Worth start playing in 2016?

Soul Shriven
I've played ESO during the beta testing, liked it but due RL problems i had to stop before it releases.

So now i was looking further to it again. 2 years went by is ESO still worth for a newbie or i shall look further for a better online game?

How deep is the gap between paying players vs free?
How many players are actually playing?
Any chances i can catch up with high level players if i start now?

thanks in advance
  • AzraelKrieg
    Easy to catch up with existing players as the existing ones are capped if they have been playing for a long time. gives newer players and infrequent players a chance to make ground.

    There is no gap between subscribed players and non-subscribed players. Subscribed ones do have some perks but mostly are superficial.

    As for number of players, who knows but zones are thriving with activity, particularly the hub cities.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • builder680
    With every penny to me. I started two months ago and haven't put it down.
  • Khairiah
    Yes!! Do it. I think the game become more alive since One Tamriel coz everyone can play together.
  • Emothic
    The game is much better since it's release, on console that is. I am not sure about PC versions. However if you are going to play on either of the consoles I recomment that you try avoiding PvP. As it has turned into a complete and utter mess where you will have issues such as: Lag, massive zergs, empty campaigns, Overpowered proc sets, and so much more that drives me away from playing it.
    Lord Emothic Von Hellsing of ze Hellsing Family.
    Dragon Knight of the Ebonheart Pact. Xbox One - NA
  • Nyx2
    You more or less need DLC which can be easily acquired when buying them all in a pack but whether it's worth starting now? I can't recommend it as they're starting to monetize from their costumers in more and more unscrupulous ways.

    It also requires a lot of time investment. Crafting / researching gear must surely take about a year before you can do anything worthwhile with it. Gearing up in general can be complicated without any help because it requires you to already have good gear when trying to farm for it. PvP is also in an unacceptable state currently because it's either use proc sets or die.

    It's a good game regardless of what I said but the future looks rather glum.
  • strikeback1247
    I've played ESO during the beta testing, liked it but due RL problems i had to stop before it releases.

    So now i was looking further to it again. 2 years went by is ESO still worth for a newbie or i shall look further for a better online game?

    How deep is the gap between paying players vs free?
    How many players are actually playing?
    Any chances i can catch up with high level players if i start now?

    thanks in advance

    If you mainly want to PvP: Don't buy. It's a real mess at the moment.

    If you want to quest, explore, rp, PvE etc. Hell yeah! Buy it!
    P.A.W.S. - Positively Against Wild Sasquatches - NO TO BIGFOOT!
  • raglau
    No problem picking it up now. I know quite a few people who started playing very recently, and I also was off for a year or more and caught up no problem.

    Answers to your questions:

    How deep is the gap between paying players vs free?
    A: Non-existent IMO. I am a subscriber and as far as I can tell, the only meaningful benefit I get is a crafting bag, which helps me manage my inventory somewhat.

    How many players are actually playing?
    A: Do not know but it's very busy now, never an issue finding people to play with

    Any chances i can catch up with high level players if i start now?
    A: Yes. The current level cap is not that high at all, probably two weeks of casual play to get you into the same league, i.e. level 50 and early Champion Points.

    I play PvE, my friends who play PvP tell me it's still quite broken, but overall enjoyable. It seems that ZOS have not really improved PvP much beyond beta, so that's a bit of info to consider.
  • kevlarto_ESO
    The game is still fun and I still see a lot of players in the lowbie area, might depend on what time a day you play, chat is active, pvp is meh, lots of issues but if you make friends or find a guild it can be fun to just a lot of issues in that department atm.

    Really a tough questions like all these are, it depends on you and your expectations and what you want to get out of he game, don't raise them to high and you will have a blast.
  • Runs
    If you don't already own the game, then get the Gold edition. The game is worth it. From there you can decide to get the one DLC that isn't included or to subscribe.
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • ceviceb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Im mostly a PVP player...but looks like im not in the right game..

    very disappointed :(
  • Wollust
    PvP is at its worst with the current patch imo.
    But there is no real PvP alternative for now, so yeah.

    Zerg Squad
  • KingYogi415
    PVP is amazing. After you get used to the combat system any other mmo seems like trash.

    By the time you reach end game and understand the game well enough to pvp the meta will have changed. All the people crying about proc sets will be qq'ing about the new meta.

    The proc set, heavy armor meta actually makes it easyer for new players to get into pvp. This and combination of the rising CP playerbase leaves old time pvpers reminiscent of a time when they could 1vx with ease without things like being on equal ground with cp and OP sets geting in the way.

  • User_Name
    I played on PC from launch and quit little over a year ago, and just picked up from scratch on PS4.

    The short version of the answer to your question: No, not really.

    Catching up levels isn't that difficult, you get an enlightenment catch-up bonus and if you know the basics of the game you can be a lot more efficient than most newbies and quickly grind up. There's level scaling all across Tamriel now, so you can take your character to the best grinding spots right from character creation. You can also do the main quest in one go now, giving you heaps of skill points right in the beginning.

    The issue is the community first and foremost, and the balancing issues / bugs if you are into PVP. The solo content is super duper easy, as in SUPER easy, so the fun lies in group content. However by now most players have a lot of Champion Points (aka levels), and they will flat out kick you from their dungeoning group with no warning simply due to your low level. ZOS introduced scaling so that low-levels can play alongside high-levels, but it seems like a lot of high-level players have a lot of difficulty wrapping their heads around this. Even if the dungeon is super easy and you have cleared it a million times before, max levels will kick you before you even get started. People look a lot at the number next to the character and somehow think it is indicative of how good you are at playing the game, and deem you a burden without you even getting a chance to prove the contrary.

    So that means you'll have to grind up doing super easy and repetitive open-world PVE until you reach enough champion points for people to let you be in their group, but then you won't know the dungeon mechanics because you haven't had the chance to try them before and you won't have all the neat powerful gear that you only get from completing the dungeon, and your group mates will then complain that you perform worse than them. It's an uphill struggle, it's unfun and generally confirm in every way how humanity sucks, even more so in MMO-space. If you know a group of nice players already or join a mature PVE guild, you can bypass this though.

    In PVP you'll find that you will get auto-killed by hats, rings and other pieces of clothing, as well as a heavy dose of lag and bugs that have been there since launch, completely unaddressed. On EU PS4 I'm pretty sure all the good/organized players have left already, because strategy is completely nonexistent. People will fight for 5 hours straight defending an outpost not even connected to your keeps and not defending emp, while the enemy meanwhile takes all your keeps and your scrolls. People don't resurrect, even though Soul Gems used for resurrection are easier to come by than ever and are nowhere near in short supply. In two months of playing, resurrecting everything I see (it gives XP and Alliance Points as well as helps your assault/defense a lot), I have 600 filled grand soul gems, so I guess other players have in the thousands - and still don't resurrect even though it's one push on a button. Group leaders will take their groups half-way across the map to perform a siege with just a single meatbag catapult because no-one, including leaders, can be bothered, which in turn means that the enemy has an unlimited number of respawns and you will eventually die horribly. If you find yourself being that one guy in the group actually performing the siege, no one will protect you while you are sieging as your team mates are off aggroing various NPC's, so you'll be the first to get slashed from stealth while the enemy is mounting a counter-siege. Obviously again no one will resurrect you but just stare at your dead corpse and the one siege machine on the battlefield before slowly realising what's about to happen. Even when you are initially deploying your siege machine, you know exactly how it is going to play out, but someone has to operate a siege machine otherwise the siege is 100 percent certain to fail.

    You'll find that your faction might have the smallest online population, and STILL group leaders take their groups to go push both enemy factions at the same time, leading to your faction getting completely roflstomped. At that point the dudes responsible log off, leaving the rest to receive the beating from angering two enemies that are stronger than you, when ideally they should be fighting each other. You'll get ganked by people sitting in stealth waiting for hours to jump someone with no chance of self-defense, while you ride your painfully slow horse across the map for what seems like an eternity. You'll get rolled over by zergs of enemy players, who will then proceed to teabag you after a 20 v 1. You'll get hit by massive lag and fps drops so heavy that the game feels and plays like a slide show, and people will exploit various bugs so you don't get a visual cue to what is happening, and thus can't counter. Every bug and unbalanced skill or piece of gear is exploited to its fullest, at all times, and ZOS did very little to address some of the issues, and instead just added more for who knows what reason. PVP is a race to the bottom where you are now pigeon-holed into being scum to be successful. When people get killed by something clearly bugged and unbalanced, they instantly go and duplicate the setup, and that seems to be ZOS' idea of balancing: If everyone is using the same totally broken stuff, then that's fair and balanced. There are tell-tales of a mysterious bug-fixing patch on the horizon, I want to see it before I believe it.

    You really have to be a certain kind of masochist to enjoy this game. That being said, there are quite a few of us still, heh.

    The DLC will help you greatly, there's access to more dungeons, resources and also crafting stations with useful gear sets. I think you might be better off just buying the base game rather than the Gold Edition (I bought Gold, but kinda regret), and then when you've done it/feel bored with it/feel character progression is too slow, pick up a month of ESO plus - you'll get access to all the DLC and get some minor boosts to XP, but it isn't an absolute necessity. That way you haven't committed yourself to the game as much financially. Plus you get a monthly allowance of a special ESO currency for being an ESO plus member, which you can use to save up and purchase select DLC (some DLC is more long-term useful than others) and quit your subscription. Wrothgar is useful for open world questing and crafting, and Imperial City is a really nice blend of PVP and PVE with great rewards, loss-on-death mechanics and the constant risk of hostile players and powerful roaming NPC bosses adding a lot of suspense. You get a mount with the Gold Edition, which is nice, but if you get really invested in the game, you might quickly find that specific horse extremely bland and buy another mount. Generic horses can also be bought for gold earned in-game.

    I hope this slightly sarcastic and overly pessimistic wall of text is useful, otherwise the short version is "no, not really worth it" ;)
  • MythicEmperor
    It is easy to learn and there is no gap between subscribers and normal players, and a year ago I would have said that this was among the best MMO's out there, but with ZO$'s recent decisions I cannot say for sure anymore. It's going downhill quickly.
    Edited by MythicEmperor on December 5, 2016 10:10PM
    With cold regards,

    Favorite Characters:
    Kilith Telvayn, Dunmer Telvanni Sorcerer (main)
    Kilith, Dunmer Magblade (old main)
    Vadusa Venim, Dunmer crafter (older main)
    Hir Hlaalu, Dunmer Warden
    Søren Icehelm, N'wah Warden
    Fargoth of Morrowind, Bosmer commoner
  • Wifeaggro13
    I've played ESO during the beta testing, liked it but due RL problems i had to stop before it releases.

    So now i was looking further to it again. 2 years went by is ESO still worth for a newbie or i shall look further for a better online game?

    How deep is the gap between paying players vs free?
    How many players are actually playing?
    Any chances i can catch up with high level players if i start now?

    thanks in advance

    if your just starting you will enjoy your time and will keep you busy and obbsessed for months. once your capped and try to dive into the deep end youll bump your head due to the shallowness of end game and meta builds.. you will get your moneys worth though. just dont look at it as game you will play consistently for years and become part of a long lasting community. guilds have heavy churn. and the end game guilds are full of elitist's with no social skills.
  • Greenwood1900
    If your main goal is to PvP, then I am not sure if I can recommend it or not. Buy at your own risk.

    If you seek PvE and such, probably the best game right now.
    Ormesson Stamina NB 2H-Bow
  • DannyLV702
    I say give it a try without letting the forums influence you. We're all complaining but at the same time, we're all still here. I'm mainly a pvp player and still love this game a lot even though it has its downsides.
  • Ghost-Shot
    If you are looking for a good mmo experience, you would be better off in WoW of FF14. If you want a casual game this would probably be satisfactory.
  • stevepdodson_ESO888
    DannyLV702 wrote: »
    I say give it a try without letting the forums influence you. We're all complaining but at the same time, we're all still here. I'm mainly a pvp player and still love this game a lot even though it has its downsides.


    he asks the forums for advice and you tell him to ignore the forums, but still give him advice on what to do :)
  • CapnPhoton
    There is a lot of content that comes with the base game. It is worth it.
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • DannyLV702
    DannyLV702 wrote: »
    I say give it a try without letting the forums influence you. We're all complaining but at the same time, we're all still here. I'm mainly a pvp player and still love this game a lot even though it has its downsides.


    he asks the forums for advice and you tell him to ignore the forums, but still give him advice on what to do :)

    I see lol
  • lardvader
    If you already own the game I would give it some weeks at least and see if you like it.

    I played the game during the beta and dit NOT like it. However picked it up at a sale last October (because I buy way too many games on Steam sales). I installed it the day FO4 came out so put on ice until January the 10th this year - last day to register for the million $ contest.

    And that was it - I've played it ever since and I love it <3

    CP 1200+ PC EU EP
  • ceviceb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    User_Name wrote: »

    thanks for the long post mate. I kinda was about to buy the gold version (gonna be cheaper than subs) but the more i read the more i feel like im gonna regret it..

    yet i cant find something a good pvp game no matter how i try...hopefully this milking cow will drain soon so they can start work on a new good tes..

    again thanks :wink:
  • Armitas
    I've played ESO during the beta testing, liked it but due RL problems i had to stop before it releases.

    So now i was looking further to it again. 2 years went by is ESO still worth for a newbie or i shall look further for a better online game?

    How deep is the gap between paying players vs free?
    How many players are actually playing?
    Any chances i can catch up with high level players if i start now?

    thanks in advance

    As long as you don't PvP and are not interested in the very edge of End Game (VMA) there is no reason not to find enjoyment in the game. It is a solid Elder scrolls release if nothing else.

    The only real gap is a crafting bag and some gear from the DLC but there are comparable pieces you can get
    There is still a thriving PvE population.
    It is now easier than it has ever been to catch up to high level players. They removed veteran ranks, and there is a catch up system for champion points.
    Edited by Armitas on December 5, 2016 4:54PM
    Nord mDK
  • SquareSausage
    It will take you months and months to get to CP cap but. So there is a huge divide between new and top level players.

    Still worth it but.

    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • Akevoriath
    It's a fun game, for now, but don't buy it. The game is going downhill and doesn't have a bright future, you will end up regretting it in the end. This game would have had a chance if the devs actually listened to their customers but they don't, which is an incredibly silly thing to do when you must keep your playerbase happy to keep getting paid. I recently just started playing WoW and I was shocked at how much more I actually enjoyed that game. This game is basically stagnant once you reach V1, nothing really new to do, just more grinding. Dungeons aren't really an option unless you were born with the knowledge of every single dungeon mechanic in the world, otherwise you'll just get kicked. Apparently PVP is terrible right now ( I wouldn't know, I didn't play it ) and the game has a lot of lag issues that aren't as present in other MMO's.

    In conclusion, you are better off finding a different game to play, the people in charge of this game are ruining it.
    Edited by Akevoriath on December 5, 2016 9:08PM
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Come back to me when the ballance update hits. If it dont get better by then it wont get better.

    The worst thing this game did was hire Wrobel. He's jacked this game up, does not know how to fix it, and now wont acknowledge it's broken. It will only get better when control is wrestled away from him.

    And please, dont lisen to the people going 'casual experience', those troglodytes have been screeching since the game released.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on December 5, 2016 9:13PM
  • dday3six
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    If you are looking for a good mmo experience, you would be better off in WoW or FF14. If you want a casual game this would probably be satisfactory.

    I'd have to agree. The game is lacking on several MMO aspects. So if that is specifically what you're offer ESO is light on it for the moment. Admittedly it has gotten better with damage numbers, resources totals, and enemy HP being added however.
  • Seri
    The proc set, heavy armor meta actually makes it easyer for new players to get into pvp. This and combination of the rising CP playerbase leaves old time pvpers reminiscent of a time when they could 1vx with ease without things like being on equal ground with cp and OP sets geting in the way.

    Pretty sure a lot of the old time PvPers are reminiscent of around patch 1.5, before CP was even a thing.
    EP CP160+ Templar, Sorc, NB
    DC CP160+ Templar, Sorc, DK
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Truth be told, not really.

    The things I wanted in the game. Dark brotherhood and thieves guild are so tacked on that it is pointless. They also use no logic at all with it.

    For example people are so powerful now that they can pretty much 1 proc or 1 shot many things out in the world, yet using your blade of woe won't give you full xp.

    Also spamming dark brother hood missions not only don't get you a thing worth having. They don't even high profile/high reward targets for doing a good job. Like doing 5 contracts gets you a super one.

    Also the whole adding crate thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. They would make more money if they made a better thieves and dark guild system.

    So like my wife told me. Why the heck are we playing this when Wildstar is free, has a creed system for membership, has more content, and better combat? I ask myself that as well.
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