That would be the best way to kill off a few customers.
That would be the best way to kill off a few customers.
The challenge for a game like this is to make it profitable enough to keep it running. If they don't get a revenue stream from optional items like housing, costumes, mounts, etc, then they will be forced to pass the cost off as a monthly subscription. And a monthly subscription would reduce the player base, so instead of the average player needing to spend 500 crowns a month to sustain the game, now they need to spend like $25 per month.
If ESO can support itself by being a free-to-play mmo that's packed with players who occasionally buy frivolous vanity items...more power to them.
@NewBlacksmurf You're actually just making up random numbers and assuming the game is profitable. You actually don't know this...since Zenimax is a privately held company and does not release sales figures or financials. For all we know, the game could be anywhere ranging from landslide profits to a financial loss.
Any speculation about the game's financials is nothing more than talking out one's rear. You don't have any data. You don't know how many people are playing, how often, how many subscribe to ESO plus, how many buy crowns, what the cost of the servers and maintenance are, what the staff costs are, or how new content gets designed, developed and distributed.
I work in the design industry, and I've worked on video games. (Most recently we did UI/UX work for the STO port). In my experience, there aren't miracle profits that allow studios to offer free ongoing play and ultra-cheap in-game purchases. Companies do really try to offer their customers a decent deal, and right now they are really trying to make in-app purchases work so that the end cost is up to the customer.
That said, my original point stands. I buy plus one month in three, making my monthly cost $5. I am thrilled to get unlimited play for five bucks a month, and if that can be sustained because ZOS sells 25,000 crown vanity housing, then hoo-effing-ray.
@NewBlacksmurf ah...random links that give you Zenimax's address with no financial info whatsoever. Very compelling. found links to something, so C+ for effort.
Zenimax is almost certainly a profitable company. Unit sales for Fallout 4, Skyrim, etc indicate this. But this doesn't mean that ESO is profitable right now. It also doesn't mean that it isn't. We don't know...Zenimax is a private corporation.
None of that affects my original point - the game costs money to run, and they can make it back either through monthly subscriptions or in-app purchases. I personally like the in-app purchase model, because I don't personally care if my high elf has a fluted tri-corner nightcap with canary accoutrement.
If you spend $200+ a year on things like the aforementioned canary hat, then I earnestly applaud you. It's allowing me to play the game for nearly free, and I appreciate that a lot.
@NewBlacksmurf ah...random links that give you Zenimax's address with no financial info whatsoever. Very compelling. found links to something, so C+ for effort.
Zenimax is almost certainly a profitable company. Unit sales for Fallout 4, Skyrim, etc indicate this. But this doesn't mean that ESO is profitable right now. It also doesn't mean that it isn't. We don't know...Zenimax is a private corporation.
None of that affects my original point - the game costs money to run, and they can make it back either through monthly subscriptions or in-app purchases. I personally like the in-app purchase model, because I don't personally care if my high elf has a fluted tri-corner nightcap with canary accoutrement.
If you spend $200+ a year on things like the aforementioned canary hat, then I earnestly applaud you. It's allowing me to play the game for nearly free, and I appreciate that a lot.
aisriyth_ESO wrote: »Perhaps i am a sheep? Who knows.
@NewBlacksmurf ah...random links that give you Zenimax's address with no financial info whatsoever. Very compelling. found links to something, so C+ for effort.
Zenimax is almost certainly a profitable company. Unit sales for Fallout 4, Skyrim, etc indicate this. But this doesn't mean that ESO is profitable right now. It also doesn't mean that it isn't. We don't know...Zenimax is a private corporation.
None of that affects my original point - the game costs money to run, and they can make it back either through monthly subscriptions or in-app purchases. I personally like the in-app purchase model, because I don't personally care if my high elf has a fluted tri-corner nightcap with canary accoutrement.
If you spend $200+ a year on things like the aforementioned canary hat, then I earnestly applaud you. It's allowing me to play the game for nearly free, and I appreciate that a lot.
I tought fallout and skyrim was bethesda not zenimax o.o
aisriyth_ESO wrote: »I mean, i've literally bought everything outside of motifs on the crown store. I have everything out of the storm crates and i WILL buy houses so long as they are reasonable. I see many, many cosmetic items around and i hear a lot of people comment on having a sub for the crafting bag.
All anecdotal but i cannot imagine ZoS is hurting, and again, if houses are reasonable my wallet will open.
Perhaps i am a sheep? Who knows.