PVP should ALWAYS revolve around outplaying your opponent through your OWN actions and not because something procced and suddenly he has to go defensive..or is dead.
PVP should ALWAYS revolve around outplaying your opponent through your OWN actions and not because something procced and suddenly he has to go defensive..or is dead.
Well, remove bloodspawn, valkyn, bogdan etc in that case.......
My biggest issue is why no one bother to find counters to the meta. And don´t say there is non, because there always is. As example (might not be the best since it´s kinda cheese as well, but anyway) I´ve found that blazing shieldplar is amazing counter to the procmeta. Using the undaunted boneshield and blazing shield works wonders against these gankers.
Hey, there are a few direct counters to ganking.
1) Slot radiant magelight
2) Mail the ganker 20k gold
But for real, ZOS needs to balance the game. I just gank because it's fun af
I've been lazy but I have soemthing in the works (;
PVP should ALWAYS revolve around outplaying your opponent through your OWN actions and not because something procced and suddenly he has to go defensive..or is dead.
Well, remove bloodspawn, valkyn, bogdan etc in that case.......
My biggest issue is why no one bother to find counters to the meta. And don´t say there is non, because there always is. As example (might not be the best since it´s kinda cheese as well, but anyway) I´ve found that blazing shieldplar is amazing counter to the procmeta. Using the undaunted boneshield and blazing shield works wonders against these gankers.
oh no, you're not the first to find it. i don't know how it is on EU, but on NA cyrodiil is basically Proc sets and tanks and of course tanks using proc sets. it's a pretty lame meta.
regardless. i don't mind people using one proc set but stacking multiple proc sets is ridiculous and should be removed.
PVP should ALWAYS revolve around outplaying your opponent through your OWN actions and not because something procced and suddenly he has to go defensive..or is dead.
Well, remove bloodspawn, valkyn, bogdan etc in that case.......
My biggest issue is why no one bother to find counters to the meta. And don´t say there is non, because there always is. As example (might not be the best since it´s kinda cheese as well, but anyway) I´ve found that blazing shieldplar is amazing counter to the procmeta. Using the undaunted boneshield and blazing shield works wonders against these gankers.
oh no, you're not the first to find it. i don't know how it is on EU, but on NA cyrodiil is basically Proc sets and tanks and of course tanks using proc sets. it's a pretty lame meta.
regardless. i don't mind people using one proc set but stacking multiple proc sets is ridiculous and should be removed.
Putting all procsets in the same basket and then trying to "fix" them won´t end well. Just adjust the sets that are an "issue", like veli, tremor, and maybe adjust viper (even tho viper isn´t proc set) dmg.
First of all, in a good pvp design, you dont counter something with a specific class/build, but rather every class/build will have something they can use (depending on player ability) to counter it.
@rteezyFirst of all, in a good pvp design, you dont counter something with a specific class/build, but rather every class/build will have something they can use (depending on player ability) to counter it.
This is where our opinions differ a lot. IMO all classes shall not have the abiltiy to counter everything by default. That´s not balance. All classes can´t be good at everything. All classes have their cons and pros. What a class lacks by default you make up by wearing a specific gear or making a specific build, that´s what makes an MMO enjoyable.
And tbh, there were those who could deal 28-30k stealth/gank damage even before all these procsets where introduced.
I showed sribes video to illustrate that.The guy is a freaking monster at what he does and he would make it work despite whatever meta were in, BUT how is a 20k+ heavy RANGED attack form stealth followed by a 15k incap balanced or counter-able?HE doesnt even need procs even doe he has them, most people take AT LEAST 25-28k damage before ANY proc, and thats pretty much instantly.
They didn't always suck, if you take a look even at the core game design aspects that are still left from launch you can certainly seethe potential for dynamic competitive play. Stuff like bash interrupts, dodge rolling, the way heavy atks used to be interruptable, & resource management being the counter poise to a no cooldown skill system.Jjitsuboy98 wrote: »Zenimax sucks at developing balanced PvP. It more than likely will always be like this. Take it or leave it.
Jjitsuboy98 wrote: »Zenimax sucks at developing balanced PvP. It more than likely will always be like this. Take it or leave it.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »Jjitsuboy98 wrote: »Zenimax sucks at developing balanced PvP. It more than likely will always be like this. Take it or leave it.
Name a MMO that came out in the last 5 years that was balanced and or skill based? That's why the MOBA genre took of in the way it has. Because the MMO companies and genre abandon balanced skill based PvP in the goal of mass selling easy to code, highly grind based, imbalanced content. Due to the current day's MMO selling point, the MOBA genre has the monopoly on skill based competitive PvP, since that's what they specialize in.
Moral of this story as long as MMO companies find it easier to sell imbalance PvP content all cries for balanced skill based PvP will fall on deaf ears. As money talks and bull *** walks! Just the nature of the beast.
HoloYoitsu wrote: »They didn't always suck, if you take a look even at the core game design aspects that are still left from launch you can certainly seethe potential for dynamic competitive play. Stuff like bash interrupts, dodge rolling, the way heavy atks used to be interruptable, & resource management being the counter poise to a no cooldown skill system.Jjitsuboy98 wrote: »Zenimax sucks at developing balanced PvP. It more than likely will always be like this. Take it or leave it.
Sadly since Konkle left, Wrobel has been busy eroding much of that.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »Jjitsuboy98 wrote: »Zenimax sucks at developing balanced PvP. It more than likely will always be like this. Take it or leave it.
Name a MMO that came out in the last 5 years that was balanced and or skill based? That's why the MOBA genre took of in the way it has. Because the MMO companies and genre abandon balanced skill based PvP in the goal of mass selling easy to code, highly grind based, imbalanced content. Due to the current day's MMO selling point, the MOBA genre has the monopoly on skill based competitive PvP, since that's what they specialize in.
Moral of this story as long as MMO companies find it easier to sell imbalance PvP content all cries for balanced skill based PvP will fall on deaf ears. As money talks and bull *** walks! Just the nature of the beast.
Selling imbalance is easier wat
visionality wrote: »@rteezy Hey, I fully agree with your assessment.
Sadly, Zenimax started diminishing the impact of player's skill onto gameplay a lot time ago. Anyone still remembers that DKs once were able to reflect meteors and NBs could just cloak them away? So you had to think before you cast them because otherwise they might come back or just fizzle into nothingness?
Throughout the last year, Zenimax has nerfed more and more player abilities and replaced them by RNG-events like procsets or poisons. The intelligence of gameplay has respectivly decreased. Today, the only working PVP strategy is to hit faster and harder than your opponent and to hope that your heavy armor or your stacked shields will help you survive the initial attack of a procset-player so that your own procsets can kill him instead.
I'm still dreaming of skills (yes, SKILLS, not sets!) that would e.g. allow me to reflect jesus beams on the beam-bot, but I'm pretty sure Zenimax would never allow them. The forum-outrcy of the one-button-players would just be too much for the tender souls of our game developers.