surprised Magicka Dragonknights arsenal hasn't got more range to it, maybe this is where alot of their issues tend to spur from? since the only viable flame weapon they benefit from is a destruction staff and heavy attacking with one of those at close range will usually get the DK bashed.
surprised Magicka Dragonknights arsenal hasn't got more range to it, maybe this is where alot of their issues tend to spur from? since the only viable flame weapon they benefit from is a destruction staff and heavy attacking with one of those at close range will usually get the DK bashed.
How would that help when almost every dps ability for a mDK is melee or near melee range?
LinearParadox wrote: »I'm just going to assume the post above mine was a joke... a bad one.
Chains. Chains is the answer you're looking for. Gap closer, fairly spammable with a Mag build, and a free empower. OR, you can take the other morph and pull them to you, and if they don't pull (block, CC-immune, etc.) you STILL get the Expedition even though it REFUNDS the cost of the ability entirely!
I think Mag DKs could use a little tuning here and there, but they're nowhere near as bad off as people claim. They're tanky bruisers that, when build and played right, can output a substantial amount of damage while also being extremely tanky and cappable of huge self-healing and sustain. Sure, they're lacking burst but, think about it, that's the ONLY thing they're lacking. Give them that, and they'll have EVERYTHING. Classes need to have strong and weak points both for identity and to keep things from being OP.
Besides, ever been hit by the empowered second-strike of a Flame Lash by a Mag DK with high spell damage? I hit like 15K on the PTS. I think that's enough burst, thank you.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »Has anyone noticed how stone fist base is better than both morphs lol
LinearParadox wrote: »I'm just going to assume the post above mine was a joke... a bad one.
Chains. Chains is the answer you're looking for. Gap closer, fairly spammable with a Mag build, and a free empower. OR, you can take the other morph and pull them to you, and if they don't pull (block, CC-immune, etc.) you STILL get the Expedition even though it REFUNDS the cost of the ability entirely!
I think Mag DKs could use a little tuning here and there, but they're nowhere near as bad off as people claim. They're tanky bruisers that, when build and played right, can output a substantial amount of damage while also being extremely tanky and cappable of huge self-healing and sustain. Sure, they're lacking burst but, think about it, that's the ONLY thing they're lacking. Give them that, and they'll have EVERYTHING. Classes need to have strong and weak points both for identity and to keep things from being OP.
Besides, ever been hit by the empowered second-strike of a Flame Lash by a Mag DK with high spell damage? I hit like 15K on the PTS. I think that's enough burst, thank you.
Chains are:
1- Unreliable. Y axis killed the skill.
2- Expensive. Other gap closers for the same value do moar (stun, empower, snare, interrupts, always crit)
3- Almost no combo can be done with chains.
mDKs do not need a little tuning, they need a large rework. No mobility unles you are vamp, no tankyness unless you use heavy armor or shields (both shields), no range unless you use a staff, no spamming skill (whip is TOO slow), no burst heal, no cost reduction unless light armor, no cheap ulti (the options are standard, armor, meteor, barrier or horn... maybe soul strike next patch could fix that, don't count on destro ulti because it's crap)
A lot of people here has been playing mDK since launch and they can tell you how in bad shape is the class. The only good things mage DKs have are the passives, but even in that case, a StamDK has and advantage in that area. Leap is physical dmg, cheaper than most of the DK skills and uses the Battle roar passive
LinearParadox wrote: »I'm just going to assume the post above mine was a joke... a bad one.
Chains. Chains is the answer you're looking for. Gap closer, fairly spammable with a Mag build, and a free empower. OR, you can take the other morph and pull them to you, and if they don't pull (block, CC-immune, etc.) you STILL get the Expedition even though it REFUNDS the cost of the ability entirely!
I think Mag DKs could use a little tuning here and there, but they're nowhere near as bad off as people claim. They're tanky bruisers that, when build and played right, can output a substantial amount of damage while also being extremely tanky and cappable of huge self-healing and sustain. Sure, they're lacking burst but, think about it, that's the ONLY thing they're lacking. Give them that, and they'll have EVERYTHING. Classes need to have strong and weak points both for identity and to keep things from being OP.
Besides, ever been hit by the empowered second-strike of a Flame Lash by a Mag DK with high spell damage? I hit like 15K on the PTS. I think that's enough burst, thank you.
Chains are:
1- Unreliable. Y axis killed the skill.
2- Expensive. Other gap closers for the same value do moar (stun, empower, snare, interrupts, always crit)
3- Almost no combo can be done with chains.
mDKs do not need a little tuning, they need a large rework. No mobility unles you are vamp, no tankyness unless you use heavy armor or shields (both shields), no range unless you use a staff, no spamming skill (whip is TOO slow), no burst heal, no cost reduction unless light armor, no cheap ulti (the options are standard, armor, meteor, barrier or horn... maybe soul strike next patch could fix that, don't count on destro ulti because it's crap)
A lot of people here has been playing mDK since launch and they can tell you how in bad shape is the class. The only good things mage DKs have are the passives, but even in that case, a StamDK has and advantage in that area. Leap is physical dmg, cheaper than most of the DK skills and uses the Battle roar passive
Man this is like polar opposite of my experiences as a magDK in pvp. I fully respect your opinion, but it's just not in-line with what I do and see. I could give examples, but probably not necessary, as I doubt it would make much difference (no offense to you, just people generally don't give a lick of consideration for real examples - just immediately write it off as bogus and bunk).
LinearParadox wrote: »I'm just going to assume the post above mine was a joke... a bad one.
Chains. Chains is the answer you're looking for. Gap closer, fairly spammable with a Mag build, and a free empower. OR, you can take the other morph and pull them to you, and if they don't pull (block, CC-immune, etc.) you STILL get the Expedition even though it REFUNDS the cost of the ability entirely!
I think Mag DKs could use a little tuning here and there, but they're nowhere near as bad off as people claim. They're tanky bruisers that, when build and played right, can output a substantial amount of damage while also being extremely tanky and cappable of huge self-healing and sustain. Sure, they're lacking burst but, think about it, that's the ONLY thing they're lacking. Give them that, and they'll have EVERYTHING. Classes need to have strong and weak points both for identity and to keep things from being OP.
Besides, ever been hit by the empowered second-strike of a Flame Lash by a Mag DK with high spell damage? I hit like 15K on the PTS. I think that's enough burst, thank you.
Chains are:
1- Unreliable. Y axis killed the skill.
2- Expensive. Other gap closers for the same value do moar (stun, empower, snare, interrupts, always crit)
3- Almost no combo can be done with chains.
mDKs do not need a little tuning, they need a large rework. No mobility unles you are vamp, no tankyness unless you use heavy armor or shields (both shields), no range unless you use a staff, no spamming skill (whip is TOO slow), no burst heal, no cost reduction unless light armor, no cheap ulti (the options are standard, armor, meteor, barrier or horn... maybe soul strike next patch could fix that, don't count on destro ulti because it's crap)
A lot of people here has been playing mDK since launch and they can tell you how in bad shape is the class. The only good things mage DKs have are the passives, but even in that case, a StamDK has and advantage in that area. Leap is physical dmg, cheaper than most of the DK skills and uses the Battle roar passive
Man this is like polar opposite of my experiences as a magDK in pvp. I fully respect your opinion, but it's just not in-line with what I do and see. I could give examples, but probably not necessary, as I doubt it would make much difference (no offense to you, just people generally don't give a lick of consideration for real examples - just immediately write it off as bogus and bunk).
I do have great xp in PvP with my mDK running inside a group it is just nice. But when going alone, my carpal tunnels aches a lot. Yes, there are ways you can work your playing style (heavy armor, resto staff popping the bubble as much as posible) but it's very niche.
The thing is that changing to stamina, everything seems easier.
LinearParadox wrote: »I'm just going to assume the post above mine was a joke... a bad one.
Chains. Chains is the answer you're looking for. Gap closer, fairly spammable with a Mag build, and a free empower. OR, you can take the other morph and pull them to you, and if they don't pull (block, CC-immune, etc.) you STILL get the Expedition even though it REFUNDS the cost of the ability entirely!
I think Mag DKs could use a little tuning here and there, but they're nowhere near as bad off as people claim. They're tanky bruisers that, when build and played right, can output a substantial amount of damage while also being extremely tanky and cappable of huge self-healing and sustain. Sure, they're lacking burst but, think about it, that's the ONLY thing they're lacking. Give them that, and they'll have EVERYTHING. Classes need to have strong and weak points both for identity and to keep things from being OP.
Besides, ever been hit by the empowered second-strike of a Flame Lash by a Mag DK with high spell damage? I hit like 15K on the PTS. I think that's enough burst, thank you.
Chains are:
1- Unreliable. Y axis killed the skill.
2- Expensive. Other gap closers for the same value do moar (stun, empower, snare, interrupts, always crit)
3- Almost no combo can be done with chains.
mDKs do not need a little tuning, they need a large rework. No mobility unles you are vamp, no tankyness unless you use heavy armor or shields (both shields), no range unless you use a staff, no spamming skill (whip is TOO slow), no burst heal, no cost reduction unless light armor, no cheap ulti (the options are standard, armor, meteor, barrier or horn... maybe soul strike next patch could fix that, don't count on destro ulti because it's crap)
A lot of people here has been playing mDK since launch and they can tell you how in bad shape is the class. The only good things mage DKs have are the passives, but even in that case, a StamDK has and advantage in that area. Leap is physical dmg, cheaper than most of the DK skills and uses the Battle roar passive
Rainingblood wrote: »There are other skills I'd rather see fixed/added. *cough... execute...
Why would you use a staff at close range anyway? MDKs have melee, and light and heavy attacks at range are plenty for me to be able to do some damage, regen magicka, and build ultimate.
Change Stonefist to a DOT detonator if you knock down the target.