with DW on the way, and far from done.
I currently get around 35k DPS on a robust skeleton with no major fracture and a vMA setup, 32k5 with the Torug setup (which is a variation of a heavy attack build), both purely self buffed. With someone providing the major fracture, I can get up to 35k with the Torug setup, and 39k with a vMA setup, taking into account that I don't have golded out either the enchants on the weapons, nor the weapons themselves for the Torug setup, so the difference would actually be smaller.
I also noticed a few strange things, since I experimented around Infused weapons and sharpened (got similar results) and more specifically the enchants depending on which one you use on main hand and offhand with DW.
With Poison damage enchant on main hand and Disease on offhand, I could get the Poison enchant to proc on a regular basis, doing no less than 10% of a parse, right below Endless Hail, but the Disease procced very few times, doing negligible DPS (around 2% of the parse). Swapping both enchants leads to similar results with Disease being around 10% as well and poison around 2%.
Doing similar tests with a weapon damage enchant, I ended up getting different behavior, with the enchant retaining similar uptime whether it's main hand or offhand - which leads to conclude that damage proc enchants (such as disease / poison) are best on main hand, while (de)buff enchants are more optimal on offhand (Crusher / Berzerker enchants).
But this might be related to the way DW Heavy attacks work with enchants, so going to test that further during the week. Torug is quite fun to play around definitely :^)
For information, the current setup used is:
Head - Kra'gh - Medium - Divines - Gold (Gold stamina enchant)
Shoulder - Kra'gh - Medium - Divines - Gold (Gold stamina enchant)
Chest - Torug's pact - Medium - Divines - Purple (Gold stamina enchant)
Legs - Torug's pact - Medium - Divines - Purple (Gold stamina enchant)
Gloves - Torug's pact - Medium - Divines - Purple (Gold stamina enchant)
Boots - Twice Fanged Snake - Medium - Divines - Gold (Gold stamina enchant)
Belt - Twice Fanged Snake - Medium - Divines - Gold (Gold stamina enchant)
Necklace- Twice Fanged Snake - Robust - Gold (Gold weapon damage enchant)
Ring 1 - Twice Fanged Snake - Robust - Gold (Gold weapon damage enchant)
Ring 2 - Twice Fanged Snake - Robust - Gold (Gold weapon damage enchant)
Dagger (main) - Torug's pact - Infused - Purple (Purple Poison enchant)
Dagger (offhand) - Torug's pact - Infused - Purple (Purple Weapon damage enchant)
Bow - VMA - Sharpened - Gold - (VMA enchant)
Damage glyphs share a cooldown, status glyphs share a cooldown. If you have two damage glyphs on dw, your offhand only procs when the mainland happens to be down the moment your offhand deals damage.
Another good reason to use torug's. I have a spare weapon with a Glyph of hardening handy. For a little loss of DPS you can now solo Vet dungeons with that 6200 damage shield that is refreshed VERY often with torug's and infused. I did several vet dungeons up to last boss with no deaths just by switching one weapon.
Another good reason to use torug's. I have a spare weapon with a Glyph of hardening handy. For a little loss of DPS you can now solo Vet dungeons with that 6200 damage shield that is refreshed VERY often with torug's and infused. I did several vet dungeons up to last boss with no deaths just by switching one weapon.
That sounds very interesting. I've tried Torug's builds so many times but they always lose out to normal builds, so I'm glad to hear somebody else has experience with them.
My main issue is probably that they add nothing to AoE situations, which is the main content in PvE. How do you handle those?