RedVyperOfDorne wrote: »This build man its pretty decent for Pre-One Tam. Used to run this before Illambris came out. You can see a much improved version of this since one tam dropped in my sig. I guess my only issue is, you make a build that can be played from 28m away and you add rearming trap? Why would you play at melee range if you're not on a melee build. Also not taking advantage of the class minor prophecy buff for other members of your group (unless there's another sorc). I guess more appropriate for solo or casual play? @hedna123b14_ESO
nice build, it would be cool to see a selfbuffed dps test to see what this can pull for sure!
RedVyperOfDorne wrote: »This build man its pretty decent for Pre-One Tam. Used to run this before Illambris came out. You can see a much improved version of this since one tam dropped in my sig. I guess my only issue is, you make a build that can be played from 28m away and you add rearming trap? Why would you play at melee range if you're not on a melee build. Also not taking advantage of the class minor prophecy buff for other members of your group (unless there's another sorc). I guess more appropriate for solo or casual play? @hedna123b14_ESO
iam_slickone wrote: »I watched your video earlier today, at first i was kinda surprised at the limited amount of skills you are running but after watching it it makes sense. Seems like a really easy way to play, i wanna give it a try. My problem is i dont have VMA weapons and no IA lighting staff
iam_slickone wrote: »I watched your video earlier today, at first i was kinda surprised at the limited amount of skills you are running but after watching it it makes sense. Seems like a really easy way to play, i wanna give it a try. My problem is i dont have VMA weapons and no IA lighting staff
If you want a build that centers around vMA and uses this strategy, you can give mine a go: it does less single target damage, but is more forgiving and doesn't necessarily require vMA weapons:
I did note in the video that you use beast traps for close quarters, close adds but if you are not ina stack up situations then you can switch it out for boundless or whatever else (even the curse if you like). Also if you play at 28m you are not reaching with your wall of elements.
Thank you I am glad you took the time to watch it fully, as clearly some others have done exactly as i noted in the begining( not watched it all and complained lol).
I hope you like how this plays and don't worry, the VMA is a BIG part of the build however you can complete vma with this setup without it while farming it. The damage will be a fair bit less but it will still work for solo play and dungeons until you get it
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I am a big fan of the heavy attack build for new players, AOE and VMA. There is one huge disclaimer. This should NEVER be used in trial boss fights in a proper group pushing for score. Yes your parse might be pretty good, but you are hurting your group.
The current met has healers running lighting blockade, so DPS can benefit from the exploiter passive. The problem is that heavy attacks consume off balance, so you are hurting your group every time you channel an attack. Lighting blockade is important in the current meta, but it should be run by the healers. If you are trying for solo DPS, then it is actually better the fire blockade because you will personally benefit form the off balance time. In a group, fire wall is way more damage.
Now if you are in a pickup group and nobody is spec'ed into thaumaturge, then have at it.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I am a big fan of the heavy attack build for new players, AOE and VMA. There is one huge disclaimer. This should NEVER be used in trial boss fights in a proper group pushing for score. Yes your parse might be pretty good, but you are hurting your group.
The current met has healers running lighting blockade, so DPS can benefit from the exploiter passive. The problem is that heavy attacks consume off balance, so you are hurting your group every time you channel an attack. Lighting blockade is important in the current meta, but it should be run by the healers. If you are trying for solo DPS, then it is actually better the fire blockade because you will personally benefit form the off balance time. In a group, fire wall is way more damage.
Now if you are in a pickup group and nobody is spec'ed into thaumaturge, then have at it.
In our raidgroup, the additional lightning blockade from another DD has always contributed more to the group than it took. Most Bossfights include a decent amount of movement, and healers will never keep up the blockades 100% on their own (Twin fights on both bosses, Rakkhat while catching meteors, Valariel in Add phase, Mage in vAA HM on Minimages & Bosses etc.) with three lightning blockades going and two channeled heavy attacks per ten seconds in the rotation,that is an uptime loss of 0.67 seconds out of ten seconds (so a 0.67% Group dps loss) , which is definitely countered by the additional AoE in trash fights and the faster dying adds, especially in Hardmode trials. I know that we might have different opinions on this matter @Oreyn_Bearclaw, but it can definitely have advantages to run one of those builds:)
EDIT: I forgot to say that I usually aim at adds that are near to the boss with the build when adds are there and only apply single target dots on the boss itself. The boss will take more damage than the add and it doesn't take away off balance on the boss
Yeah I only meant one (two at max) of those builds in the raid, and I only use it on the DK because it just puts out more damage and can provide utility.Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
I dont disagree that it very well might make sense to have one sorc doing this, but I dont think you want multiple doing it. There is a lot of talk lately that sorcs are OP or that its easy mode, and I think the lighting staff builds are playing into that hype. True, for most four man stuff, I could teach monkey to pull decent DPS for most content with a heavy attack build, but that is far removed from what the truly elite sorcs do in a trial.
Running a proper sorc build that is actually pulling 50k single target is by no means easy. I think its certainly worth discussing the pitfalls of stacking 8 of these heavy attack builds in a raid. Also, adds have become an after thought in VMOL. What most groups actually care about is not fight DPS, but single target DPS on the boss. For example, I can get a higher parse with a lighting staff on the first boss in VMOL, but my single target DPS is actually much lower when compared to a fire staff.
Also, your Sorc VMA build is the best thing since sliced bread. Haha.
I use lightning blockade as a magsorc because at a minimum 50% of my dps comes from aoe, which is buffed by lightning. Are you saying fire blockade is better?
Yeah I only meant one (two at max) of those builds in the raid, and I only use it on the DK because it just puts out more damage and can provide utility.
I just wanted to indicate that the taking off of the off-balance effect (a lot of off in there) is not as great as Nos' tried to tell me yesterday in another thread. He said that those builds are very bad for trials and that is definetely not the case, you just have to use it right. The vMA lightning staff is simply the best AoE tool that you can have (for free), and even if one of the groups dds sacrifices 3-4k dps on single target, so be it as long as it speeds up trash fights.
I wouldn't use it on a magsorc, but on a DK it has been really amazing for me and others.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I am a big fan of the heavy attack build for new players, AOE and VMA. There is one huge disclaimer. This should NEVER be used in trial boss fights in a proper group pushing for score. Yes your parse might be pretty good, but you are hurting your group.
The current met has healers running lighting blockade, so DPS can benefit from the exploiter passive. The problem is that heavy attacks consume off balance, so you are hurting your group every time you channel an attack. Lighting blockade is important in the current meta, but it should be run by the healers. If you are trying for solo DPS, then it is actually better the fire blockade because you will personally benefit form the off balance time. In a group, fire wall is way more damage.
Now if you are in a pickup group and nobody is spec'ed into thaumaturge, then have at it.
RedVyperOfDorne wrote: »
I've never understood this argument, off balance is consumed and automatically reapplied based on concussion + WoE.
So, concussion up-time maximum, WoE up-time maximum, will keep off balance up regardless of consumption? I believe this also applies to power lash. You can see the Off Balance appear, disappear and again reappear ready for another power lash.
RedVyperOfDorne wrote: »
I've never understood this argument, off balance is consumed and automatically reapplied based on concussion + WoE.
So, concussion up-time maximum, WoE up-time maximum, will keep off balance up regardless of consumption? I believe this also applies to power lash. You can see the Off Balance appear, disappear and again reappear ready for another power lash.
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Oh this
This is actually incorrect. Even if off-balance is taken off for .5 of a sec this .5 of a second when constantly taken off adds up to a significant portion of the fight, losing the raid a ton of dps. especcially during damage spikes. which is why all heavy attack builds arre not viable for trials content this patch
I think we just have a different opinion of what is viable and how large the effect of one dd running this really is, which is why the discussion will never lead to anything productive
NinthPrince64 wrote: »@xynode is there any particular reason the front bar staff has to be Maelstrom? Would any sharpened lightning work? (I only have one lightning Maelstrom staff.)
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »
Opinion implies that its a matter of preference. What I am discussing are concrete facts, that were extensively tested in game and mathematically. If you disagree with me ask any top level guild if a heavy attack build would be acceptable in their runs.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Here is my pushback for what it's worth. First, I agree 100% that the math and testing say its a bad idea at the extreme end of things, and I think you are correct that you wont see any of these builds in Hodor or similiar guilds. Furthermore, I am generally on the side of the min/maxer.
That being said, there is huge gap between what is viable and what is acceptable in the best of the best guilds. There are a lot of groups out there where the average DPS is pulling less than 30k. In groups like that, I dont think there is any harm in these types of builds, as the benefits likely outweigh the drawbacks.