Nyghthowler wrote: »My opinion is that if we are already paying a monthly sub we should get EVERYTHING included with our sub, and not be nickel and dimed to death with a crown store and Gambling boxes.
If you don't pay a sub and play for free, go ahead and support the game by trying to win some super rare whatever.
I will not be purchasing any Crown crates; I don't care how cool the pixels are.
I agree people like the items on the store. People like to buy them.Deathgiggle wrote: »Nyghthowler wrote: »My opinion is that if we are already paying a monthly sub we should get EVERYTHING included with our sub, and not be nickel and dimed to death with a crown store and Gambling boxes.
If you don't pay a sub and play for free, go ahead and support the game by trying to win some super rare whatever.
I will not be purchasing any Crown crates; I don't care how cool the pixels are.
Why are you entitled to everything just because you pay a monthly fee? For your fee they already give you a ton of benefits that other "Free" players do not get. As an example, you get a craft bag which in itself is worth the 15 bucks a month. In fact I've had so many folks tell me that they don't wanna cancel just because they would lose that one benefit. Then they give you an extra 10% experience which lasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with your subscription. On top of that, they still give you 1500 Crowns a month so I think for your monthly fee you are actually getting a pretty great deal! I mean if a free player buys 1500 crowns he doesn't get the bonus xp for 30 days nor the crafting bag. He also doesn't get access to EVERY DLC which is another huge benefit of the monthly subscriber.
So, it ain't so bad that they offer some other incentives to make some profit for the company. You can say that you don't care about the new mounts but 90% of the people do care about mounts. In fact people are so vain about their games that they will pay absurd prices for a new dress, outfit, mask, etc. from the Crown store or just to make their toon look "cool." Mounts and pets are part of that mindset as most players want to look cool just standing around in the city waiting to run a dungeon or trial.
Go in game to a major city and stand near the traders and count the number of Crown pets and Mounts that come and go. Do this for 10 minutes and you will see the impact and the popularity of these items. If the majority of people didn't want them, there wouldn't even be a Crown Shop. The fact that there are so many running around tells me that people love these items. I for one, love to see new stuff added from time to time. As a person who at this point has done pretty much everything in the game, it is exciting to look forward to these little extras.
Deathgiggle wrote: »Nyghthowler wrote: »My opinion is that if we are already paying a monthly sub we should get EVERYTHING included with our sub, and not be nickel and dimed to death with a crown store and Gambling boxes.
If you don't pay a sub and play for free, go ahead and support the game by trying to win some super rare whatever.
I will not be purchasing any Crown crates; I don't care how cool the pixels are.
Why are you entitled to everything just because you pay a monthly fee? For your fee they already give you a ton of benefits that other "Free" players do not get. As an example, you get a craft bag which in itself is worth the 15 bucks a month. In fact I've had so many folks tell me that they don't wanna cancel just because they would lose that one benefit. Then they give you an extra 10% experience which lasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with your subscription. On top of that, they still give you 1500 Crowns a month so I think for your monthly fee you are actually getting a pretty great deal! I mean if a free player buys 1500 crowns he doesn't get the bonus xp for 30 days nor the crafting bag. He also doesn't get access to EVERY DLC which is another huge benefit of the monthly subscriber.
So, it ain't so bad that they offer some other incentives to make some profit for the company. You can say that you don't care about the new mounts but 90% of the people do care about mounts. In fact people are so vain about their games that they will pay absurd prices for a new dress, outfit, mask, etc. from the Crown store or just to make their toon look "cool." Mounts and pets are part of that mindset as most players want to look cool just standing around in the city waiting to run a dungeon or trial.
Go in game to a major city and stand near the traders and count the number of Crown pets and Mounts that come and go. Do this for 10 minutes and you will see the impact and the popularity of these items. If the majority of people didn't want them, there wouldn't even be a Crown Shop. The fact that there are so many running around tells me that people love these items. I for one, love to see new stuff added from time to time. As a person who at this point has done pretty much everything in the game, it is exciting to look forward to these little extras.
Deathgiggle wrote: »That's the fun of it though, the mounts will actually be "rare." I can't stand it when everyone has the same cool mount as soon as it gets released. When you see a Crown Crate mount you will know the guy either got really lucky or had to pay out the beejebus fot it lol
Plus I like the fact that they will switch up the crates for holidays and special events and put special items in them if you purchase one during those times. Just adds a whole new element to the game for people like me. I know some kids can't afford it but why punish us adults who want to spend a little money on a game? it is my main hobby after all. My father likes to bass fish and he bought a 25k bass boat and hundreds every year on fuel, baits, rods and reels, etc.
My Uncle likes to play golf so he bought a fancy golf cart, a custom made set of clubs and pays green fees and club dues throughout the year.
I love video games, so I bought a big TV, a PS4 and don't mind spending a little bit here and there to support my habit :P
There are many more like me out there, in fact I was kind of shocked to learn how many adults play this game vs others I've played.
Deathgiggle wrote: »That's the fun of it though, the mounts will actually be "rare." I can't stand it when everyone has the same cool mount as soon as it gets released. When you see a Crown Crate mount you will know the guy either got really lucky or had to pay out the beejebus fot it lol
Plus I like the fact that they will switch up the crates for holidays and special events and put special items in them if you purchase one during those times. Just adds a whole new element to the game for people like me. I know some kids can't afford it but why punish us adults who want to spend a little money on a game? it is my main hobby after all. My father likes to bass fish and he bought a 25k bass boat and hundreds every year on fuel, baits, rods and reels, etc.
My Uncle likes to play golf so he bought a fancy golf cart, a custom made set of clubs and pays green fees and club dues throughout the year.
I love video games, so I bought a big TV, a PS4 and don't mind spending a little bit here and there to support my habit :P
There are many more like me out there, in fact I was kind of shocked to learn how many adults play this game vs others I've played.
Yep. Either they got lucky, or they paid craploads of money for it.
I won't think, "Man, that is so cool.", or 'Wow, what a fantastic mount.". All I'll be thinking is "Oh man were they stupid." And then move on and not look twice.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »I paid OP 1500 crowns to make this thread
Deathgiggle wrote: »That's the fun of it though, the mounts will actually be "rare." I can't stand it when everyone has the same cool mount as soon as it gets released. When you see a Crown Crate mount you will know the guy either got really lucky or had to pay out the beejebus fot it lol
Plus I like the fact that they will switch up the crates for holidays and special events and put special items in them if you purchase one during those times. Just adds a whole new element to the game for people like me. I know some kids can't afford it but why punish us adults who want to spend a little money on a game? it is my main hobby after all. My father likes to bass fish and he bought a 25k bass boat and hundreds every year on fuel, baits, rods and reels, etc.
My Uncle likes to play golf so he bought a fancy golf cart, a custom made set of clubs and pays green fees and club dues throughout the year.
I love video games, so I bought a big TV, a PS4 and don't mind spending a little bit here and there to support my habit :P
There are many more like me out there, in fact I was kind of shocked to learn how many adults play this game vs others I've played.
Yep. Either they got lucky, or they paid craploads of money for it.
I won't think, "Man, that is so cool.", or 'Wow, what a fantastic mount.". All I'll be thinking is "Oh man were they stupid." And then move on and not look twice.
Dammit, people will look at me using the retired cosmetics I own like the High-Collared Coin Ball Gown or the Palomino Horse and think I'm stupid
Deathgiggle wrote: »That's the fun of it though, the mounts will actually be "rare." I can't stand it when everyone has the same cool mount as soon as it gets released. When you see a Crown Crate mount you will know the guy either got really lucky or had to pay out the beejebus fot it lol
Plus I like the fact that they will switch up the crates for holidays and special events and put special items in them if you purchase one during those times. Just adds a whole new element to the game for people like me. I know some kids can't afford it but why punish us adults who want to spend a little money on a game? it is my main hobby after all. My father likes to bass fish and he bought a 25k bass boat and hundreds every year on fuel, baits, rods and reels, etc.
My Uncle likes to play golf so he bought a fancy golf cart, a custom made set of clubs and pays green fees and club dues throughout the year.
I love video games, so I bought a big TV, a PS4 and don't mind spending a little bit here and there to support my habit :P
There are many more like me out there, in fact I was kind of shocked to learn how many adults play this game vs others I've played.
Yep. Either they got lucky, or they paid craploads of money for it.
I won't think, "Man, that is so cool.", or 'Wow, what a fantastic mount.". All I'll be thinking is "Oh man were they stupid." And then move on and not look twice.