@Riko_FutatabiRiko_Futatabi wrote: »I'm surprised that the images you edited aren't the current way this is implemented. The lack of attention to detail on little things like this irks me more than a major bug, lol. All the little irksome problems build up though... :x
@Riko_FutatabiRiko_Futatabi wrote: »
@PandoriiThere's one hat in the game that shows hair. It's a crown exclusive of course, and even that is pretty inadequate because it has like 4 templates of hairs and matches yours to whichever of those 4 it fits closely to.
My logic, if they have the coding for that, they should do it for all, even if it's half baked. Maybe they're experimenting with the code though and don't want to commit until they nail it down.
@itehacheYup, and this is the reason why I do not wear any hats. I really hope they take a look into this and fix it some day, I know there are worse issues but little details are important too.
I plan on using a jester hat that was datamined to arrive in the crown store, but not so much if it makes me bald.
Yup, and this is the reason why I do not wear any hats. I really hope they take a look into this and fix it some day, I know there are worse issues but little details are important too.
@DMuehlhausenDMuehlhausen wrote: »
Nothing is there to fix it. Look at essentially every other MMO, or even a lot of single player games out there. When you put on a hat or helmet it becomes what shows on your head so it removes everything. Making the hair show is just more strain on a video card so developers don't show it to make the game run smoother.
There's one hat in the game that shows hair. It's a crown exclusive of course, and even that is pretty inadequate because it has like 4 templates of hairs and matches yours to whichever of those 4 it fits closely to.
My logic, if they have the coding for that, they should do it for all, even if it's half baked. Maybe they're experimenting with the code though and don't want to commit until they nail it down.
@MwnciThere are two options to go down:
1) OP's suggestion. Duplicating every head piece for each hair style so as to create a stylish and effective look. E.g.: OP's character has bangs, mine does not. Therefore, two head pieces are required for that one hair style. One showing the bangs, one without bangs. Simply overlaying a head item ( such as OP's hood ) can cause unnecessary, and ugly, clipping so duplication is necessary ( unless I'm missing some new technology developers can use, I don't work in game development ).
For example, ZeniMax creates 100 new hair styles. They also have 100 different types of hoods. In order for OP's suggestion to be realised, ZeniMax would have to create 100 hood adaptations for each hair style. That's 10,000 new hoods.
Pro's: Looks good. More variety.
Con's: More work. More cost. More time. Unnecessary duplication.
2) Current implementation.
Pro's: Looks good. Less work. Less cost. Less time.
Con's: Doesn't look as good as option 1.
Development time and resources are finite.
I'm not against OP's suggestion, I'd prefer it to be honest, however I am merely highlighting the amount work likely necessary to make it happen.
> The amount of work needed is less than you think. Firstly, there are hairstyles that have no fringe and those who would not be visible with a hat anyway. Creating a fringe would simply be copy pasting a section of the hair. If needed, there could be "Hairstyle1FringeHood" and "Hairstyle1FringeHelmet". The fringes are then checked for clipping and manually edited if there are any issues.
>Zenimax have a team designated to art and animation. They would not be expected to finish it in a day.
@Mwnci> I understand that, but that wasn't my point. What I was trying to convey could be summarised into my second last line: "Development time and resources are finite" - what this means is if it's cheaper, easier and faster that's the way it will likely be done.
@captainwolfoscaptainwolfos wrote: »I bought a new Covenant Lion circlet for my Covenant loyalist, as well as the Rider Hood, and found to my dismay that the circlet also gets hidden by the hood.
I am disappoint.
There are more issues like that. For example, if you use a disguise and a crown store hairstyle at the same time, the hair will not show. I thought wigs were the perfect disguise.