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Ut de Octo: More Information

Hi, everyone. I posted a few days ago about my guild, Ut de Octo, a few days ago. I've decided to provide further information to give a glimpse of what we're all about.

The Order of the Eight is a collection of like-minded individuals brought together to strive for the common goal of eradicating all Daedric influences from Tamriel. As such, as with any gathering of people, a necessity to maintain order and structure becomes apparent, lest the Order should collapse into anarchistic tendencies and the very purpose of it's formation becomes lost and forgotten.

Here therefore are listed the ranks of the Order of the Eight, a bit of lore, their purpose, what is expected of them, and finally how one could elevate themselves to that rank:

Tessarius - Guild Master
(More information to be added later.)

-- Legionary --

"He grasped my arm and brought me closer to his face - he wanted to talk. His breath, broken and reeking of... death, perhaps? He issued forth with a raspy gurgle. He wasn't long for this world. "You... you are now... lead... lead the... men... to..." As he spoke, I felt the captain shove the hilt of his sword into my hands. Yet, as he succumbed, the pressure he presented was released and the sword, along with the hand that held it, fell back... until I reached for it and grasped it."


-- Draconarius --

"O'er the tops of the nearby hills appeared the stranger and the horse they rode upon once more. The stranger, whether male or female, could not be discerned at this distance, yet the stranger kept steadfast to the course and forced the weary animal along. The stranger had all intentions to ride into our village. I turned to Galdaren who kept his sights upon the approaching stranger. "Shall I give a warning shot?" I asked hesitantly. "No," Galdaren issued, scratching at the scoff of hair which grew upon his chin, "Look at the decadent attire the traveler wears... my guess it's just a bard.""


The Herald, in short, is the face of the order. He or she announces the deeds of the Order (to spread the word amongst the community), declares the Order's intentions (as a haven for role-players), and through discussion gathers individuals to rally beneath the banner of the Order (recruitment). As such, the responsibilities of the Draconarius is in general similar to that of a Miles except with the additions of:

-- Must be active in the community for the benefit of the Order of the Eight. This is accomplished by joining and being active within the various websites and forums dedicated to ESO and role-playing within ESO.

-- Must maintain, with consistent updates, all sites where information regarding our Order can be located with information which would be relevant to the community (such as events scheduled, completion of role-playing story arcs, promotions, etc.).

-- With the aid of the Salarius and the Actarius, the Draconarius is required to maintain a calendar of all slotted events and sessions being planned for future dates. This calendar should be posted and updated with frequency within the Order's Facebook, Enjin guildsite, and any other site the Order should appropriate to use.

-- The Draconarius is required to recruit one (1) new member to the Order every week.

- How does one obtain this rank?

-- Must have obtained the rank of Miles.

--Maintain an active community presence

-- Coordinate and keep a calendar of various events and sessions.

-- Invite at least one (1) newcomer to the Order.

-- Actarius --

"She struggled to breathe. It was getting difficult and she realized that time was of the utmost essence. She would die today, but rather than dwell upon the regrets of her life she forced herself, in an agonizing endeavor, to write. For she understood that the riddle of mortal life was finite, but her experiences, her tale, writ to parchment would transcend infinity."


There are those whom take to the study of the myriad histories of Tamriel as a fish takes to oceans or a bird to the heavens. To these individuals is bestowed the title of Actarius; otherwise known as scholars. Actarius are learned individuals who's pursuit of the understanding of the rich and vast history of Tamriel is paramount. The responsibilities of a Actarius is in general similar to that of a Miles, except with the additions of:

-- Collaboration with players, specifically Accensus, in order to aid in the creation of backstories which are within the scope of Elder Scrolls lore.

--Assist narrators and players in settling lore disputes, should an inaccuracy present itself. All members are required to aide by the Actarius' decision, being the final word upon the subject of lore, until after the session or event.

-- Plan, create, and host events specific to lore discussions. These events should appeal to the role-playing community, yet doesn't necessarily need to be bound solely to role-playing. A few examples: Discussions and seminars on the various races, artifacts, aedra and daedra, etc. The Actarius is required to create andhost at least one (1) event per month.

-- With the aid of the Draconarius, maintain a calendar of all slotted events and sessions being planned for future dates.

-- In the occurrence that a Actarius schedules a lore session and cannot attend for whatever reason, it is the responsibility of the Actarius to inform the Order's leadership so as to accommodate a replacement host.

--Discuss in chat (or write upon) one (1) lore subject a month and publish it on the Order's various sites.

- How to Obtain:

-- Must have attained the rank of Miles.

--You need to demonstrate:
-A deep understanding of Elder Scrolls lore.
-Intentions to host an event regarding lore.
-You must have written at the very least two (2) articles or discussions on a subject concerning the Elder Scrolls ( series, doesn't have to pertain to the Scrolls themselves.).

-- Salarius --

- Lore:
Any performer can maintain the attention of a random crowd. A great performer can entertain a rowdy bunch of Nords without having them attempt to kill the performer at least once throughout the performance.

- Purpose:
Event Coordinator

- Expectations:

--Salarius are event planners. To them falls the responsibility of planning, creating, and executing activities for the entertainment of the Order. The responsibilities of a Salarius is in general similar to that of a miles except with the additions of:

- With the aid of the Draconius, maintain a calendar of all slotted events and sessions being planned for future dates.

- Plan, create, and host events. These events should appeal to the role-playing community, yet they don't necessarily have to be bound solely to role-playing. A few examples: Tavern role-playing days/nights, "How to Role-play" discussions, Scanvenger Hunts, Artistic Moots, etc. The Salarius is required to create and host two (2) events per month. In the occurrence that a Salarius creates an event and cannot attend for whatever reason, it is his/her responsibility to inform the Order's leadership so as to accommodate a replacement host.

--How to Obtain:

- Must have obtained the rank of Miles.

-Participate in most Order events

-Have the intentions to host an event

- Provide the maintenance of a calendar noting the various events that have and will take place.

-- Miles --

- Lore:
"To fate they marched onward,
Never understanding why,
To fate they marched onward,
Soldiers prepared to die."

- Purpose:

- Expectations:

Miles are the soldiers. They create the bulk of members in the Order, and as such they are the individuals who are most encountered within the online community, essentially being the "face" of the Order. They are expected to:

- Maintain the integrity of the Order.
- Promote the Order whenever possible in order to aid in recruitment and establishing the connotation that the Order is a haven for all role-players.
- Assist in teaching and guiding accensus in the manners and expectations of all members of the Order.
- Abide in participating at least in two (2) role-play events within a week and write an entry within their Onus of Oghma after participating within the events.

- How to Obtain:

After being within the Order as an Accensus for over a month or after displaying an earnest desire for the Order through participation.

-- Accensus --

- Lore:
"Even the majestic tree was once a sapling, we all have to start from someplace... even if it is rather small."

- Purpose:

- Expectations:
An Accensus is a new member to the Order and as such is only charged with the task of becoming acquainted with the Order. The Accensus should come to understandthe purpose and nature of the Order, acquaint themselves with the other members, and familiarize themselveswith the rules and with what is expected of members.

- How to Obtain:

Any new member to the Order shall automatically start at this rank.

Sorry everyone for the long post. There could've been more, but I feel this captures a great glimpse of the Order's potential. Thanks for reading.
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