"If you are quitting, can I have your stuff??"
"If you are quitting, can I have your stuff??"
"If you are quitting, can I have your stuff??"
blocking reduce damage taken by 50%, on top of armor resist.
and the reduction is further increased by s&b passive.
s&b ultimate says that it automatically blocks, but it only give the damage reduction, and does not prevent getting knocked down by heavy attack and other effects that can be prevented by actually blocking.
blocking takes very little stam anyway so i dont find sturdy useful. if the healer cannot help with my stam, a use drink instead of food.
i use leeching plate and that seems to heal very good. especially on stam class since the heal can make use of our weapon crit. leeching plate can have multiple AOE DOT(HOT) active at the same time, so it seems to work better than bahara curse.
blocking reduce damage taken by 50%, on top of armor resist.
and the reduction is further increased by s&b passive.
s&b ultimate says that it automatically blocks, but it only give the damage reduction, and does not prevent getting knocked down by heavy attack and other effects that can be prevented by actually blocking.
blocking takes very little stam anyway so i dont find sturdy useful. if the healer cannot help with my stam, a use drink instead of food.
i use leeching plate and that seems to heal very good. especially on stam class since the heal can make use of our weapon crit. leeching plate can have multiple AOE DOT(HOT) active at the same time, so it seems to work better than bahara curse.
rofl if you think blocking doesnt take a lot of stam, try tanking something other then 1 thing. such as in pvp try blocking when you have 6 players on you, full s/b passives, cp reduction, cost reduction enchants and sturdy and you will drain stamina like a seive still.