I thought that perhaps once a guild reaches a certain number of people they should have access to a guild armory.
This would be an armory of crafted (possibly dropped as well, but that should be discussed) armor that is bound to the guild. Of course only certain guild members with access will be able to put in armor, take armor, and destroy armor.
Access To Armory: You are a trusted soldier and have access to the guild armory. Although you cannot destroy, deconstruct, or change the armor in anyway you may whatever armor is in the armory at your whimsy.
Guild Forge Master: You are able to put pieces in, take them out, and improve, enchant, and/or style reforge. (What is style reforge? See here:
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/299157/style-reforge#latest). As well as deconstruct and destroy armor.
Once you have bound a piece of armor the guild, it is only bound to the guild. Moreover, if someone takes it out it will never be returned unless they manually return it, even if they get booted from the guild.
Furthermore, all the armor is automatically coated with the guild colors and cannot be changed to any other colors.
Anyway, just a rough idea. Thoughts?