We've closed this thread for lack of constructive conversation. We understand your frustration but we ask that if you wish to express it you do so in a more productive manner.
@Wrobel @ZOS_BrianWheeler
If I am “more productive” than the 20 or so threads ZoS has closed, down, can ZoS at least in return be as thoughtful and productive in a basic “state of PvP, here is where we are thinking of going update” as I am in this thread?
In my humble opinion, I think most of the complaints by PvPers on this forum are a little overstated and with the exception of proc-set builds and those brave hardcore magicka DKs, there is
in most cases, a reasonably competitive balance out there. This does not mean I enjoy the near infinite sustain-high heal-high burst-high damage avoidance/mitigation that most specs can roll out in Cyrodiil. However, since it is not that difficult to make a build that does this (of course it’s quite another to play it effectively), I would attribute most deaths and defeats due to the player’s mistake or circumstance than to poor balance. In short, I disagree with most of the “Nerf X” or “X is cancerous build” threads and feel they are made from subjective and myopic frustration.
There is, however, one issue that needs
IMMEDIATE attention:
Multiple instantaneous high damage procs. There is no need to rehash what has been said for months. There reasons for addressing the issue now are many and obvious:
Most importantly, just 6 weeks ago or so on the NA server, both standard PvP campaigns were fully locked (Trueflame with a 40+ queue!) and even the non-CP one had up to three bars and was bustling with action. Now, 1 bar pops are so common except Trueflame, which I can get into without a que. I already farmed my gear. Multiple sets already. People aren’t PvPing.
This is a critical issue and needs the
entire ESO PvP community’s input. I know you work hard on your internal testing, but we’ve been frustrated with this for months. What if your well-intended resolution/fix doesn’t quite work out in the next patch? Then we will have to wait another balance cycle and thus will have been plagued by this proc meta that has driven some many away
for over a year!. For the love of the 8 divines, can you please recognize the importance of this issue and make an exception to your usual procedure of no-balance change without a patch and
let us help you out with the ideas you are tossing about by trying the most promising one you are thinking of on the Live server? Yes, please, please, please use me as a testing dummy: I would much prefer that to insta-dying one more time to a viper, velidreth, widomaker simultaneous proc.
And, I’m sure it needs not be said but this is so important that I’m taking no chance, the “solution” should not be to give magicka users the same ability to have their own ridiculous procs. In particular, I don’t find it healthy that everyone just goes for damage damage damage sets, but it would be at least bearable if these things did not proc at the same time on demand.
It's only October. Are you really going to make us suffer through this terrible mechanic for
months ... especially since we have already suffered for months! Please, please, please put for once be a bit proactive here and let us give you some feedback so Update 13 can roll out with a solid mechanic already in place to prevent proc set abuse. Why do we have to beg for this logical, efficient solution that 95% of your community desperately wants? It makes zero sense and begs for an explanation from Zos!
The simplest and easiest to implement band-aid fix that has been floated around is to add a global cooldown to insta-damage procs.
Just try it out please and see how it works out. If it doesn’t, then fine, we gave it a go and that way we’ll at least have narrowed down the options so that ZoS has more data to come up with something better for the next balance patch. If it does work, great, then that’s more time for ZoS to develop other areas and a better PvP for all of us starting today.
- It is not necessary to nerf PvE. Let’s not ruin their part of ESO for a specific Cyrodiil problem
- Thus make it part of the Battlespirit mechanic.
- I have no problem with DoT and debuff procs, leave them alone
- A global cooldown of 2 seconds is enough time for a player who is hit by a proc to recognize the damage and react accordingly before the next one hit. 1 second is not enough to react and fire off another action. I could live with a 3 second cooldown, though we have so many methods of damage mitigation/avoidance that I would deem anything longer overkill.
I am also of the belief that there are 2 sets that are particularly overperforming: the tremorscale and widowmaker. Tremorscale does way too much (AOE damage, almost on demand proc, high damage, long 70% snare) for a 4 second cooldown. Widowmaker can proc multiple times in rapid succession by someone who uses duel wielding:

The final thing I will say about damage sets is that they way better than the utility or even defensive oriented sets available.
There is no way this:

can compete with this: