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ZOS - Please Rotate Alchemy Writ Reagents

I have four characters that are maxed out in Alchemy doing the writs and in every case it requires Nirnroot as the reagent for completing the writ. The problem with Nirnroot is that it's not that easy to find, is not obtainable at all using a Alchemy survey map, and to top it off, the new Mara's recipe from the Witches Festival requires Nirnroot as a ingredient. All you (ZOS) needs to do is rotate the reagents so that writ completing is done by a different one each day until it starts over again. @ZOS_GinaBruno , please :)
  • Nestor
    Prior to 1T, I could easily keep up with Nirn for writs, but, now I rarely find it. I used to have an area that had 10 Nirn Nodes in a relatively small area, and 6 to 10 would be spawned. But, now I go there and I am lucky to find one.

    With Crafting bags, it only makes sense to rotate the reagents.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • helediron
    ZOS literally watered down nirnroot nodes. Now they give usually water. Obviously they want to create a chokepoint to make writs more difficult.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • Stormwalker
    Soul Shriven
    Another possibility would be instead of having alchemy writs require a potion and raw materials have them require a potion and a poison.
    i gotta say i must be doing something wrong.

    i have 11 characters running alchemy writs daily. have had for a while.
    I dont seek out nirnroot but do stop and pick it up when i hear it.
    I have four or five character doing the pick-up from DB requisitioner daily - always the toxin satchel which is frequently reagents.

    But i have 232 nirnroot in my bag now. thats after making about 400 mara mary drinks the other night.

    So my supply isn't getting depleted.

    How about a toggle which says "every time nirnroot comes up - take columbine instead?"

    cuz frankly, the fact that it takes that root is to me a blessing... its one i dont recall using outside of maybe writs.

    So making it rotate thru the other USEFUL ingredients... making it take my columbine, no friggin way.

    BTW even after 1t i see the root around a lot but it really seems like the noise has been dialed down so its not as noticable, maybe more easily missed.

    "With Crafting bags, it only makes sense to rotate the reagents."

    My crafting bag doesn't make columbine so... again no taking my columbine for nirnroot.

    Ok but seriously, are you suggesting this change only apply for those with craft bags or just saying it wont bother folks with craft bags so do it for everyone and let the non-baggers deal with it anyway? using having craft bags to justify a change to non-baggers as well seems odd.

    But lets see if i can help!!!

    Hey, any of you folks who are hard up for nirnroot and who want your columbine taken instead i will offer to trade up to 200 of my nirnroot for every columbine one for one to get you flush. if you are willing to let RNG "help you out", why not me?

    100 for 100... takers?

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Ashtaris
    STEVIL, are all your alchemists at max level? If not, then they are probably not taking Nirnroot but some other reagent. And really, I wouldn't mind them taking Columbine once in awhile as long as it was part of the rotation. Considering the amount of reagents that are available now, and every one was rotated, it might take 3 of your Columbines once every 2 to 3 weeks. I have a much easier time keeping Bugloss, Mountain Flower, and Columbines in stock than I do Nirnroot, that's for sure :)

    And no, if you look at the MM price of Nirnroot vs. Columbine, a one for one trade isn't exactly fair :)
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    STEVIL, are all your alchemists at max level? If not, then they are probably not taking Nirnroot but some other reagent. And really, I wouldn't mind them taking Columbine once in awhile as long as it was part of the rotation. Considering the amount of reagents that are available now, and every one was rotated, it might take 3 of your Columbines once every 2 to 3 weeks. I have a much easier time keeping Bugloss, Mountain Flower, and Columbines in stock than I do Nirnroot, that's for sure :)

    And no, if you look at the MM price of Nirnroot vs. Columbine, a one for one trade isn't exactly fair :)

    i know nirnroot for columbine isnt balanced - thats why i am offering it for those who WANT to keep nirnroot and are willing to lose columbine, lady smock etc to have it.

    How is it better to give up three columbine and keep three nirnroot to an RNG than to trade it to a player?

    Yet you scoff at trading it 1-4-1 with player but... you are ok with the same thing happening to feed an RNG columbine shredder?

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Ashtaris
    Columbine is usually easier to come by than Nirnroot in most cases. For example, you can get Columbine in a survey map. Show me one case where you get Nirnroot from a survey? And Nirnroot is only found at specific locations, near waterways. Whereas Columbine can be found anywhere in the open world. So as far as rarity goes, I would say you are correct to say that Nirnroot is rarer as far as availability goes. However, that doesn't always determine it's value.

    As you well know, Columbine is used in some of the best potions in the game. Can you honestly say that about Nirnroot? Nah, I didn't think so. Although Nirnroot is being used in that new recipe, I'm not exactly sure of it's value yet considering much of the same buffs can be obtained by other foods, unless you are a vampire :)

    Yes, even though a rotation would take 3 of our precious Columbines, I wouldn't mind that along as it was a fair rotation along with all the other reagents. 3 Columbines can easilty be replaced in 2 to 3 weeks time.
  • Nestor

    I would rather have a 5.5% chance to have to supply Columbine than a 100% chance to have to supply Nirnroot. Besides, I can always drop the Columbine requiring writ if it comes to that.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Ashtaris
    Nestor wrote: »

    I would rather have a 5.5% chance to have to supply Columbine than a 100% chance to have to supply Nirnroot. Besides, I can always drop the Columbine requiring writ if it comes to that.

    Of course nirnroot isn't in surveys. It's mostly useless outside of writs. Surveys tend imx to drop more of the better mats... no rusalla or white cap either.

    There is a reason writs more often take worse mats and more often pay out better mats... it just is boggling to want that changed to my way of thinking. There are about 9 reagents I use with regularity. If writs switch to suck them up in triples half the time cuz somebody is hydrophobic enuf to not harvest nirnroot that will not be a good change.

    Please zos, do not make this change. The folks happy using writs to convert nirnroot to useful is likely not small.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • AntMan100673
    No please don't do this.

    I keep the items required for writs in my bag (I don't have ESO+) so I can just pick up the quests and had them in without having to go to the bank each time. Adding extra reagents would take up more of my bag space.

    I do use more nirnroot than I pick up just through normal play but I've got a spot I hit up for 10-15 mins every 2-3 weeks that covers the shortfall.

    If you've got extra of other reagents you could always sell those and buy nirnroot instead.
    EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160

    GT: AntMan100673
  • Ashtaris
    Stevil, you are being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative without giving a valid reason yet that reagent rotation would really be a bad idea. Sure, it would take some of your valuable Corn Flowers, Lady Smock, Columbines, but only once every 26 days (26 reagents), perhaps longer if you consider that once in awhile the writ only requires a solvent. And like Nestor pointed out, you could always drop one writ if you were getting low on supplies. I've done that other times when I've gotten low on certain mats. So yes, ZOS, please make this change!
  • BenevolentBowd
    A few comments and observations.
    • Alchemy Writs have varying reagent requirements and rewards. For example, a lower writ tier rewards Nirnroot.
    • Alchemy hirelings would be an easier fix to help source more reagents
    • Pure water is more plentiful and is often treated like crawlers,worms and ta found in nodes: ignored. They will not spawn into something more desirable if you don't harvest them.
    • There are fewer harvesting zones and more people in the existing ones: more competition and scarcer resources.

    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow
    Website:BenevolentBowd.ca, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    Stevil, you are being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative without giving a valid reason yet that reagent rotation would really be a bad idea. Sure, it would take some of your valuable Corn Flowers, Lady Smock, Columbines, but only once every 26 days (26 reagents), perhaps longer if you consider that once in awhile the writ only requires a solvent. And like Nestor pointed out, you could always drop one writ if you were getting low on supplies. I've done that other times when I've gotten low on certain mats. So yes, ZOS, please make this change!

    OK @Ashtaris just let me point out, (again for you specifically) its not just about columbine.

    Columbine is just the most obvious flaw in the "take all my reagents not just the sucky ones" argument.

    Depending on what you do, likely about half the reagents are valuable. By VALUABLE i really mean USEFUL.

    Right now, nirnroot isn't really one i see many people using a lot of but hey maybe i am wrong. But its not like its selling for lots on the stores.

    So, yes indeed, you can elect to turn down every writ that uses valuable three-packs of useful mats... and have a better strock pile of nirnroot.


    taking the thre-pack mat burn from the relatively low value little used nirnroot to the whole gamut of mats RAISES THE COST of the writ alchemy system as a whole.

    Its like these people are saying "man, i hate that it takes dollar bills to buy me candy bars from the vending machines cuz i am running out of dollars" and so they are asking zos to switch it up and have the vending machines take fives and tens and twenties BUT STILL ONLY GIVE ONE CANDY BAR AND NO CHANGE.

    this is shortsighted.

    Does anyone remember when folks complained about how equip writs at tier-10 took voidstone etc and it was harder to find void mats once you were there so they said "hey please make tier-10 equip not use tier-9 mats"?

    Well they simply changed it to replace the tier-9 with the tier-10 and now in many cases the equip writs are not worth doing. You spend more on mats than you get back.

    Well, @Ashtaris., sorry but i will be argumentative about that mistake being made again.

    The argument here is essentially PLEASE RAISE THE COST OF ALCHEMY WRITS and the mechanism being proposaed is to use RNG to do it.

    I have a STUPID RULE which says "if i feel STUPID explaining something, its likely a bad idea."

    My BETTER RULE is even more obvious "When you see a problem, make it BETTER when you fix it" and see, @Ashtaris in this case they are making it (Alchemy writs) worse if they replace "takes 3 nirnroot" with "takes 3 RNG reagents" and that triggers my stupid rule etc etc etc.

    I mean, come on, with half a second someone could suggest a change like "At tier-10, allow master crafters to provide 6 of any mat instead of the three RNG mats" but noooo... everybody wants to feed their columbine, bugloss, blue e, namirs rot and so on to the RNG muncher so they can keep hoarding their precious nirnroot. Even at 6 of any you could spread the drain out among the many basically useless mats that you still gather quite casually.

    you could even decide to lose 6 columbine to protect your nirnroot stash.. though obviously only a few on this thread would take that route.

    just like in some cases you can feed the vending machine a 5 and get one candy bar and just leave your change... wait no they dont want to trade columbine for nirnroot if it goes to players, just to RNG muncher.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

    A few comments and observations.
    • Alchemy Writs have varying reagent requirements and rewards. For example, a lower writ tier rewards Nirnroot.
    • Alchemy hirelings would be an easier fix to help source more reagents
    • Pure water is more plentiful and is often treated like crawlers,worms and ta found in nodes: ignored. They will not spawn into something more desirable if you don't harvest them.
    • There are fewer harvesting zones and more people in the existing ones: more competition and scarcer resources.

    Actually, i use the Db supplier on like 4 or five dailies... and it provides a full variety of the reagents include the gold plated nirnroot - might be why i dont see the shortage others here may. But its basically a one skill pt that provides mostly alchemy stuff with the sometimes potions but IMXabout 2-1 are reagents and around 6, maybe 9 plus solvent and grease.

    fewer harvesting? Not that i have seen. Since 1t hit mats are still pouring in from my casual play. Supply exceeding demand.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Ashtaris
    Stevil, apparently you haven't done much shopping for Nirnroot lately. It's extremely hard to find in the Guild Stores, and guess why? BINGO, you got it! :) And when you do find it, it's going for a damn good rate now. I almost think you are one of those closet sellers, not revealing your true motivation while laughing at the bank :)

    And although I agree that before OT was released, doing the equipment writs was almost not worth it anymore. But now I'm seeing my mat stocks increase again. Mainly because the availability of tier 10 mats in all zones, an increase in tier 10 equipment drops from mobs, and an increase in quantities from the survey maps. Now if Nirnroot was this easy to get, you wouldn't hear any complaints.

    And I'm glad you are able to get Nirnroot from the DB supplier. Most of the time when I've used him, all I get is some crappy poison that I just end up vendoring. And although I didn't mind leveling up one character in the DB quest line, I don't think I could do it again for every alt that does Alchemy crafting, mainly because the DB just wasn't my cup of tea.

    One option for me is to respec and go to a lower level Alchemy tier so it doesn't require Nirnroot. But ZOS makes it such a pain in the arse to respec ONE skill line that it's just not worth doing.
    Edited by Ashtaris on October 19, 2016 7:20PM
  • summitxho
    how much is nirnroot going for? i have probably 400-450 of theses things, got so ridiculous that i stopped picking them up as i never used them, but i am almost at max level alchemy on one character so this is good to know, now whether to sell or hold....
  • Ashtaris
    summitxho wrote: »
    how much is nirnroot going for? i have probably 400-450 of theses things, got so ridiculous that i stopped picking them up as i never used them, but i am almost at max level alchemy on one character so this is good to know, now whether to sell or hold....

    The current Master Merchant price I have for Nirnroot is 103.11 gold each. The problem with Nirnroot is that it's hard to find in the guild stores. So you do a lot of searching just trying to find it, and most cases when you do, it's often overpriced.

  • bryanhaas
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    Stevil, you are being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative without giving a valid reason yet that reagent rotation would really be a bad idea. Sure, it would take some of your valuable Corn Flowers, Lady Smock, Columbines, but only once every 26 days (26 reagents), perhaps longer if you consider that once in awhile the writ only requires a solvent. And like Nestor pointed out, you could always drop one writ if you were getting low on supplies. I've done that other times when I've gotten low on certain mats. So yes, ZOS, please make this change!

    Why not just trade or buy the nirnroot? Seeing as it is a cheaper reagent wouldn't it be more cost effective keeping the more expensive reagents and using the cheaper ones?
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
  • bryanhaas
    summitxho wrote: »
    how much is nirnroot going for? i have probably 400-450 of theses things, got so ridiculous that i stopped picking them up as i never used them, but i am almost at max level alchemy on one character so this is good to know, now whether to sell or hold....

    I'm thinking maybe 50k for 200 should be doable, at least I would pay that much. Per https://esopricecheck.wordpress.com/alchemy/ about 159 gold each. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/277280/pricing-guide-xbox-na#latest
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
  • summitxho
    nice, gonna list some for sale in that case, keep some for my future writs so I hopefully don't run into this issue. I collected all this before 1T hit over my 3 characters the past year, never used it, guess it was just blind luck that I was a bit of a hoarder for alchemy ingredients. Coldharbor was always a good place to get it, would get 3-4 there every time, also found a lot near the ocean shores in Auridon. Now if I could somehow figure out a way to turn nirnroot into ninrcrux, I would be laughing, over 1000 pieces of raw material and hit it twice so far.

    you arr right, since my supplies are more than solid and holding.

    however, there are three things that can explain something not being in stores:
    1 - it is desired and rare - as you suggest is the case here.
    2 - it is undesired and not worth using vending slots to sell. Just looking thru 7 different vendors, i did not see ANY dragonthorn, emetic russala or luminous russala. Did see some white cap even which iirc is useful in some poisons folks like. Should i conclude that the russalal are valued and short in supply now that 1T is out and they aren't in the stores?
    3 A deliberate effort is being made to create a market effect, buy buying up large quantities at major vending sites so that soon it can be doled out at higher prices. (Its not unknown for such a thing to occur in ESO trading. threads about how critical the shortage is help too.)

    Also, on principle of PANIC BUY i dont buy most anything within a month of a major release. Seems a lot of frantic OMG shock and awe price gouging hits.

    But iirc a good number of reagents sell for more than 103 before 1T.

    but if its really sellable for 100-150 to even the higher tiers, might look to take advantage of some nervous nellies before ZOs gets talked into making alchemy writs more expensive by putting all the reagents on the cycle.

    thanks for the tip - might work out to sacks and sacks of gold before the sense becomes common.

    "I'm thinking maybe 50k for 200 should be doable, at least I would pay that much."

    Shame you are on PS4 - though i did see nirnroot in a 200 pack for like 59k just a moment ago. methinks i can undercut that by a large margin.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • bryanhaas
    STEVIL wrote: »

    you arr right, since my supplies are more than solid and holding.

    however, there are three things that can explain something not being in stores:
    1 - it is desired and rare - as you suggest is the case here.
    2 - it is undesired and not worth using vending slots to sell. Just looking thru 7 different vendors, i did not see ANY dragonthorn, emetic russala or luminous russala. Did see some white cap even which iirc is useful in some poisons folks like. Should i conclude that the russalal are valued and short in supply now that 1T is out and they aren't in the stores?
    3 A deliberate effort is being made to create a market effect, buy buying up large quantities at major vending sites so that soon it can be doled out at higher prices. (Its not unknown for such a thing to occur in ESO trading. threads about how critical the shortage is help too.)

    Also, on principle of PANIC BUY i dont buy most anything within a month of a major release. Seems a lot of frantic OMG shock and awe price gouging hits.

    But iirc a good number of reagents sell for more than 103 before 1T.

    but if its really sellable for 100-150 to even the higher tiers, might look to take advantage of some nervous nellies before ZOs gets talked into making alchemy writs more expensive by putting all the reagents on the cycle.

    thanks for the tip - might work out to sacks and sacks of gold before the sense becomes common.

    "I'm thinking maybe 50k for 200 should be doable, at least I would pay that much."

    Shame you are on PS4 - though i did see nirnroot in a 200 pack for like 59k just a moment ago. methinks i can undercut that by a large margin.

    I usually sell my dragonthorn for 800 each but make sure to keep 50 to 100 for my use. I do 11 writs daily most days so am sitting on a pile of flowers. I love the namira's rot prices 1k for one and i usually get 50 per week in addition to other things.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
    bryanhaas wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »

    you arr right, since my supplies are more than solid and holding.

    however, there are three things that can explain something not being in stores:
    1 - it is desired and rare - as you suggest is the case here.
    2 - it is undesired and not worth using vending slots to sell. Just looking thru 7 different vendors, i did not see ANY dragonthorn, emetic russala or luminous russala. Did see some white cap even which iirc is useful in some poisons folks like. Should i conclude that the russalal are valued and short in supply now that 1T is out and they aren't in the stores?
    3 A deliberate effort is being made to create a market effect, buy buying up large quantities at major vending sites so that soon it can be doled out at higher prices. (Its not unknown for such a thing to occur in ESO trading. threads about how critical the shortage is help too.)

    Also, on principle of PANIC BUY i dont buy most anything within a month of a major release. Seems a lot of frantic OMG shock and awe price gouging hits.

    But iirc a good number of reagents sell for more than 103 before 1T.

    but if its really sellable for 100-150 to even the higher tiers, might look to take advantage of some nervous nellies before ZOs gets talked into making alchemy writs more expensive by putting all the reagents on the cycle.

    thanks for the tip - might work out to sacks and sacks of gold before the sense becomes common.

    "I'm thinking maybe 50k for 200 should be doable, at least I would pay that much."

    Shame you are on PS4 - though i did see nirnroot in a 200 pack for like 59k just a moment ago. methinks i can undercut that by a large margin.

    I usually sell my dragonthorn for 800 each but make sure to keep 50 to 100 for my use. I do 11 writs daily most days so am sitting on a pile of flowers. I love the namira's rot prices 1k for one and i usually get 50 per week in addition to other things.

    not too sure your prices equate to PC NA prices. i have heard the console platform prices are higher.

    me, i got 1.4k dragonthorn in my sack. have to see how much i can market it for.

    thanks again.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • bryanhaas
    STEVIL wrote: »
    bryanhaas wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »

    you arr right, since my supplies are more than solid and holding.

    however, there are three things that can explain something not being in stores:
    1 - it is desired and rare - as you suggest is the case here.
    2 - it is undesired and not worth using vending slots to sell. Just looking thru 7 different vendors, i did not see ANY dragonthorn, emetic russala or luminous russala. Did see some white cap even which iirc is useful in some poisons folks like. Should i conclude that the russalal are valued and short in supply now that 1T is out and they aren't in the stores?
    3 A deliberate effort is being made to create a market effect, buy buying up large quantities at major vending sites so that soon it can be doled out at higher prices. (Its not unknown for such a thing to occur in ESO trading. threads about how critical the shortage is help too.)

    Also, on principle of PANIC BUY i dont buy most anything within a month of a major release. Seems a lot of frantic OMG shock and awe price gouging hits.

    But iirc a good number of reagents sell for more than 103 before 1T.

    but if its really sellable for 100-150 to even the higher tiers, might look to take advantage of some nervous nellies before ZOs gets talked into making alchemy writs more expensive by putting all the reagents on the cycle.

    thanks for the tip - might work out to sacks and sacks of gold before the sense becomes common.

    "I'm thinking maybe 50k for 200 should be doable, at least I would pay that much."

    Shame you are on PS4 - though i did see nirnroot in a 200 pack for like 59k just a moment ago. methinks i can undercut that by a large margin.

    I usually sell my dragonthorn for 800 each but make sure to keep 50 to 100 for my use. I do 11 writs daily most days so am sitting on a pile of flowers. I love the namira's rot prices 1k for one and i usually get 50 per week in addition to other things.

    not too sure your prices equate to PC NA prices. i have heard the console platform prices are higher.

    me, i got 1.4k dragonthorn in my sack. have to see how much i can market it for.

    thanks again.

    Yes from what I hear pc is much lower however some things are close in price on both platforms. Obviously if there is little dragonthorn being sold then what is sold can usually command a higher price.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
    bryanhaas wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    bryanhaas wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »

    you arr right, since my supplies are more than solid and holding.

    however, there are three things that can explain something not being in stores:
    1 - it is desired and rare - as you suggest is the case here.
    2 - it is undesired and not worth using vending slots to sell. Just looking thru 7 different vendors, i did not see ANY dragonthorn, emetic russala or luminous russala. Did see some white cap even which iirc is useful in some poisons folks like. Should i conclude that the russalal are valued and short in supply now that 1T is out and they aren't in the stores?
    3 A deliberate effort is being made to create a market effect, buy buying up large quantities at major vending sites so that soon it can be doled out at higher prices. (Its not unknown for such a thing to occur in ESO trading. threads about how critical the shortage is help too.)

    Also, on principle of PANIC BUY i dont buy most anything within a month of a major release. Seems a lot of frantic OMG shock and awe price gouging hits.

    But iirc a good number of reagents sell for more than 103 before 1T.

    but if its really sellable for 100-150 to even the higher tiers, might look to take advantage of some nervous nellies before ZOs gets talked into making alchemy writs more expensive by putting all the reagents on the cycle.

    thanks for the tip - might work out to sacks and sacks of gold before the sense becomes common.

    "I'm thinking maybe 50k for 200 should be doable, at least I would pay that much."

    Shame you are on PS4 - though i did see nirnroot in a 200 pack for like 59k just a moment ago. methinks i can undercut that by a large margin.

    I usually sell my dragonthorn for 800 each but make sure to keep 50 to 100 for my use. I do 11 writs daily most days so am sitting on a pile of flowers. I love the namira's rot prices 1k for one and i usually get 50 per week in addition to other things.

    not too sure your prices equate to PC NA prices. i have heard the console platform prices are higher.

    me, i got 1.4k dragonthorn in my sack. have to see how much i can market it for.

    thanks again.

    Yes from what I hear pc is much lower however some things are close in price on both platforms. Obviously if there is little dragonthorn being sold then what is sold can usually command a higher price.

    Not nec.
    Demand is key.
    If most people have more dt than they can use, no market exists for high price dt.

    I have never once gone dt hunting but i have over a thousand. You could not sell me more.

    Remember store slots like shelf space is limited. Makes no sense to slot things that sit.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • bryanhaas
    STEVIL wrote: »
    bryanhaas wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    bryanhaas wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »

    you arr right, since my supplies are more than solid and holding.

    however, there are three things that can explain something not being in stores:
    1 - it is desired and rare - as you suggest is the case here.
    2 - it is undesired and not worth using vending slots to sell. Just looking thru 7 different vendors, i did not see ANY dragonthorn, emetic russala or luminous russala. Did see some white cap even which iirc is useful in some poisons folks like. Should i conclude that the russalal are valued and short in supply now that 1T is out and they aren't in the stores?
    3 A deliberate effort is being made to create a market effect, buy buying up large quantities at major vending sites so that soon it can be doled out at higher prices. (Its not unknown for such a thing to occur in ESO trading. threads about how critical the shortage is help too.)

    Also, on principle of PANIC BUY i dont buy most anything within a month of a major release. Seems a lot of frantic OMG shock and awe price gouging hits.

    But iirc a good number of reagents sell for more than 103 before 1T.

    but if its really sellable for 100-150 to even the higher tiers, might look to take advantage of some nervous nellies before ZOs gets talked into making alchemy writs more expensive by putting all the reagents on the cycle.

    thanks for the tip - might work out to sacks and sacks of gold before the sense becomes common.

    "I'm thinking maybe 50k for 200 should be doable, at least I would pay that much."

    Shame you are on PS4 - though i did see nirnroot in a 200 pack for like 59k just a moment ago. methinks i can undercut that by a large margin.

    I usually sell my dragonthorn for 800 each but make sure to keep 50 to 100 for my use. I do 11 writs daily most days so am sitting on a pile of flowers. I love the namira's rot prices 1k for one and i usually get 50 per week in addition to other things.

    not too sure your prices equate to PC NA prices. i have heard the console platform prices are higher.

    me, i got 1.4k dragonthorn in my sack. have to see how much i can market it for.

    thanks again.

    Yes from what I hear pc is much lower however some things are close in price on both platforms. Obviously if there is little dragonthorn being sold then what is sold can usually command a higher price.

    Not nec.
    Demand is key.
    If most people have more dt than they can use, no market exists for high price dt.

    I have never once gone dt hunting but i have over a thousand. You could not sell me more.

    Remember store slots like shelf space is limited. Makes no sense to slot things that sit.

    True, on console demand is high but supply is low. There is plenty to be found but not as much to buy.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
    drat, after 24 hours my dragonthorn and columbine has flown off the shelf at the stores but the nirnroot is sitting there - even tho its a fraction of the price of the columbine.

    C'mon... where is this dire shortage of nirnroot when i need it?


    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Ashtaris
    I had already bought a stack before I posted so I'm good for the moment. Besides, I have no idea which guild store you use, there are quite a number of them in Tamriel you know :) And the popularity of one ingredient (Columbine, Dragonthorn) has nothing to do with the rarity of the other (Nirnroot).
    Edited by Ashtaris on October 20, 2016 4:05PM
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    I had already bought a stack before I posted so I'm good for the moment. Besides, I have no idea which guild store you use, there are quite a number of them in Tamriel you know :) And the popularity of one ingredient (Columbine, Dragonthorn) has nothing to do with the rarity of the other (Nirnroot).

    Oh absolutely. i dont think nirnroot is in demand as much as columbine either.

    i posted the nirnroot to test the claims - you know - experiment.

    See when this was stated:
    "Stevil, apparently you haven't done much shopping for Nirnroot lately. It's extremely hard to find in the Guild Stores, and guess why? BINGO, you got it! :) And when you do find it, it's going for a damn good rate now."

    implication being its not in stores cuz its being bought out as quick as possible for big bucks, i observed the lack of it in stores could be for at least three major reasons:
    1 - As implied its in high demand.
    2 - Currently part of a corner the market scheme by large scale traders.
    3 - its not in demand enough to warrant being put out there and taking up shelf space.

    So, simple test... post columbine (known #1 @high price), dragonthorn (some demand #moderate price) and then nirnroot (unknown @moderate price) to the same traders and see how they move.

    The other ingredients simply verify the vendors are being visited and purchased from by folks looking for even high dollar reagents. (have not had columbine or dragonthorn last a day yet - so bona fides of the sellers is established enough for me.)

    Either 1 or 2 should result in nirnroot sales quickly. if its #3 i am going to lose some listing fees but hey they dragon gold has already done wonders so no worries there.

    test still ongoing... will see what happens.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

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