ManwithBeard9 wrote: »You know you don't have to be here, right?
HatchetHaro wrote: »ManwithBeard9 wrote: »You know you don't have to be here, right?
pfft lmao that comment is the type of crap i'm talking about, see.
ManwithBeard9 wrote: »So if the game doesn't cater to your needs, everyone else needs to shut up and follow you, so you can get what you want.
HatchetHaro wrote: »Edited original post to add in more thoughts that I gained from your responses.
Basically, most of you whining about whiners aren't contributing anything useful to the discussion at all, further proving my point.
HatchetHaro wrote: »"Stop whining! Stop crying! Stop bitching! Stop being such a whiny ***! Don't play the game if you don't like it! Hurr dee durr!"
You can always find that one post that says something along the lines of these in every complaint thread.
And I'm *** tired of it.
I paid for the game, I have the bloody right to complain all the bloody hell I want about it. If you like a sub-par gaming experience, sure thing, go ahead and kiss up to ZOS's beautiful behinds all you want, but those of us that are tired of the way ZOS is treating its customers can and will complain about the crap that is currently in the game right now.
There are so many things to complain about in this game, and innumerable people have raised their voices about it. Proc sets, RNG, Crown crates, race/appearance/name-change tokens (EDIT: I meant the ridiculous price for a simple slider that removes that ugly tiara on your head that you thought looked cool when you created your character high on skooma two years ago), RNG, server downtime, vMA, complete lack of assets in use (children, beast race skeletons), RNG, awful walk/run animations, cash-grabbing crap, TBS Mundus-reactivation, RNG, the huge list of game-breaking bugs, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on and on and on.
And ZOS did little-to-nothing about these over the years the ESO player base petitioned about all of these.
And here's the thing: we still love the game; that's exactly why we're complaining about it. If we stopped liking the game we would just drop it and go.
See, ZOS did a pretty good job on the game, and I applaud them for that, but there are so many things they can improve with the game and make the game experience better for everyone.
YOU, yes, you, the ZOS butt-kisser, the "stop whining" keyboard warriors. You are the ones inhibiting this stream of improvements and keeping the game experience sub-par for all of us.
So stop, let us complain and formulate opinions to ZOS on how they can improve their beloved game in peace.
EDIT: I forgot to add that these "stop whining" posts aren't even constructive at all and is even an insult to the people who actually cared enough to point out the game's problems and suggest workarounds and fixes. Basically, by saying "stop whining", you devalue the amount of thought the complaining party put into suggestions and add absolutely nothing useful to the discussion.
HatchetHaro wrote: »Edited original post to add in more thoughts that I gained from your responses.
Basically, most of you whining about whiners aren't contributing anything useful to the discussion at all, further proving my point.
*drops mic*
HatchetHaro wrote: »ManwithBeard9 wrote: »So if the game doesn't cater to your needs, everyone else needs to shut up and follow you, so you can get what you want.
You have now officially completely missed the point.
See, this isn't about "needs". This is about improving the game experience.
My point is that everyone else needs to shut up unless they have something actually useful to say, such as actual logical counter-arguments to the complaints, rather than a simple "hurr durr stop whining" to just feel superior to the other party.
HatchetHaro wrote: »Edited original post to add in more thoughts that I gained from your responses.
Basically, most of you whining about whiners aren't contributing anything useful to the discussion at all, further proving my point.
*drops mic*
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »There's been alot of it on my posts. Talk about difficulty in any capacity of 'make it easier' and the hardcore community will jump down your throat with the ferocity of wild animals and the grammer of five year olds.
HatchetHaro wrote: »ManwithBeard9 wrote: »So if the game doesn't cater to your needs, everyone else needs to shut up and follow you, so you can get what you want.
You have now officially completely missed the point.
See, this isn't about "needs". This is about improving the game experience.
My point is that everyone else needs to shut up unless they have something actually useful to say, such as actual logical counter-arguments to the complaints, rather than a simple "hurr durr stop whining" to just feel superior to the other party.
HatchetHaro wrote: »
Actually, I'm pointing out the ones that exist in actual constructive complaints, so the things you're pointing out isn't even valid.
I have never seen these "ill-tempered, self-entitled, self-important, histrionic screeds", and quite frankly, I don't care for them.
However, most complaints are constructive, and the things I have pointed out already has plenty of logic behind complaining about them. What I am miffed about are the devs pulling obvious cash-grabs at every chance they get despite all the PTR players opposing them for months.
Keep trying, sweetie. Maybe you'll get the point one day.
HatchetHaro wrote: »
Actually, I'm pointing out the ones that exist in actual constructive complaints, so the things you're pointing out isn't even valid.
I have never seen these "ill-tempered, self-entitled, self-important, histrionic screeds", and quite frankly, I don't care for them.
However, most complaints are constructive, and the things I have pointed out already has plenty of logic behind complaining about them. What I am miffed about are the devs pulling obvious cash-grabs at every chance they get despite all the PTR players opposing them for months.
Keep trying, sweetie. Maybe you'll get the point one day.
"Complaints" is plural. You meant to say "... so the things you're pointing out aren't..."
If you have never seen these "things" how do you know you do not care for them? Logic says???
"Things" is plural so you meant to say, "...already have plenty of logic..."
So look Moon Pie, as laid out in my first post, the same emotional and intellectual deficiencies that cause/allow you to spew out this kind of petulant, self-involved drivel also, alas, prevent you from recognizing just how inappropriately petulant and self-involved your behavior really is. Mores the pity to be you.
Because apart from your remedial grasp of Standard Written English (L2English, n00b) no, what you are "miffed" about is that hurr dee durr dee durr
So, buy a clue kid, and grow up a little. Every pouty, ungrammatical, I Can't Be Wrong Because It's MEEEEEEE, reply just makes you look worse.
Again: Get. Help.
Or get used to a life of ever-increasing frustration and disappointment.
I'm genuinely hoping that some day you will get the point.
Dont forget the ''its just a game bro'' crowd. They like to casually ignore the fact that I not only invested money in this game but hours of my life to hone my skills and enjoy my hobby better.