So this is a bug that has been in the game for a long time now but I just noticed something about it that might help in identifying the core issue. So what this bug is is that "sometimes" when you try to use the ability Fiery grip or its morph Unrelenting Grip it doesn't work. Its suppose to pull the target towards you and placing them in front of you, instead you get a message saying that the target is to high or to low for you to use the skill, this despite trying to do it on a flat surface. However, using a potion when that happens fixes it and you can now chain in your target to you. Using a potion has been a fix for many issues in the past as well, its kind of like a refresh button for some reason.
So what I have noticed is that every time we change our position significantly along the Z axis the problem seems to arise. Basically if you use a staircase or a large hill to go up and down you can't use the ability until you use a potion. That is why I think it happens so often in the White Gold Tower Dungeon, so many stairs. This has been a very consistent thing and I have observed this effect not only in multiple dungeons but in trials and delves as well. It seems like the players Z coordinates are not updated to follow the new location and there for when you try to use the ability it says you are to high or to low use the ability and then when you "refresh" with a potion it updates and you can use it. I hope this information will aid in finding a solution to this problem that plagues many Dragonknights, especially tanks, in helping their team crowd control enemies.
@ZOS_Day @ZOS_GinaBruno
Edited by paulsimonps on November 10, 2016 2:00PM