Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »
As a Magicka Templar there are currently 4 skills that are claimed to be "must have" skills that are not on my skill bars.
If I had more choice of which skill lines to use to create my build there would, for me at least, be even less chance of me following the herd to FOTM builds.
All The Best
This is my wish as well, but i fear it is unlikely to happen in MMORPG...
brandonv516 wrote: »I would love a system like this. However it would not take long to figure out that people could create some unique but extremely overpowered combinations.
One I can think of would be Cloak with Crystal Frags. You could literally spam Cloak all day and get the proc for Crystal Frags and it would be a guaranteed crit and insane damage. Then you go stealth again and repeat all day long.
starkerealm wrote: »
Off the top of my head, Champions Online and The Secret World are both classless. Okay, CO makes you cough up for a subscription or pay an arm and a leg for freeform character slots, and TSW is straight up garbage, but those games exist.
TSW is actually a very good game, but it's not a traditional MMORPG and can't be compared to ESO. I've no idea about Champions Online.
AFrostWolf wrote: »Honestly, They should just "get rid of classes" Let us switch which class we want to be at the respec shrine area. It would basically refund all skill points and let you pick a different class. This way we only need to play 1 character.
TheShadowScout wrote: »The easiest way to make a "dual class system" would be letting people pick an added cross-class skill line, sort of "minor secondary class".
Like, say, a dragonknight picking the "Assassination" skill line from nightblade to become a "dragonknight-assassin"; or picking the shadow skill line for becoming a "shadow-dragonknight", or the aedric spear skill line from templar to become a "aedric-dragonknight", or whatever other combinations...
It would be quite a box of worms to open, balance wise though.
EldritchPenguin wrote: »Let me guess, you've played Grim Dawn?
In all seriousness, that system works fabulously in Grim Dawn, but it was designed ground-up with a dual class system in mind. Every class has a serious flaw, and none of them can fully stand on their own, but they are extremely strong when paired up.
If we were to get a dual-class system, then many of the capabilities of the classes would have to be gutted, or else we'd end up with a wildly unbalanced game on our hands.
starkerealm wrote: »
Off the top of my head, Champions Online and The Secret World are both classless. Okay, CO makes you cough up for a subscription or pay an arm and a leg for freeform character slots, and TSW is straight up garbage, but those games exist.
Dragon Sage (DK + Sorc)
Crusader (DK + Temp)
Night Dragon (DK + NB)
Dragonguard (DK + Warden)
Illusionist (NB + Sorc)
Bard (NB + Templar)
Ranger (NB + Warden)
Battlemage (Sorc + Templar)
Spellsword (Sorc + Warden)
Monk (Templar + Warden)
Add Guildwars 1 to the list, it was actually quite good in many ways.
Well, thats actually a dual class game but its great fun.
And again, we often see problems and bogeys that really do not exist
starkerealm wrote: »
Yeah, I forgot about GW when I made the original post. I really liked that, but ended up blocked on progression, because of a real friend who was a psychotic jackass in game. It was easier to just put it down than deal with their BS.
Not that great ideas, methinks...Dragon Sage (DK + Sorc)
Crusader (DK + Temp)
Night Dragon (DK + NB)
Dragonguard (DK + Warden)
Illusionist (NB + Sorc)
Bard (NB + Templar)
Ranger (NB + Warden)
Battlemage (Sorc + Templar)
Spellsword (Sorc + Warden)
Monk (Templar + Warden)
TheShadowScout wrote: »Not that great ideas, methinks...
Why should for example a DK/warden be centered on the dragonknight, and not on the warden in name, with "dragonguard"? Same dor DK/Sorc with "dragon sage"... Why "Bard" when there is no music at all in the NB/Templar combination? et cetera...
I would say... there could be more fun with dual class names depending on the initial prime class... something like, maybe:
Dragonknight & Nightblade = Spellsword
Dragonknight & Sorceror = Battlemage
Dragonknight & Templar = Gladiator
Dragonknight & Warden = Conqueror
Nightblade & Dragonknight = Berserker
Nightblade & Sorceror = Illusionist
Nightblade & Templar = Agent
Nightblade & Warden = Ranger
Sorceror & Dragonknight = Pyromancer
Sorceror & Nightblade = Bloodmage
Sorceror & Templar = Sage
Sorceror & Warden = Cryomancer
Templar & Dragonknight = Crusader
Templar & Nightblade = Inquisitor
Templar & Sorceror = Witchhunter
Templar & Warden = Pilgrim
Warden & Dragonknight = Barbarian
Warden & Nightblade = Scout
Warden & Sorceror = Cultist
Warden & Templar = Shaman
Just saying, draconic power is -one- of the skills of a DK, it seems overvalued in your nomenclatura. Why not "deadric knight" for Sorceror-Dks, after all sorcerors have a deadric skill line... et cetera.In the case of the DK, I decided to mix the Dragon part with the roles of the other class. A Sorcerer, who possesses great knowledge of the Arcane and applies that to the Way of the Dragon Knight would become a Sage of the Dragons. And the Warden, who's a Guardian, becomes a guardian of them (and it's a fun play on the Dragonguard too)
Ah, but bards are not about illusion (that would be illusionists), but about song and music, silver tongues and rougeish good looks, charm and the occasional bit of spycraft! So, that wouldn't really fit at all...And the Bard: NB are familiar with Illusion magicks, just like the Bard. The Bard could sing praises to the Divines, and act as a loremaster too. Mixing in the rogue-ish aspects of the NB with the devotion of the Templars
Yeah, and considering that this game has a long way to go balance-wise when we only get one choice in class... Imagine players using Siphoning Attacks in tandem with Dark Deal for infinite sustain. Or gankers packing Hurricane.starkerealm wrote: »
Also worth remembering, Grim Dawn was Crate's second bite at that system. It's a vast improvement over Titan Quest's, which did have some serious balance issues. So, even if you know what you're doing, this one's not an easy mark to hit.
EldritchPenguin wrote: »Yeah, and considering that this game has a long way to go balance-wise when we only get one choice in class... Imagine players using Siphoning Attacks in tandem with Dark Deal for infinite sustain. Or gankers packing Hurricane.
Ugh... Just thinking about it is frustrating the hell out of me...
There will always be "The right and only build or combination" if you ask from the min maxers, i think this is something, we just have to accept and live with.. Though skillpoint allocation and limited number os skillpoints would help in this and also, many passives have When slotted/the number of slotted/Number of sorc abilities" etc added to them that will prevent gaining too much.
Some of us are more concerned of having a fun and varied classes and characters to play rather than play at peak efficiency.
I think we just need to forget the "Best builds" scenario as a problem against this feature..
As many know, there will always be guides and best builds, we have also seen in Warcraft, what total destruction of class feel can be if developers try to adress the issue by balancing stuff too much to give any build a chance..
We really need this feature for the fun factor of having increasingly diverse builds, we can allready make nice characters which are fun to play, i love my Khajit shadowknight made from Nightblade, but there could be more options to get more flavour..
For example my Templar who is made as a light armor healer (No stabby light shafts) and the other bar could use some lightning stuff from Sorcerer to get the right feel...
Id like her to be specialist in schools of restoration, Destruction and mysticism, minor conjuration knownledge at times.. With Sorcplar (hehe), that would be easily available and extra fun to play.
Balance aside, would you like to be able to pick a dual class as means to get more variety?
Dual class, is system where you pick secondary class that gives you extra skills. Some dual class versions, the second class is somewhat weaker than the main class, in ESO, i think that the limited number of actionbar slots would allow full powered second class but thats my opinion only. Anyway, you would be able to pick abilities from both classes to your action bar. For example, if you pick Dragon knight and Nightblade, you would be able to choose 5 skills in your action bar(s) from both classes.
My wish with this, is to get more variety to build your own class, not so much of being effective or best in DPS but more like versatile all around hero.
Would you like a dual class system?
This is my wish as well, but i fear it is unlikely to happen in MMORPG, even while it just means that many players are online at the same time, i think the developers think, that having some class restrictions add to replayability of game..
But my opinion is, that class free would only add to replayability of one character and people would be happy with that IF at the same time, quests would be replayable.
But dual class is something i could see them considering more easily.
AlexanderDeLarge wrote: »
Why? MMOs started out classless originally.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »
And they evolved.