Rogue's Gallery is recruiting!

Rogues Gallery is a North American Xbox One Guild that is family oriented, but mature in nature. We’re a group of like-minded gamers that have banded together to form a home for current and new players looking for a casual to moderate atmosphere who are wanting to group with others to tackle leveling, PvP and endgame content. We started as an EP guild, and pvp only on EP toons, but are open to recruiting from the other alliances. Please note that being a member from another factions offers you no protection in Cyrodiil. We encourage you to make an EP toon if you're wanting to pvp with us.

We have a 21+ guideline, though all interested players are considered. All your crafting and provisioning needs can easily be fulfilled by one of our many master crafters. If interested in joining and feel like being a part of an ever growing guild that aims to take control of Cyrodil and thwart off the Daedric Evil, you may apply here: Guild Application
You may also apply by requesting to join our Xbox live club "Rogues Gallery Guild"; or message one of the following gamertags:

We encourage all members, new and current, to register on our guild website to stay connected to all things Rogue's Gallery. You can also find us on the Band app if you search "Rogue's Gallery". We use this as a primary source of communication outside of the game.
Edited by DrSweetazz on December 3, 2016 6:03PM
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