No pvp in IC is fine you need to L2P
JungleBoot wrote: »No pvp in IC is fine you need to L2P
No, you need to learn to appreciate that not everyone wants to put up with PvP. To get some of the better gear and skills, it is forced upon you. So while all the awesome DPs spec'd players are trashing enemies left and right because they have the gear and items from things like trials and maelstron, the rest of just lag behind. And should you be so kind to "sell" your duplicates, you charge outrageous gold prices like 100k or -- I don't know 1 million like that is all everyone does is farm for gold to buy items out of reach.
I spent most of the day playing in IC today. I started with about 4,000 Tel Var stones and finished with a little over 5,000. Meanwhile, I hear other players in the group talking about how they have collected 4, 000. And yeah, they aren't dieing as much as me. I get that.
xskinzcity wrote: »So you dont want to pvp but you want pvp gear? Lol. Sounds you just haven't learned how to pvp etc.
85flyingbrick_ESO wrote: »That's part of the game. That's how it was designed. this isn't some secret thing. If you want to not die you have to not lag behind. not run solo until you are that good--few are. It takes time.
JungleBoot wrote: »Actually, I'm dying a lot from PvP. Why? Because looser 531s see a lone or lagging behind 201 and think gank time. And it's usually a NightBlade striking from stealth follwed by a DK critical charge and some other player's crowd control skill. So before I can react to anything, all my resources have been depleted and someone is happily performing their execution move. Or it's that lone NB at 531 or higher than me with that all so special gear that immobilizes me and just melts my health away. Meanwhile, I attempt to get some damage done to that player and their health bar barely moves. Yeah, I'm frustrated. But, it is hardly a fair matchup. Sheez, I need a freakin chance to learn before I can learn. And if all I am is gank food because of the so called "meta" builds everyone runs, I'll never get better. It's easy to sit their and say learn to play when you are always running around with your three friends and decked out in that all so special meta build. And I'm suppose to have an opportunity to learn when in those conditions? And that won't change by playing on Azura's. I'll still have to deal with the same "meta" builds. Al things being equal I could probably learn and get better. But as long as I am severly disadvantaged, my "learning curve" will be far more steeper and far more off putting.
Unsent.Soul wrote: »85flyingbrick_ESO wrote: »That's part of the game. That's how it was designed. this isn't some secret thing. If you want to not die you have to not lag behind. not run solo until you are that good--few are. It takes time.
OP needs to find a guild and run with some more experienced players. Listen and learn, see the motions, learn a build, learn your class. Understanding which classes use what skills, how to counter certain skills.
Being new and running solo in PvP is a sure way to become frustrated.
JungleBoot wrote: »To some degree it's about skill, I see that. But mostly, it's about the gear and number of 531s in your group. There is no room for new players to enjoy or experience IC. The experienced players roll alts and they do fine. But new players, we have no freakin clue about what gear to use or anything. And players are using exploits such as gap closers to camp faction doors and farm APs. It's total BS and highly frustrating for a player such as me who is never able to obtain that many Tel Var stones. It takes 25,000 tel var stones to get a 5 piece purple set. At best, I get to bank 100 or 200 ever so often. And when I do have a nice amount from traveling with a group, I wind up being the easy target for PvPers or get killed by flag bosses which always decreases the amount by half. Yeah, I die a lot. PvP needs to be removed from IC period. Give them a freakin arena for that nonsense. Give us PvE players a chance at obtaining some of these sets so we can at least compete. Otherwise, it's always the same "meta" builds facing the same "meta" builds. So much for playing the way you want to. Because you have to be set up in a certain way just to have a chance.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »I think people can sell those sets , can they ?
JungleBoot wrote: »Actually, I'm dying a lot from PvP. Why? Because looser 531s see a lone or lagging behind 201 and think gank time. And it's usually a NightBlade striking from stealth follwed by a DK critical charge and some other player's crowd control skill. So before I can react to anything, all my resources have been depleted and someone is happily performing their execution move. Or it's that lone NB at 531 or higher than me with that all so special gear that immobilizes me and just melts my health away. Meanwhile, I attempt to get some damage done to that player and their health bar barely moves. Yeah, I'm frustrated. But, it is hardly a fair matchup. Sheez, I need a freakin chance to learn before I can learn. And if all I am is gank food because of the so called "meta" builds everyone runs, I'll never get better. It's easy to sit their and say learn to play when you are always running around with your three friends and decked out in that all so special meta build. And I'm suppose to have an opportunity to learn when in those conditions? And that won't change by playing on Azura's. I'll still have to deal with the same "meta" builds. Al things being equal I could probably learn and get better. But as long as I am severly disadvantaged, my "learning curve" will be far more steeper and far more off putting.