Sellestrix vs Tremorscale vs Stormfist

I like to solo a lot of content on my tank (just to see if I can) and I was wondering which of these three monster sets offers the most damage and crowd control. Each seems to have a burst of physical damage and some sort of AOE damage/effect. I actually have all three... and I feel like Tremorscale gives the most damage. Sellestrix feels like it has the most crowd control and Stormfist is just cool as can be! Has anyone extensively tested these sets? Which would be the most preferable to use when soloing content and needing some CC?

Disclaimer: I have the other "meta" sets like Bloodspawn, Kra'gh, etc. I just want to hear people's opinion on the three sets in the title. Thanks!

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Savos Saren
  • Thraben
    Selestrix - but as you said, Storm Fist is just damn cool - and hits like a truck if you can keep its victims cc-ed.
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  • Jar_Ek
    Does it depend on class to some extent. Storm Fist synergises quite well with stam sorcs due to implosion and stam sorcs using dots alot for surge heals?
  • Rohaus
    Tremorscale hands down! I have been tanking with it in veteran dungeons. I almost always am pulling 20K+ DPS as a tank with Tremorscale.
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  • Savos_Saren
    That's funny. Of the three responses I recieved- all three are different.

    Here's what I gather:

    Stormfist would work well with a StamSorc tank because it synergizes well with a sorceror's "Energized" passive.

    Tremorscale seems to synergize very well with a tank who's using a Master's Sword and/or Knight's Errant set.

    Selestrix, overall, has the best CC since it can drop multiple enemies to the ground and stun them for a few seconds. Anyone have a suggestion of what race/class/armor set would synergize well with this monster set?
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

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    Savos Saren
  • notimetocare
    If you are melee, i love using selene.
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