They need to delete this "Angry Unicorn Too" *** guild. First time I saw they spawned in Rawl'kha they were just selling overpriced Cheese and Lemons and nothing else.
puffytheslayer wrote: »AzraelKrieg wrote: »puffytheslayer wrote: »HA
US PC players complaining that tempering alloys costing 8.5k
xbox EU current sale price is 18K+
We get it. The XB1 economy is stuffed entirely. Just keep in mind that we have tools to see the average price is where you don't and when something suddenly goes up with no real reason to have done so, it's usually traceable. Also, PC players tend to have more gold because our economies are far more stable than the console ones but nevertheless, 8.5k for tempering alloys is ridiculous at this stage of the game. First few months after guild traders were introduced maybe it would be understandable but not 2 years later. If anything they should be around the 5-7k mark
give us time, we'll get our economy sorted someday, were still recovering from the PC transfers who spent 9 months killing pigs!
I dont understand. Whats the point of this whole monopoly? Some kind of sick fun?
This thread will be closed shortly, I'm sure, but I can't just pass without making the obvious statement:
Prices go up because of SUPPLY and DEMAND. There are way too many guilds and individuals that can post in those guilds / sell in zone chat for any type of 'cartel price manipulation' to happen. No one buying at higher prices is ever happy about such, but this is a free market and when supply is short and demand is high, prices WILL rise.
It's fun to make conspiracy theories, but use some logic and realize that no GM is telling 499 other people what to price their wares.I'm quite confident that if any GM tried such, that the outburst would make it to the forums and/or reddit with some hilarious details.
It's a side point, but i dont understand why anyone buys from the big city traders, prices are terrible. And as for buying Gold mats why would you? You can get them free with a small amount of effort.
It guilds are being ***, just adapt, and leave them with no income.
It's a side point, but i dont understand why anyone buys from the big city traders, prices are terrible. And as for buying Gold mats why would you? You can get them free with a small amount of effort.
It guilds are being ***, just adapt, and leave them with no income.
I dont understand. Whats the point of this whole monopoly? Some kind of sick fun?
This thread will be closed shortly, I'm sure, but I can't just pass without making the obvious statement:
Prices go up because of SUPPLY and DEMAND. There are way too many guilds and individuals that can post in those guilds / sell in zone chat for any type of 'cartel price manipulation' to happen. No one buying at higher prices is ever happy about such, but this is a free market and when supply is short and demand is high, prices WILL rise.
It's fun to make conspiracy theories, but use some logic and realize that no GM is telling 499 other people what to price their wares.I'm quite confident that if any GM tried such, that the outburst would make it to the forums and/or reddit with some hilarious details.
Peekachu99 wrote: »And this is why the current system is non-sustainable and just bad. A universal auction house forces undercutting and competition. Yes, there will always be money moguls who camp out, scouring the market boards for commodities to buy low/ sell high, but the antiquated search tools prohibit that somewhat, and the net result would be a better system overall.
I dont understand. Whats the point of this whole monopoly? Some kind of sick fun?
This thread will be closed shortly, I'm sure, but I can't just pass without making the obvious statement:
Prices go up because of SUPPLY and DEMAND. There are way too many guilds and individuals that can post in those guilds / sell in zone chat for any type of 'cartel price manipulation' to happen. No one buying at higher prices is ever happy about such, but this is a free market and when supply is short and demand is high, prices WILL rise.
It's fun to make conspiracy theories, but use some logic and realize that no GM is telling 499 other people what to price their wares.I'm quite confident that if any GM tried such, that the outburst would make it to the forums and/or reddit with some hilarious details.
Actually it's not that hard to manipulate the market. Mournhold is the main trade area for the Ebonheart Pack for Xbox NA. There are a few major guilds that are always there. Which means that "trade relations" or "agreements" can be easily formed between those guilds in dictating on prices. Since those guilds always have a trader in that area it would be easy for them to set up a monopoly. So really all it would take is just two guilds talking to each other. One will say that they want to sell this item at a certain price and they would like the other guild to sell it at the same price as well. When all the other guilds in the area see that prices have gone up in the other two. Then the players in those guilds think that they can sell them for that price as well and start doing so. To put it simple. People are sheep, they are always willing to follow someone else when they think they can benfit from it too with little work.
puffytheslayer wrote: »HA
US PC players complaining that tempering alloys costing 8.5k
xbox EU current sale price is 18K+
Seriously trading guilds making multiple versions just to manipulate market prices are getting out of hand. ZOS needs to introduce some market price control.
"Angry Unicorn Too" is NOT associated with "Angry Unicorn Traders".
They are just total *** that are trying to ruin a great guilds reputation!
When I saw "Angry Unicorn Too", the only thing they had for sale was overpriced cheese.
Stinky cheese... totally appropriate for Angry Unicorn Too!
AzraelKrieg wrote: »Rohamad_Ali wrote: »What are they doing ?
They pretty much exist to be a "trade cartel" along with a parent guild. However, unlike other "trade cartels" such as ESE and Etheral Traders, their sole goal appears to be gouging the prices of items to create inflation and skewing the data the addons like Master Merchant collect. As it is, I think Tempering Alloys have skyrocketed to about 8-8.5k in the last week alone which is bleeding through nearly every guild out there. Columbine was sitting about 350-400g a piece until a few weeks ago when it suddenly shot up to 550-700g a piece. Though them doing this is actually causing me and my guild to have good business mainly because we tend to stick to the firmer set prices, and I tend to sell below the price MM gives me meaning my stuff sells a lot faster in a location that doesn't have nearly the same amount of traffic as somewhere like Mournhold and Rawl'kha have.
AzraelKrieg wrote: »puffytheslayer wrote: »HA
US PC players complaining that tempering alloys costing 8.5k
xbox EU current sale price is 18K+
We get it. The XB1 economy is stuffed entirely. Just keep in mind that we have tools to see the average price is where you don't and when something suddenly goes up with no real reason to have done so, it's usually traceable. Also, PC players tend to have more gold because our economies are far more stable than the console ones but nevertheless, 8.5k for tempering alloys is ridiculous at this stage of the game. First few months after guild traders were introduced maybe it would be understandable but not 2 years later. If anything they should be around the 5-7k mark
medusasfolly wrote: »I don't understand why people complain about the prices of mats.
a) everyone can get them. They can be harvested, they can be obtained through writs, they can be obtained through the hirelings. Not using any of these methods is a choice. It's not as if guild traders are the only players that can obtain mats.
b) the market will bear what the consumer is willing to pay for. If the consumer stops buying, the price of the items WILL go down. If prices are unacceptable, then don't buy. Speak with your wallet. If an item expires, the smart trader will reduce the price.
As for auction houses, I think people spouting that the prices would be reasonable are being a bit unrealistic. From a buyer perspective, I'm sure that would be fantastic. But realize that in order for that to work, people actually have to SELL. If sellers aren't getting the price level to justify parting with their mats, they'll stop selling. It's hard to find a deal if there is no product for sale. When the crafting bag came out, there was a distinct drop in alchemy mats being offered. An auction house would only exasperate that situation. It's extremely easy now to just horde mats. There is no reason, other than profit, to part with them. If the profit gets cut in half, so does the motivation to actually sell.
And the price fixing? That's crazy talk.
medusasfolly wrote: »I don't understand why people complain about the prices of mats.
a) everyone can get them. They can be harvested, they can be obtained through writs, they can be obtained through the hirelings. Not using any of these methods is a choice. It's not as if guild traders are the only players that can obtain mats.
b) the market will bear what the consumer is willing to pay for. If the consumer stops buying, the price of the items WILL go down. If prices are unacceptable, then don't buy. Speak with your wallet. If an item expires, the smart trader will reduce the price.
As for auction houses, I think people spouting that the prices would be reasonable are being a bit unrealistic. From a buyer perspective, I'm sure that would be fantastic. But realize that in order for that to work, people actually have to SELL. If sellers aren't getting the price level to justify parting with their mats, they'll stop selling. It's hard to find a deal if there is no product for sale. When the crafting bag came out, there was a distinct drop in alchemy mats being offered. An auction house would only exasperate that situation. It's extremely easy now to just horde mats. There is no reason, other than profit, to part with them. If the profit gets cut in half, so does the motivation to actually sell.
And the price fixing? That's crazy talk.