Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Legends Inc is Recruiting! Noob Friendly, Ebonheart Pact, SemiHardcore PvP/Casual PvE Guild.

Hello, Legends Inc, is recruiting those players looking for organized pvp and pve groups. We are a semi hardcore pvp/casual pve guild, we strive to be the best, we will hold events for Emperor pushs, dueling, and the like. We will have constant flow of players doing dungeons and maybe even trials. We have a Discord server for constant communication, inside and outside the game @ Feel free to jump and say hi, if you have issues then msg IceKoldX on xbox for new invite code, if interested just let me know and ill get you all setup. We also have a club on xbox, just search Legends Inc.

New players, don't worry we want you as well, we can help with gear, crafting, experience boosts for faster leveling, dungeons, learning to pvp and so much more!

Want to watch live streams? Then join me @

Want to see some action on youtube? Then subscribe to my channel @
Edited by IceKoldX on November 7, 2016 1:38PM
Legends Never Die!
  • RickyTaylorIV
    Soul Shriven
    Reasonably new to the game and looking to join a guild! Would be happy to join yours if you want me? Gamer tag is: RickyTaylor VII
  • IceKoldX
    Sure, I'm at work right now but msg Guardian Lycan and let him know you want to join Legends Inc. He should be able to set you up. Otherwise, ill get an invite out to you in the morning when I get home.
    Legends Never Die!
  • Herelacfreahelm
    Just also wondering if the guild members help each other out and are respectful?
    I may be interested and most likely are able to play the game a few hours each week but try to be as active and contribute to the guild bank when I can.

    Also is there any weekly cost/payment required?
  • IceKoldX
    There is no cost or payment, its simple, we gear up together, we fight together, we die together. We are a pvp guild all in all with casual dungeons at times to get gear for more pvp. If you want trials and more pve dominance of a guild then Legends LLC is where u want to be. My 2nd in commanad gt: Guardian Lycan runs that guild. I run Legends Inc, and I'm leader of both.
    Legends Never Die!
  • IceKoldX
    We took the main guild and split it into 2 seperate guilds cause certain members didn't want to pvp or pve respectfully. So this way those that choose both, joins Legends Inc or both guilds. Those that want pve mostly but still want pvp joins Legends LLC or both.
    Legends Never Die!
  • IceKoldX
    For anyone looking to join us on Xbox one ebonheart side, feel free to send a xbox msg to IceKoldX requesting an invite and I can get u into either guild od your choosing and get you setup on our Discord server, its free to download and use for pc and mobile devices. It gives the guild a way to stay in contact outsode the game if they so choose to do so.
    Legends Never Die!
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