The Boss Hunters is a companion guild to The Obsidian Guard, a much larger guild with over 400 members with interests in PvE dungeons and trials, and PvP sewers. TBH is an "all alliance" crafting guild founded by master crafters who are willing to freely donate their time crafting for the benefit of all guild members at no charge. We host regular events designed to aid crafters in obtaining motifs, rare materials, drops sets, accomplishments, and new skills. We are currently recruiting new members of all levels who are eager to learn, and help others.
The requirements for joining are simple. First, you don't need to be a crafter to join. We need tanks, DPS, and healers to help with trials farming. We also need farmers need who are willing to farm for crafting materials and donate them to the guild bank for the crafters. You'll need two available guild slots, one for The Boss Hunters, and the other for Obsidian Guard. We communicate using the Discord app on iOS, Android, Mac, and PC. If you are interested, please go to the Obsidian Guard recruiting post and ask to join:
Edited by GrimNoirKnight on September 17, 2016 6:10PM