Just finished veteran maelstrom, got my chest, got my gold and quest completed.
Now i left to go in again. The area hasnt reset.
so i tried these things:
- logging off
- closing client
- change to normal enter, leave get veteran and enter
- enter another dungeon
- looking trough quest log for quests too leave(there is none)
I do belive i did not recieve a score either.
So now the npc are standing there like after you finished it.
I tried sending a support ticket but got a weird response, wich did not answer my question at all.
ticket Incident: 161109-000862
i did not bother responding as it will most likely be ignored like the other ticket i responded to a few days ago. Wich also did not remotely answer my qustion.
regardless this vma thing needs to be fixed while event is running.
My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming