I'm sure the two-handed ultimate is just as OP as people were fearing it to be, but that The Meta has yet to catch up to how obviously broken it is. I mean, just look at all those scrubs in Cyro still running magicka builds and using the destruction staff ultimate! Someone should really tell them how bad it is, I mean, it's so obvious. They're really dragging their groups down out there, I tell you what.
Edit to avoid more magicka persecution complex: I'm not complaining about Destruction Staff ult, it seems like it's right where it needs to be. I was highlighting the inconsistency between the PTS navel-gazing and the reality in the field.
Edited by Recremen on October 30, 2016 4:51PM Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster