That last post kinda missed the point of the thread.
IMO a good stam DK using lingering health pots is probably the strongest overall duelist. You need to find the sweet spot between survivability, sustain, and damage to deal with the huge burst some builds can deal, but with sets like Reactive, Draugr Hulk, Spriggan, Viper, Black Rose, the options are there. The ones I see actually killing people (not just stalemating) usually run 2h/bow.
leepalmer95 wrote: »
Pretty sure lingering pots are in most dueling tourneys on the grounds on being stupidly broken.
Not sure tourneys are the main point of discussion here. Dude was talking about a regular dueling circle where anything goes. I see people using immovable and lingering health pots all the time.
leepalmer95 wrote: »
Well it's hard to say whats good and bad in there if anything games.
Most stam builds just spam OP trap.
If you find a sorc using imov your not going to kill them.