ForsakenSin wrote: »@Delimber
Yhea shame on you! what were you thinking of not doing any damage as tank ahahaha
But there were many good pug parties, I met really nice and good players from finder, once we did assassin and survivor achiev from CoH at same run so it's not so bad. Just elitist are like that... what is funny, cause really best players are like... 'I don't care of your build and level. Just do dmg/heal/tank. And let me do this in normal time'. And that's good thinking.
WhitePawPrints wrote: »
But there were many good pug parties, I met really nice and good players from finder, once we did assassin and survivor achiev from CoH at same run so it's not so bad. Just elitist are like that... what is funny, cause really best players are like... 'I don't care of your build and level. Just do dmg/heal/tank. And let me do this in normal time'. And that's good thinking.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the "elistits" that throw fits like that are truly the ones wanting to be carried.
ForsakenSin wrote: »Lol damm some funny horrible stories here
another thing that happend was on cradle of shadow
me as DPS 560Cp, another DPS 460 Cp we had a healer 300Cp and tank 560 ... on last boss we died few times and Tank 560 was getting angry and blaming healer and he started insulting people on mic ... the fist time we got to the shadow part he didn't pick up the light even though he was right next to it .. he died ....3 of us made it and got killed eventually trying to rez him next round we told him to pick up the light if he is next to it ... he responded "don't tell me how to play i done this before"... next round we got in the shadow part he had the light on and i was with him .. now you would think he would run to the boss room right... NOPE ... he just stayed where he dropped and started fighting and fighting adds until he died and as i was with him i tried running towards the boss room and i couldn't made it... he started blaming other people ..
. next round i picked up the light i was with healer we made it ( the healer was amazing he was running in front of me leading the way while i was throwing down caltrops ) ... the other 2 guys didn't make it so i don't know what happen.. we got him up at the boss we were doing great ... until the boss goes " stand still.." ... now i don't need to explain when person tells you to stand still ... and tank was running around like a headless chicken and yhea dead .. so we tried to rez him again and eventually we all died..... after that other guy was asking him what he has and tried to help him now the funny part..
The tank was on mic chat complaining and swearing .. we tried to ask him what he is using to help him out ..however he did not responded ..we tried many times going " hello can you hear us? we can hear our self can you hear us ?" just to hear him complaining talking about us and swearing after 6 min of trying to talk to him just to be fully ignored and im sure he could of hear us he was swearing and rage quited.
we started laughing and just went " what just happen ? "
SolarCat02 wrote: »Kudos to you for volunteering to do the Ritual run. It's so difficult to get people to volunteer for that. If I am not the raid leader, I usually end up being one of the runners simply because everyone else refuses to do it, and I am the healer! But so many people are afraid to just assign someone, and nobody wants to volunteer.
ForsakenSin wrote: »WhitePawPrints wrote: »
But there were many good pug parties, I met really nice and good players from finder, once we did assassin and survivor achiev from CoH at same run so it's not so bad. Just elitist are like that... what is funny, cause really best players are like... 'I don't care of your build and level. Just do dmg/heal/tank. And let me do this in normal time'. And that's good thinking.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the "elistits" that throw fits like that are truly the ones wanting to be carried.
You know what ... im starting to believe that
WhitePawPrints wrote: »
But there were many good pug parties, I met really nice and good players from finder, once we did assassin and survivor achiev from CoH at same run so it's not so bad. Just elitist are like that... what is funny, cause really best players are like... 'I don't care of your build and level. Just do dmg/heal/tank. And let me do this in normal time'. And that's good thinking.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the "elistits" that throw fits like that are truly the ones wanting to be carried.
heng14rwb17_ESO wrote: »I have not used grp finder tool for a long time.
I only use zone chat.
Sucess rate for completing dung is 95+ %.
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »WhitePawPrints wrote: »
But there were many good pug parties, I met really nice and good players from finder, once we did assassin and survivor achiev from CoH at same run so it's not so bad. Just elitist are like that... what is funny, cause really best players are like... 'I don't care of your build and level. Just do dmg/heal/tank. And let me do this in normal time'. And that's good thinking.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the "elistits" that throw fits like that are truly the ones wanting to be carried.
I have a 50/50 split with this. I got called a bad tank for having too much health by a DPS who had completed Vmol with Maelstrom ***, so.
On the other hand I've had people try to kick me doing damage when I was doing near 50% of said damage, so theeeeere you go.
ForsakenSin wrote: »So i would like to share something that happen few days ago
So there i was qued up for VWGT as DPS , after the 3rd boss somebody left and we had this 3 people a Argonian temp healer cp 180, tank 460, and a DPS cp 300 or so.
Due to people not having mic we got killed few times and then that is when it started the leader was cp 300 and he wanted to kick out the healer to which i declined and after 2 times we got killed we got on the mic and managed to finish it, we got to the last boss and things just went down hill, the Cp 300 dps was a leader every time he died and 80% of times he was first to go down kept on saying ohh great i died again , healer didn't do his job again , tank is not doing what he is supposed to do ohh we died again look at that ... why do i bother playing, i hate this i hate that over and over and over again when its his fault as he is getting killed and we try to ress him we get killed because of him .... it gets to you
Now after 40 min of trying to finish the boss and hearing all the negativity ALL the time like and i mean ALL THE TIME , it came to the point where the tank had to go and it was 3 of us , the cp 300 tried to kick the temp many times and they started fighting via text
Cp 300 kept on trying to kick the healer to which i declined, i asked the CP 300 the leader ... get us in que so we can get a new player... cps 300 said " not until we get rid of this !@#$ healer until he is gone im not going to que us in ... i can wait here all night i don't care and you can #$%# off as well if you don't kick him out i don't care i can wait " and i heard TV going on in the background .... i whisper that to the temp ... the temp said "its ok buddy i will go so you can finish this ".."i replied back i don't need to finish it i got close every monster mask i need but you dont" .. so there we were waiting for 10 min .. and still listening to cp 300 been negative and blaming others and healer... so ive done something i didn't do in a very very long time... i voted to kick him off and we did..
after few min later we got people joining and leaving we got 1 DPS after 15 min the same guy CP 300 joined !!.... and it was like nope ,no i can't deal with his negativity again so i kicked him out again and another DPS joined and we finished it like a hot knife thought butter.
After all this i spoken to templer and he was happy he got to finish the VWGT for the first time as he was only playing for a month and a bit , i gave him some pointers and crafted him full julianos set in light purple and made him destro and resto all in Hollowjack Motif staff no charge , LOL never seen/ heard somebody so happy in my life.
My question is has anybody else came across negative people that just do your head in?