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Why i quit playing this game

1- No build diversity you have to use very specific items and abilities to be competitive
2- You have to use proc sets and blackrose to kill a person with damage shields or there is no way to kill because shields always up
3- Real life skills or strategy doesnt matter now just stack stats and spam buttons
4-Werewolf howl of agony can be reflected by DKs wings its not even projectile or spell its a meele range physical attack (really non sensical game)
5-Some people using AC on me so fast i cant even react while AC doesnt work for me like that so im suspicious about this game and i dont trust ZOS.
6-Game feels always broken and i always feel im being exploited by hackers/exploiters
7-Shady Addons, Poeple who knows how to make addons can exploit zos mistakes easly again i dont trust zos.
8-Low performance servers.
9-Can't change my hair color.
10-Can't have steel weapons i hate red weapons.
11-Can't migrate with my stuff betweent servers
12-PVE is boring no Epic PVE content
13-Horrible loot system that waste people precious time
14-Four class only and useless class abilities
16-ZOS cant balance stuff and cant find a middle ground they either destroy something or make godlike.
17-No general trader, corrupted trade system
18-People become emperor with exploit ap farm and zos just watching.
19-ZOS doesnt detect 3rd party hack tools.
20-ZOS doesnt inform us if someone banned or not. Its like police not saying they arrested the killer or theif.So i dont feel secure.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Tryxus
    So... based on reason 20: can you tell what kind of stuff you'll be giving away before you leave?
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • Julianos
    Tryxus wrote: »
    So... based on reason 20: can you tell what kind of stuff you'll be giving away before you leave?

  • Duukar
    I actually agree..

    AC = Attack cancelling? This is a skill you MUST learn to be competitive. There are tutorials. Some skills work better than others. Funnel Health with destro medium/light attacks are lighting fast.

    I would put myself in the top 10% of players in PvP. I don't lose often. When I do it's usually to more than one player. Ive often been able to win fights 3-5 v 1 against unprepared opponents.

    This used to be true.

    Now I cant even pull of a gank with my Stam NB solo against 50% of players unless they are mounted, and even then... They just stall, unable to kill me while they wait for friends. Even worse when I open up on a sorc with 20k hp on a piece of siege get him to 5% before he can react to have him stack shields until his friends can come kill me. No cloaking away for me!

    The game is dead for solo play. The skill gap is closed and right now im doing anything and everything i can to drop the proc sets. So far only successful with my stam DK in 1v1 duels.

    I have 671 CP and a crap ton of solo pvp XP. Ive literally made a living in this game as a solo NB ganking.

    I always used to pick off careless solo players. They had to be careless. Now there is always help around the corner and all they need to do is live or build tanky.

    Edited by Duukar on December 17, 2016 4:52PM
  • tinythinker
    Doesn't have to be carelessness. Some players lack the right gear, knowledge of ESO PvP, reflexes, time to practice, etc.
    Edited by tinythinker on December 17, 2016 5:47PM
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  • idk

    @Axorn Some of your reasons are entertaining.

    Corrupted trading system, lol
    Cannot change hair color, of course you can, if the means does not work for you this is the best reason to leave.
    Based on the previous line, cannot take any of the PvP items seriously.

    Many of the rest just not worth going into.

    BTW, Can I have your stuff?
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all,

    We would like to inform you all that this thread has been closed as goodbye threads are against the Community Rules.
    Goodbye/Quitting Threads: We understand that sometimes people will leave the ESO community, and want to post a “goodbye” or “quitting” thread. Generally, we have found that “goodbye” and “quitting” threads have a tendency to go downhill fast. It is our policy to read the feedback in “goodbye” and “quitting” threads and close them, regardless of whether they are constructive or not.

    Thank you for your understanding.
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