Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
It's sweet you're giving me an affectionate nickname to project your feelings.
Maybe it's progress?..what name for you.. perhaps "Salt lick"?
Laffy Taffy, Freud gobbledygook doesn't suit your uneducated proclivities. I'd do some armchair,rudimentary English lessons prior to gussying up your language/trying to play pretend psychologist using century-old,debunked theory, tbh. But that's just me
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Careful you are 'slipping'. I am rather disappointed you didn't mention if you liked your nickname Salt lick.
I suspect your type of 'English' doesn't involve many u's in words but you are certainly a colourful character.
Also I appear to have cured you of your case of Haxitis as you haven't mentioned them in your last 2 posts.