Why i Don't Want Housing To Let Me Increase My Inventory Slots Until Nothing Else Remains.

See, here is the thing.

back before i maxed my alts and back before i maxed all my bank space and back before i maxed my character backpacks and back before i maxed all my riding capacity and back before i added four more alts to get to 12 and did the same with them each so its now north of 2600 bank & inventory slots available and back before crafting bag for subs well that gave me massive massive new slots...

back before each of those expanded to let me get a new "max total storage" i was living with a lower "max storage available" and playing just fine with irksome inventory biting me once in a while and adapting my play to the needs and so on.

back after each of those were added or increased or whatever, i knew "hey this is it, now my inventory issues can be dealt with and..."



shortly after that i was once again back to bumping my dozen "heads".day by day week by week against the inventory ceiling.

more slots - just increased the amount of stuff i did not deal with - did not solve the problem - just gave me a brief respite.

So, i am GLAD simple quick "get it in easy under deadline" "use housing to add some more slots" did not get rushed into Homestead.

i dont need another injection of slots. (Junkie meet fix, fix meet junkie.)

I need new solutions to make my existing slots and inventory control easier and more manageable.

But those solutions, are not quick and dirty easy to do under a deadline where the priority is not inventory but housing launch.

So please ZoS do them right, slowly and right, because small things that improve our existing slots can make lots more improvement than giving us new small ways tyo add more slots.

To put it in a way MMO players can understand: i have tons of ways in game to get strong inventory DPS. Adding a little more damage to one attack is not that good. but if you can let me add a item that buffs all the attacks you already have... you get better results.

So for example:

Take something as simple as a mannequin/n/mirror which could be loaded with the usual 14 max pieces and 8 quickslots that you could them swap in or out of easily.

That is only 22 new slots per furnishing. not a big deal in the world of 2600+ now.

But if that were possible i would likely build two to three of these per character and begin setting my sights on having 2 maybe 3 dressed builds in the wings maybe per character if i have that say 3 sets per character plus worn... that would be only 12x3x22 = 792 inventory slots used but... you know, if those 792 were three fully loaded alternative builds for each character - i would be hard pressed to imagine what the heck the other 1800 slots could possibly be more than halfway used for (assumes crafting bag) on an ongoing basis. maybe 900 could be used up but heck... thats still massive savings and headache.

other options like lock boxes and "nameable" shelves and plenty of good suggestions on this forum (where things there are more easily segregated and such in game and accessed easily like a "potions table" where stacks of specific potions can be identified and clicked as you hover over them) these are more inventory enhancers not just inventory slot providers and would serve many more usefully, IMO.

So my request to ZoS is to slowly roll out good useful storage enhancers and utility items as part of housing (that may add a few slots in the process but really mostly make my existing inventory work better) a few at a time and make storage "for more inventory slots" (but in the same current disorganized mechanic) a last priority.

Also, of course, if those mannequins displayed the set as it would look for visitors - what a wonderful "store" this could make.

YMMV of course.

Edited by STEVIL on January 31, 2017 2:53AM
Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
"The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • DigitalShibby
    So you're a hoarder?
  • max_only
    If this is TL;DR for you, here is the relevant part.
    STEVIL wrote: »

    So for example:

    Take something as simple as a mannequin/n/mirror which could be loaded with the usual 14 max pieces and 8 quickslots that you could them swap in or out of easily.

    That is only 22 new slots per furnishing. not a big deal in the world of 2600+ now.

    But if that were possible i would likely build two to three of these per character and begin setting my sights on having 2 maybe 3 dressed builds in the wings maybe per character if i have that say 3 sets per character plus worn... that would be only 12x3x22 = 792 inventory slots used but... you know, if those 792 were three fully loaded alternative builds for each character - i would be hard pressed to imagine what the heck the other 1800 slots could possibly be more than halfway used for

    So my request to ZoS is to slowly roll out good useful storage enhancers and utility items as part of housing (that may add a few slots in the process but really mostly make my existing inventory work better)

    Also I agree
    Edited by max_only on January 31, 2017 5:01AM
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • SolarCat02
    I want set piece boxes that let me store set pieces together (rather than sorting everything by what slot it goes into) so I can easily see my options.
    Why be normal when you can be better?

    Elissandra Ravenwing, Magicka Dragonknight Healer
    Lady Kalila, Stamina Templar DPS
    Stands-in-Danger, Nightblade Saptank
    Zalarah, Stamina Dragonknight DPS
    max_only wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »

    So for example:

    Take something as simple as a mannequin/n/mirror which could be loaded with the usual 14 max pieces and 8 quickslots that you could them swap in or out of easily.

    That is only 22 new slots per furnishing. not a big deal in the world of 2600+ now.

    But if that were possible i would likely build two to three of these per character and begin setting my sights on having 2 maybe 3 dressed builds in the wings maybe per character if i have that say 3 sets per character plus worn... that would be only 12x3x22 = 792 inventory slots used but... you know, if those 792 were three fully loaded alternative builds for each character - i would be hard pressed to imagine what the heck the other 1800 slots could possibly be more than halfway used for

    So my request to ZoS is to slowly roll out good useful storage enhancers and utility items as part of housing (that may add a few slots in the process but really mostly make my existing inventory work better)

    If this is TL;DR for you, here is the relevant part.

    Also I agree

    good point.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • dem0n1k
    I like the mannequins & potion table ideas! (I'd call the potion table "the fridge" & also put food & drinks in there.)

    It would be pretty sweet if we could just manage inventory between characters at the character screen so we didn't have to load & unload mules all the time.
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
    dem0n1k wrote: »
    I like the mannequins & potion table ideas! (I'd call the potion table "the fridge" & also put food & drinks in there.)

    It would be pretty sweet if we could just manage inventory between characters at the character screen so we didn't have to load & unload mules all the time.

    i can see that and that is kind of what i see this change to my "needs to keep" as doing. While i describe it as :three per character" in my example, its really any one of them can be used by any one of the chars that it suits.

    I like the fridge.

    but basically, think of the TIME this would save you? The in-game time spent doing whatever it is you find fun other than inventory shennanigans.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • AzuraKin
    STEVIL wrote: »
    See, here is the thing.

    back before i maxed my alts and back before i maxed all my bank space and back before i maxed my character backpacks and back before i maxed all my riding capacity and back before i added four more alts to get to 12 and did the same with them each so its now north of 2600 bank & inventory slots available and back before crafting bag for subs well that gave me massive massive new slots...

    back before each of those expanded to let me get a new "max total storage" i was living with a lower "max storage available" and playing just fine with irksome inventory biting me once in a while and adapting my play to the needs and so on.

    back after each of those were added or increased or whatever, i knew "hey this is it, now my inventory issues can be dealt with and..."



    shortly after that i was once again back to bumping my dozen "heads".day by day week by week against the inventory ceiling.

    more slots - just increased the amount of stuff i did not deal with - did not solve the problem - just gave me a brief respite.

    So, i am GLAD simple quick "get it in easy under deadline" "use housing to add some more slots" did not get rushed into Homestead.

    i dont need another injection of slots. (Junkie meet fix, fix meet junkie.)

    I need new solutions to make my existing slots and inventory control easier and more manageable.

    But those solutions, are not quick and dirty easy to do under a deadline where the priority is not inventory but housing launch.

    So please ZoS do them right, slowly and right, because small things that improve our existing slots can make lots more improvement than giving us new small ways tyo add more slots.

    To put it in a way MMO players can understand: i have tons of ways in game to get strong inventory DPS. Adding a little more damage to one attack is not that good. but if you can let me add a item that buffs all the attacks you already have... you get better results.

    So for example:

    Take something as simple as a mannequin/n/mirror which could be loaded with the usual 14 max pieces and 8 quickslots that you could them swap in or out of easily.

    That is only 22 new slots per furnishing. not a big deal in the world of 2600+ now.

    But if that were possible i would likely build two to three of these per character and begin setting my sights on having 2 maybe 3 dressed builds in the wings maybe per character if i have that say 3 sets per character plus worn... that would be only 12x3x22 = 792 inventory slots used but... you know, if those 792 were three fully loaded alternative builds for each character - i would be hard pressed to imagine what the heck the other 1800 slots could possibly be more than halfway used for (assumes crafting bag) on an ongoing basis. maybe 900 could be used up but heck... thats still massive savings and headache.

    other options like lock boxes and "nameable" shelves and plenty of good suggestions on this forum (where things there are more easily segregated and such in game and accessed easily like a "potions table" where stacks of specific potions can be identified and clicked as you hover over them) these are more inventory enhancers not just inventory slot providers and would serve many more usefully, IMO.

    So my request to ZoS is to slowly roll out good useful storage enhancers and utility items as part of housing (that may add a few slots in the process but really mostly make my existing inventory work better) a few at a time and make storage "for more inventory slots" (but in the same current disorganized mechanic) a last priority.

    Also, of course, if those mannequins displayed the set as it would look for visitors - what a wonderful "store" this could make.

    YMMV of course.

    yes on paper, you have 2600 or whatever slots, but in actuality you are limited to 440 effective slots, 200 on character you on, plus 240 shared bank. on top of that events have so *** up peoples inventory space i am still working on figurign out what is worth nothing and what is worth something to sell from witches event. i still am routinely juggling 50 mails of stuff from that event and another 50 from the new life event. and that is with 150 mails lost when players not logged in over a year suddenly got on and kept the mails.
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 battlemage (sorcerer)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 warrior (DragonKnight)
    v160 assassin (nightblade)
    v160 swordsman (sorcerer)
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    See, here is the thing.

    back before i maxed my alts and back before i maxed all my bank space and back before i maxed my character backpacks and back before i maxed all my riding capacity and back before i added four more alts to get to 12 and did the same with them each so its now north of 2600 bank & inventory slots available and back before crafting bag for subs well that gave me massive massive new slots...

    back before each of those expanded to let me get a new "max total storage" i was living with a lower "max storage available" and playing just fine with irksome inventory biting me once in a while and adapting my play to the needs and so on.

    back after each of those were added or increased or whatever, i knew "hey this is it, now my inventory issues can be dealt with and..."



    shortly after that i was once again back to bumping my dozen "heads".day by day week by week against the inventory ceiling.

    more slots - just increased the amount of stuff i did not deal with - did not solve the problem - just gave me a brief respite.

    So, i am GLAD simple quick "get it in easy under deadline" "use housing to add some more slots" did not get rushed into Homestead.

    i dont need another injection of slots. (Junkie meet fix, fix meet junkie.)

    I need new solutions to make my existing slots and inventory control easier and more manageable.

    But those solutions, are not quick and dirty easy to do under a deadline where the priority is not inventory but housing launch.

    So please ZoS do them right, slowly and right, because small things that improve our existing slots can make lots more improvement than giving us new small ways tyo add more slots.

    To put it in a way MMO players can understand: i have tons of ways in game to get strong inventory DPS. Adding a little more damage to one attack is not that good. but if you can let me add a item that buffs all the attacks you already have... you get better results.

    So for example:

    Take something as simple as a mannequin/n/mirror which could be loaded with the usual 14 max pieces and 8 quickslots that you could them swap in or out of easily.

    That is only 22 new slots per furnishing. not a big deal in the world of 2600+ now.

    But if that were possible i would likely build two to three of these per character and begin setting my sights on having 2 maybe 3 dressed builds in the wings maybe per character if i have that say 3 sets per character plus worn... that would be only 12x3x22 = 792 inventory slots used but... you know, if those 792 were three fully loaded alternative builds for each character - i would be hard pressed to imagine what the heck the other 1800 slots could possibly be more than halfway used for (assumes crafting bag) on an ongoing basis. maybe 900 could be used up but heck... thats still massive savings and headache.

    other options like lock boxes and "nameable" shelves and plenty of good suggestions on this forum (where things there are more easily segregated and such in game and accessed easily like a "potions table" where stacks of specific potions can be identified and clicked as you hover over them) these are more inventory enhancers not just inventory slot providers and would serve many more usefully, IMO.

    So my request to ZoS is to slowly roll out good useful storage enhancers and utility items as part of housing (that may add a few slots in the process but really mostly make my existing inventory work better) a few at a time and make storage "for more inventory slots" (but in the same current disorganized mechanic) a last priority.

    Also, of course, if those mannequins displayed the set as it would look for visitors - what a wonderful "store" this could make.

    YMMV of course.

    yes on paper, you have 2600 or whatever slots, but in actuality you are limited to 440 effective slots, 200 on character you on, plus 240 shared bank. on top of that events have so *** up peoples inventory space i am still working on figurign out what is worth nothing and what is worth something to sell from witches event. i still am routinely juggling 50 mails of stuff from that event and another 50 from the new life event. and that is with 150 mails lost when players not logged in over a year suddenly got on and kept the mails.

    to this i think i can say "yes, i believe adding features and items that can make inventory slots we have more manageable, more accessible and so on would help with inventory surge periods like we see in special events."

    Perhaps a "bailiwick" furnishing could provide some mail handling functionality to help deal with some of your event surge issues too. maybe it could allow you to set "auto-extract" on say hireling emails - esp if you have crafting bag.

    that would save me some serious time and finger stress - e-x-e, e-x-e, e-x-e over and over for dozens of deliveries a day.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Runs
    Not that this has anything to do with housing, but....

    If I could take 50 inventory spaces away from each character and move them to the bank, the total spaces would be the same but my bank would be 400 spaces bigger or even 600 if I bought the extra 4 character slots. I would be happy with that arrangement and not worry so much about what housing does or doesn't bring to storage.
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • SaRuZ
    Idk why the housing storage was a huge issue either. Storage is a big thing in MMO's. That's why we have slots instead of 'carry weight capacity' and yeah, upgrading Bank and Pack is a gold sink but once they're fully upgraded you have more than enough space for crafting. I filled 70 slots in bank wirh all Equipment related items(Trait gems, Style mats, High level mats)and have yet to stack the former two. Now if I had a craft bag my entire bank and most of my pack would stay empty lol.

    Moral of the story is, I think everybody wanted Skyrim. A chest you could craft and stack storage space without any effort. If they do release storage, you do realize that it's going to be locked behind a very steep wall right?
    Edited by SaRuZ on January 31, 2017 6:05AM
  • MattT1988

    So to sum up, basically what your asking for is specified storing yeah? You build for example a potions cabinet and you get extra storage just for potions? If that's what your getting at, it gets my vote. I dig it.
  • cpuScientist
    I do not want dumb STORAGE. But I do want storage. If that means weapon racks and mannequins. I would be estatic for that. And I would have to physically go there and retrieve it. Jewelry display cases and the like. That would be fantastic. I would love that. That would be actual fun. Having a secret room in my house with a bunch of weapon racks and mannequins. Like an armory. That is what would be great. Not just some idiotic chest or something.
  • Ermiq
    What about don't grab every piece of garbage from every urn on your way?
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • Zedrian
    I agree with the OP and I think the Mannequins (cost to build like the skeletons for houses) could be a template holder for other builds or build ideas with equipment that I have in bank. It would also provide a unique opportunity to provide console players the ability to swap gears quickly in instances like PC players can with add-one. Of course it should be carefully studied to make sure there are no possible exploits. And of course it would also decorate your home ;-)

    I thought crafting bags would solve the inventory headaches, but then came One Tamriel with a flood of new gear. And because basic mechanics, traits, buffs and debuffs get drastically changed at every update, you have to keep some sets just in case! (Crit build nerfs for example).
  • Chadak
    So, you're at capacity for handling your inventory, thus nobody should be able to get more by a new channel until you figure out how to handle more?

    Get out of here with that petty selfishness.
  • KimberlyannKitsuragi
    Get the inventory upkeep and research assistant addons. Destroy trash and decon stuff you already know the traits on. Sell jewelry if you don't need it. Problem solved
    Feel free to add me. I'm part of the Gummy Guars PC/Mac NA server. Master crafter and working on getting 9 traits on everything
    Meri20098 wrote: »
    Get the inventory upkeep and research assistant addons. Destroy trash and decon stuff you already know the traits on. Sell jewelry if you don't need it. Problem solved

    thanks for the suggestions.

    since some players are on consoles i always prefer in-game solutions, but i will take a look at these.

    but my trait research days are long over - iirc only a few nirns not done on some stray items.

    thanks again for the suggestions.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

    Chadak wrote: »
    So, you're at capacity for handling your inventory, thus nobody should be able to get more by a new channel until you figure out how to handle more?

    Get out of here with that petty selfishness.

    You could look at it that way.

    I see it more as a case to be made that there are already multiple different channels now that give you tons and tons of inventory slots so that improving how ones existing inventory system works is a bigger gain than another small slot increase would be.

    A case for better inventory over more inventory.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

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