Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

The Forsaken Champions - FREE TRADER, Hews Bane 480+ Active members - Daily PvE&PVP {NA/XBox1}

  • Synroth
    Invites sent! Welcome Everyone!
    XboxOne - NA - Gamertag: IlI SYNN IlI
    CP 690+ - DC
  • Xariz
    ThePwndockSaint, been playing semi regularly on PC since the game launched and was considering making the jump fully to console and looking for a decent friendly guild. Is it possible i could get an invite?
  • Synroth
    Xariz wrote: »
    ThePwndockSaint, been playing semi regularly on PC since the game launched and was considering making the jump fully to console and looking for a decent friendly guild. Is it possible i could get an invite?

    I'll have one out as soon as I get on this afternoon! Welcome!

    XboxOne - NA - Gamertag: IlI SYNN IlI
    CP 690+ - DC
  • Archmage_Teferi
    I've been wanting to join a guild, but haven't had any luck. I would love to get involved. Really looking forward to starting to starting the PvP content and Dungeons now that I'm L45, AD High Elf Sorc build.

    GT: EagerestWings52
  • Red69Widow
    Soul Shriven
    Please add Red69Widow
  • Synroth
    Will have invites out to you both as soon as I can! Welcome!
    XboxOne - NA - Gamertag: IlI SYNN IlI
    CP 690+ - DC
  • Pavayne
    Soul Shriven
    iTz PaVaYnE

    Newish player, looking to reach end game and experience content. Played other mmos
  • itsrebel87
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys! I'm new to the ESO universe. Would love an active guild for a pleasant social experience.

    Gamer tag: its SGT ReBeL
  • Synroth
    I will have invites out to you both as soon as I can. Welcome!
    XboxOne - NA - Gamertag: IlI SYNN IlI
    CP 690+ - DC
  • bikerdan
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: murdercity 666. Total and complete nub. Halp
  • BaBaDoonskie
    Soul Shriven
    Invite please gt: rG BaBaDoonskie
  • itsrebel87
    Soul Shriven
    itsrebel87 wrote: »
    Hey guys! I'm new to the ESO universe. Would love an active guild for a pleasant social experience.

    Gamer tag: its SGT ReBeL

    Have yet to receive an invitation yet.
  • Sweatyrabbit
    itsrebel87 wrote: »
    itsrebel87 wrote: »
    Hey guys! I'm new to the ESO universe. Would love an active guild for a pleasant social experience.

    Gamer tag: its SGT ReBeL

    Have yet to receive an invitation yet.

    Sorry about that SGT Rebel!
    I was out of town, but i believe SynnSynn has sent one now!

    Welcome to the guild!
    XboxOne - Sweatyrabbit86
    50 Redguard DK - Tank, DC
    50 Imperial Templar - DPS/Healz - DC
    50 High Elf Templar - Heal - DC
    50 Khajiit Sorc - DPS - AD
    50 Redguard Warden - DPS - DC
  • roy1313
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I am new to ESO world and is looking for a casual guild. With life and family duty, I can only play a couple hr a day, so cannot join too many long period event. I can try my best to help other member though. Please invite me if you think it is a fit.

    Game tag: Roychenk
    Now a Stan sort cp30
  • Sweatyrabbit
    roy1313 wrote: »
    Hi, I am new to ESO world and is looking for a casual guild. With life and family duty, I can only play a couple hr a day, so cannot join too many long period event. I can try my best to help other member though. Please invite me if you think it is a fit.

    Game tag: Roychenk
    Now a Stan sort cp30

    Hey Roychenk,
    Perfect fit for the Forsaken family!
    Ill send out an invite later tonight, welcome to the guild!
    XboxOne - Sweatyrabbit86
    50 Redguard DK - Tank, DC
    50 Imperial Templar - DPS/Healz - DC
    50 High Elf Templar - Heal - DC
    50 Khajiit Sorc - DPS - AD
    50 Redguard Warden - DPS - DC
  • Korvixx
    Soul Shriven
    Gamertag: Od1umm
  • Sweatyrabbit
    Korvixx wrote: »
    Gamertag: Od1umm

    I will have one of the offices send you an invite!
    Welcome to Forsaken
    XboxOne - Sweatyrabbit86
    50 Redguard DK - Tank, DC
    50 Imperial Templar - DPS/Healz - DC
    50 High Elf Templar - Heal - DC
    50 Khajiit Sorc - DPS - AD
    50 Redguard Warden - DPS - DC
  • Sweatyrabbit
    350+ Members and growing every day!
    Now offering a week trial event along with a solid PVP core!

    Guild Trader is secured often with NO weekly dues required
    We run a 50/50 raffle to help off set the guild trader cost!

    new to the game? no problem, we are looking for active, mature members that are willing to partake in the guild events and most importantly help ours!

    Send me Sweatyrabbit86 or SynnSynn a message if you would like to join!
    Edited by Sweatyrabbit on March 17, 2017 6:31PM
    XboxOne - Sweatyrabbit86
    50 Redguard DK - Tank, DC
    50 Imperial Templar - DPS/Healz - DC
    50 High Elf Templar - Heal - DC
    50 Khajiit Sorc - DPS - AD
    50 Redguard Warden - DPS - DC
  • Xenofear
    Hey how's it going? Just came back to the game and looking for a guild of friendly people that help out with daI lies and other fun stuff this game offer. Please send an invite if you can.

    GT: ShadowraithxXXX

  • ColemanRayne
    Soul Shriven
    I'm always on when I'm not working. Love to help. All my characters are AD. Would love an invite
    GT: ColemanRayne
  • Synroth
    Xenofear wrote: »
    Hey how's it going? Just came back to the game and looking for a guild of friendly people that help out with daI lies and other fun stuff this game offer. Please send an invite if you can.

    GT: ShadowraithxXXX

    Sounds great. I will have an invite out to you as soon as I can. Welcome!
    I'm always on when I'm not working. Love to help. All my characters are AD. Would love an invite
    GT: ColemanRayne

    Awesome, i'll have an invite out to you shortly. Welcome to The Forsaken!
    XboxOne - NA - Gamertag: IlI SYNN IlI
    CP 690+ - DC
  • Sweatyrabbit
    Updated O/P details for trader details!
    Trader in Hew Banes, no fees or dues! We just ask you try to keep all 30 slots full and sell your items at fair market!
    XboxOne - Sweatyrabbit86
    50 Redguard DK - Tank, DC
    50 Imperial Templar - DPS/Healz - DC
    50 High Elf Templar - Heal - DC
    50 Khajiit Sorc - DPS - AD
    50 Redguard Warden - DPS - DC
  • Laughedgoose675
    GT: Laughedgoose675 very active player and very experienced PVE wise. Have 9 max lvl toons to help out in all situations.
  • Synroth
    GT: Laughedgoose675 very active player and very experienced PVE wise. Have 9 max lvl toons to help out in all situations.

    Great to hear!

    We'll have an invite out to you shortly. Welcome!
    XboxOne - NA - Gamertag: IlI SYNN IlI
    CP 690+ - DC
  • NatomasAce
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join the guild username is NatomasAce
  • Synroth
    NatomasAce wrote: »
    Would love to join the guild username is NatomasAce

    Awesome, I'll have someone send you an invite.

    XboxOne - NA - Gamertag: IlI SYNN IlI
    CP 690+ - DC
  • Sweatyrabbit
    Updated the first post.
    XboxOne - Sweatyrabbit86
    50 Redguard DK - Tank, DC
    50 Imperial Templar - DPS/Healz - DC
    50 High Elf Templar - Heal - DC
    50 Khajiit Sorc - DPS - AD
    50 Redguard Warden - DPS - DC
  • michmbk
    I'd be interested - I'm active in one guild, but I do look to sell a lot, and I'm looking for people to help me clear out a bunch of normal dungeons I haven't gotten to, so would like an invite. Currently CP 167.

    GT michmbk
    Soul Shriven
    Relatively new to the game but I am home and on most daytime hours. Would enjoy joining an active casual guild.
    Soul Shriven
    Relatively new to the game but I am home and on most daytime hours. Would enjoy joining an active casual guild.

    gamertag is same as user name
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