Knightpanther wrote: »Is this Everquest?
Think it would be cool to see another class, but even a lot of these could be added to the current classes to vary up specs. Would also help if they varied up the classes a bit
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »
@Logun24x7 So basically an Enchanter? Enchanter from most other games could basically put other mobs/AI in a trance or under their control and fight by their side for a certain amount of time.
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »What exploits? @daswahnsinn
daswahnsinn wrote: »
I geuss ambushing into keeps or chain pulls into keep weren't that bad. I know there were more but not class specific. I just really don't see the need for more classes. Most of these ideas can be done in game now just under a different name.
I love hearing balance the game first, fix all the problems first..I'm going to assume you folks that keep repeating that haven't played many true MMOS. Here's a hint..they're never fully balanced and they will always have bugs. If the only way we're getting new skills and classes is for those to be perfect..guess what..we're never getting anything new.